#Loqi[Jeena] I would pay for a (open source) software like this which I can run on my computer, most of my photos never get published but I still want auto tags on them....
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkI'm guessing something having to do with not parsing the microformats on the page. What's the permalink for the comment?
miklb, doesntgolf, ehlovader, wolftune and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#KevinMarks_So dangillmor.me worked as an indieweb friendly clone, now getting to get dangillmor.com up and having dns and cert lags
#KevinMarks_Also, import/export is a pain in the arse, as it times out
#Jeenacweiske, I guess it's a bug somewhere in my code or the mf2-ruby parser, I do have this line in my code self.kind = "reply" if entry.respond_to? :in_reply_to which should mark it as a reply but somehow it doesn't right now
#LoqiJeena: cweiske_ left you a message 4 hours, 14 minutes ago: why is the "digikam" reply a mention on your site and not a reply? https://jeena.net/notes/754
#JeenaI should also start with the HWCs now that I'm back from vaccation again
#cweiskeJeena, is there a public test instance for the ruby microformats2 lib?
#KevinMarksI deactivated post kinds to get titles back
wolftune, tantek and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
#ChrisAldrichkevinmarks: the post kind "note" does hide the title. Go to yoursite.com/wp-admin/edit.php?kind=note to find them all and you can use the bulk actions to switch them to article (or other types) as necessary.
#ChrisAldrichmay take a few passes depending on number of posts. you could probably do it all in SQL if necessary too.
#ChrisAldrich(I'm presuming you're still helping with Dan's WordPress install from yesterday, btw.)
mlncn, gRegorLove, plindner_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]There are ~280 posts so a sql query would be better, but post-meta is a bit opaque
#Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indieweb.org/notification
#aaronpkDo many people get notifications of home page webmentions right now? I kind of thought that was a relatively under implemented feature
#gRegorLoveProbably not many. That's why I was thinking opt-in somehow.
#gRegorLoveAlternately, the opt-in process could let them specify a URL
#gRegorLoveSo it could just be a regular note post
#tantek"Gmail is temporarily unable to access your contacts" / If you see this error message, your contacts are temporarily unavailable. You might not be able to use Google Contacts, Chat, or Hangouts. We're working to fix the problem.
#tantekEmail a contact / You can still send messages to a contact in Gmail by typing their full email address.
#ChrisAldrichaaronpk: WordPress accepts webmentions of the front page from brid.gy. According to GWG, there's a filter for redirecting them, but I haven't gotten around to setting it up. I usually manually move them to an site/mentions page occasionally... I find them pretty useful though.
#KevinMarksIs this a js off problem? If you go to contacts.google.com can you see them?
#snarfedChrisAldrich: whoa, since when? my wp site doesn't accept homepage wms, and i think my plugin is up to date.
#ChrisAldrichIt's been a few months I think... or at least any time someone @mentions me on twitter, I get a webmention to my WP install via brid.gy
#chrisaldrich1tantek: roger wilco, though that post does link back to the "original" on the wiki in case there are updates...
#tantekindeed - though the wiki links to your post for the only drag&droppable version, which I figure most folks will use since it is the most convenient :)
#tantekonly found the bug (and fixed it) because I was selfdogfooding the bookmarklet this morning :)
#rasculchrisaldrich1 you can just say wilco, roger is implied
#GWGI am feeling like banging on the webmention rest endpoint again tonight.
#chrisaldrich1rascul, sorry I'm a child of the 70's :)
#tantekas long as you don't bang your head, sounds good.
#ben_thatmustbemeusing http://aurelia.io/ this time, most of the code it staying the same for back end stuff, it just cleans everything up in to sane classes and such
#Loqi[indieweb] "At #IndieWebCamp NYC2 I wrote an Instagram Single Photo Bookmarklet to more easily post from IG to my site: https://indieweb.org/Instagram#Single_Photo_Bookmarklet
If you use Instagram as a convenient way to post photos from your mobile device (e.g. I use my iPod touch) to the web, but want to re-use those elsewhere (like on your own site), you may find this bookmarklet useful.
In one step it will copy minimal URLs for the image .jpg, the permalink of the Instagram post, and the photo caption, replacing any series of IG-style ".(linebreak)" characters with a single linebreak.
It’s already simplified my own photo posting user-flow, making it faster by cutting out nearly a half-dozen previously separate steps. This increased speed (less time) to post a photo post makes feel more empowered to post more photos on my own site.
I added it to the IndieWeb wiki as an easy way to quickly opensource it with a CC0 license, much easier than going through all the ceremony (AKA overhead) of creating a git repo on Github, creating a new file, saving, committing, pushing, pulling, etc. etc. (the very thought makes me wonder why so many developers are so enamored of so much extra work / steps just to accomplish a simple publishing/sharing task. It’s almost as if they have a greater desire for the comfort of ceremonial steps instead of saving the time and getting more done — likely worth a separate blog post).
I got it working half-way through IndieWebCamp NYC2 day 2 "hack day", posted it on the wiki.
Within moments of doing so, @aaronpk tested it on Chrome and saw that it worked!
Soon after that, Chris Aldrich blogged it as well and provided a drag-and-droppable version in his blog post:
Since then I made one minor bug fix this morning (found while selfdogfooding it and using it to publish photos to my site), and one minor UI update to the prompt text. I updated the wiki accordingly.
In addition I'll share it here on my own site:
javascript:n=document.images.length-1;s=document.images[n].src;s=s.split('?');s=s[0];u=document.location.toString().substring(0,39);prompt('Choose "Copy ⌘C" to copy photo post:',s+' '+u+'\n'+document.images[n].alt.toString().replace(RegExp(/\.\n(\.\n)+/),'\n'))
There’s certainly more I can do to improve my photo posting user flow, and my personal site publishing user flow in general, but this was a nice step forward that I’m already personally benefitting from, and if you use Instagram to post photos, but want to also post them to your own site, you may find this bookmarklet useful too." on 2016-08-30 http://tantek.com/2016/243/t4/indiewebcamp-instagram-single-photo-bookmarklet
#chrisaldrich1gRegorLove: I received 3 of them in fact! Sorry, I'm "moderating" comments at the moment while I'm figuring out a way to cut down on other unrelated spam. Yours ended up in my spam folder. (So I'll also have to forward them along to the Akismet team as well...)
#snarfedenumerating the browsers and platforms is fine, but doesn't really change my decision process any
[emmah] joined the channel
#[emmah]hello ! i am doing research on ICT infrastructure in regions with low ICT investment. i'm trying to come up with a metric to measure continuity of connectivity without interruption. does anyone have any ideas of a good metric to use?
#rasculfor the most part, anything 2013ish+ will be fine
#rasculbut if you're not just targeting the last few years of desktop/mobile browsers, then obviously your user target expands, potentially to stuff that doesn't support sni yet
#[emmah]but i'm looking at internet as a subcategory within ICY
#gRegorLoveI saw an ad at the movie theater about facebook's solar plane / bringing connectivity to parts of the world that don't have much. That was a first for me.
#rasculi think that's the same article i saw, probably about a month ago heh
#rasculthis makes me ponder doing the same thing with a small solar powered drone to lock onto my signal and "beam" internet to wherever i am at the time
#rasculprobably too much work though, so i'll pass
#neilpdxrascul: with microwave and line-of-sight, maybe it will work