2016-09-06 UTC
wolftune joined the channel
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 01:53 KevinMarks1 so new feature on kevinmarks.com
# 01:53 KevinMarks1 it checks rel-me verification dynamically with indiewebify.me
# 01:54 KevinMarks1 those yellow question marks become green checkmarks
# 01:54 KevinMarks1 well most of them, it doesn't like flickr
# 01:56 GWG My new webmention endpoint is coming along nicely.
# 01:57 KevinMarks1 ah, no it's accurate, flickr doesn't have that link
# 01:58 KevinMarks1 (it's jquery flavoured because I hacked it from indeiwebify.me)
# 02:03 KevinMarks1 so, that tool was worth it - I fixed my flickr rel-me
# 02:03 KevinMarks1 weird how google plus is alway last to turn green
# 02:07 KevinMarks1 anybody else want to try it?
# 02:20 KevinMarks1 I tried it on Christopher Allen's site adn that still is borked
# 02:28 KevinMarks1 I am tempted to make this a browser plugin, but that might be a bit rough on indiewebify
snarfed joined the channel
wolftune, tantek, KevinMarks, tantek_ and snarfed joined the channel
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 05:18 GWG snarfed: I was experiencing similar issues, with the cron job not running. Got the same advice. Still had the same problem.
# 05:19 GWG Well, it is partly why I changed it.
# 05:19 GWG The Webmention Plugin uses _mentionme
# 05:19 snarfed wow, cool. anyone on FB, open your news feed, open up browser tools DOM inspector, and check out the alt text for a few photos that people uploaded to FB
# 05:19 snarfed they're running automatic object recognition on all photos. intense.
tantek joined the channel
# 05:35 GWG What do you mean by loopback in this case?
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 05:52 GWG Okay, I thought you might be speaking figuratively.
# 05:52 gRegorLove I didn't fully think it through before asking. webmention.rocks can't test that.
# 05:53 gRegorLove I'll just set up a page that links to some bogus endpoints and test with that.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 05:58 GWG I assume that aaronpk used standard unit tests for that
# 06:12 KevinMarks_ I run mention tech locally, the it can fetch from localhost on another port
tantek and cweiske joined the channel
# 06:42 Zegnat KevinMarks_, I like your little verify script. Is it OK to steal your idea of turning it into a browser extension?
# 06:48 KevinMarks_ If you want to do it, it saves me from writing it. Though if it gets popular, we may need to add caching on indiewebify.me
# 06:52 Zegnat voxpelli: yes, I want to test doing a WebExtensions based extension packaged for Opera, Chrome and Firefox.
# 06:52 Zegnat I also hear Edge is implementing WebExtensions, so that will be sweet.
# 06:53 Zegnat KevinMarks_: I was planning to try and write the extension so it would do all the checking internally, no dependency on Indiewebify. Will see how that goes.
# 06:54 Zegnat Indiewebify source is on GitHub, so I should be able to replicate its checks.
# 06:54 Zegnat Re mobile: Firefox for Android supports some of the WebExtensions API, yes.
# 06:55 Zegnat Though I think they have left out all UI based APIs, so you can't add buttons.
# 06:56 Zegnat I think DOM manipulation should be available even on the Firefox for Android side. But I haven't tried yet.
# 06:56 KevinMarks_ I like the idea of it showing ticks or crosses by the links in profiles on twitter
# 06:57 KevinMarks_ pours one out for the social graph api that dealt with chained rel-me
# 06:59 voxpelli (especially as my "Social Graph API" is more of an "Identity Graph API" as that limits the scope of the crawling pretty extensively)
# 07:00 KevinMarks_ Rel-me is core, but crawling following would be good too, especially when we need vouch
tantek joined the channel
# 07:02 voxpelli I did experiment with crawling a few steps of followings as well, trying to limit the distance from the queried identity to avoid having to crawl the entire net
# 07:03 voxpelli (hardest part is to come up with a good recrawl mechanism – that's where I got stuck, I recrawled everything once a day and that's too slow for sites in development and too much for stable sites)
# 07:03 KevinMarks_ Right, Brad being able to piggyback on Google crawl did make it easier
# 07:04 KevinMarks_ Maybe combined with push and webmention to gauge update frequency?
# 07:05 KevinMarks_ That was the Technorati trick - when the blog published a post, recheck the other links
# 07:09 Zegnat "showing ticks or crosses by the links" - like all those weird anti-virus link checker extensions?
# 07:11 KevinMarks_ Clearly we should find someone with actual skill to make verified and unverified icons
# 07:14 Zegnat It feels doable, but no promises. It would be my first extension in a while. Sounds like a nice evening project though.
# 07:14 Zegnat voxpelli, do you have a JS-based rel-me parser?
# 07:35 Zegnat I should not need mf2 for doing the rel checks, right?
# 07:35 Zegnat KevinMarks_, I don't think I can use DOM parsing on the pages I retreive. But maybe the WebExtensions API will surprise me ;)
# 07:39 Zegnat I'll be checking that out after work, thanks voxpelli!
# 07:39 Zegnat should find a job that lets him play with IndieWeb tech more
loicm_ and squeakytoy joined the channel
cmal, Zegnet and loicm_ joined the channel
# 09:29 Zegnet Looks like I should not have left ZNC just yet :(
mlncn, AngeloGladding, loicm_, keroberos, tvn, dkm, thebaer and Leeky joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
wolftune, friedcell and Zegnat joined the channel
# 14:59 Zegnat I just got home and rebooted my lounge service to get IRC linked up again. Lets see if it randomly fails again or if it was a one-off
# 14:59 Zegnat Now off for groceries, and then I think I might start on the browser extension
adactio, tvn, shiflett, friedcell, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:04 Zegnat KevinMarks, I am guessingyou will not be at IWC Brighton?
plindner and dkm joined the channel
cmal and snarfed joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:08 Zegnat KevinMarks, would you expect the extension to check every [rel="me"] link on every page you visit automatically, or wait for the user to press a button in the browser UI?
tantek joined the channel
# 17:12 KevinMarks_ Hm. Making it optional is a good idea. Press a button to start with. I do like the background idea, but it would potentially cause a lot of traffic, especially on my g+ page ;)
# 17:13 Zegnat The only problem, KevinMarks_, is that Fx for Android does not currently support add-ons that require browser UI :(
# 17:13 Zegnat But mobile is also where you are least likely to want it to auto-check everything
mlncn joined the channel
# 17:18 Zegnat That is going to cause some confusion, I am sure
KevinMarks joined the channel
rdesfo[m], M-rongladney and M-nd joined the channel
# 17:39 voxpelli aaronpk: just used that wysiwyg library for a thing at work, pretty neat :)
# 17:40 voxpelli Seems like Vox Media and the like use it as well, so maybe their famous Chorus is even using it
# 17:42 KevinMarks also ⎠is green on mac and red on android, ⌠is red on mac
mlncn joined the channel
# 17:44 KevinMarks which is why I picked ✔✖ to begin with as they are styleable (for now)
# 17:55 KevinMarks the idea of svg is you can just use :after with <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width=".9em" viewbox="0 0 40 40"><circle cx="20" cy="20" r="18" fill="darkred" stroke="red" stroke-width="3"/><path d="M 10,10 30,30 M 10,30 30,10" fill="none" stroke="white" stroke-width="6"/></svg>
# 17:56 KevinMarks or just append to the innerHtml of the link then you don't then need css to go with the code
# 18:04 Zegnat I am not sure :after would work very well, as it is extremely dependable on the page's own css. Much more so than just adding an IMG
miklb and mlncn joined the channel
# 18:23 tantek wonders if CSS/SVG hackery belongs here or in #indieweb-dev
# 18:27 KevinMarks it needs to execute code to work; having to include css as well is overhead
# 18:31 snarfed Zegnat: ok! they're just useful because they do it so you don't have to
# 18:32 snarfed tantek: for consistency i'd vote css/svg in dev, but i don't feel strongly
# 18:37 voxpelli snarfed: it's cool, been keeping my eye on that one for a long time, though it's more for science and prototyping than real world applications
# 18:38 voxpelli As they only release like monthly snapshots or something rather than recrawling frequently
# 18:41 tantek ok that's enough consensus I think to make it explicit for CSS/SVG code discussion -> #indieweb-dev
# 18:41 tantek !tell gRegorLove time for October HWC event pages? I have venue resereved for HWC SF in October!
# 18:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:42 bear do you mean for me to send my crawl data to them or for indiestats to be like them?
# 18:42 gRegorLove Sounds good to me. I just made some tweaks to URLs and text on recent HWC pages, so should be ready to duplicate.
# 18:42 snarfed we don't have a specific proposal or idea, they just seem complementary maybe
# 18:43 bear ah - they store WARC format - yea, I could pull down a snapshot and see what indieweb folks are in it
# 18:46 bear WARC is a web archive (Web ARChive) format designed to collect all of the resources that make up a web page into a single item that does not require any external references when opened
endi, snarfed and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 19:07 KevinMarks put <script src="verifynojq.js"></script> at the bottom of your page to get checkmarks
# 19:10 KevinMarks <script src="http://www.kevinmarks.com/verifynojq.js"></script>
# 19:18 aaronpk your twitter links to kevinmarks.com, not known.kevinmarks.com
mlncn joined the channel
# 19:31 KevinMarks hope I'm not stressing indiewebify.me too much with this. Who can see its load?
# 19:38 KevinMarks if I did make this a browser plugin, adding caching to it could be a good idea
# 19:39 KevinMarks though i suppose I could make my own endpoint with caching for that
# 19:40 KevinMarks anyway, known.kevinmarks.com epeus.blogspot.com and kevinmarks.com all have dynamic rel-me verification now
# 19:41 Zegnat I got a bit distracted by life, but you should get an extension to test tomorrow, KevinMarks
# 19:43 gRegorLove voxpelli: I don't run Node so not sure I can help with webmention test pinger. What I was wanting to test for is when I send webmentions, that the endpoint I'm sending to is not a loopback. Sounds like testpinger is for incoming webmentions?
# 19:45 KevinMarks great, Zegnat - if you want to use my svg icons you're very welcome
# 19:49 voxpelli gRegorLove: there's a test endpoint project as well that one can run locally and they're both standalone and can be used with apps of any language
snarfed joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 19:58 Zegnat KevinMarks, I almost need to scroll down 3 times the height of my mobile screen to get to your note on quitter
cweiske joined the channel
# 20:21 tantek KevinMarks I can't read your note on quitter because js;dr :P
# 20:22 bear grrr - I loathe with the burning fire of a thousand suns the sites that prevent me from using the down arrow to scroll
# 20:23 Zegnat bear, I have had sites stop me from using spacebar to scroll as well. Now that one I find infuriating.
# 20:23 bear the main text area gets the cursor by default so I can use arrows + pg[up|dn]
# 20:23 tantek notes that he does use left/right arrow for prev/next post
# 20:27 Zegnat Can I thank you for mapping j/k to prev/next, tantek? I love that.
# 20:28 tantek Zegnat yes! I vaguely remember it being a feature request a few years ago and I was like sure why not
# 20:37 Zegnat I am off for bed. I really like this rel-me-checker idea KevinMarks_. It warrants some work! But alas, tomorrow.
# 20:59 aaronpk weird! I had to click "interested" before it let me click "going"
# 21:00 KevinMarks_ Yes, I had that too. I think it defaults you to interested for your own event
# 21:05 tantek hmm, my Falcon UI should link to the docs on indieweb.org
# 21:15 tantek aaronpk - your generic OGP makes FB link-preview of your permalinks look like spamming
# 21:16 tantek aaronpk - let me know when you've fixed and I can update the share attachment
# 21:17 tantek well this is wrong for the permalink: <title>Aaron Parecki</title>
# 21:18 tantek since that's showing up in the top of the link preview
# 21:19 aaronpk not sure how it decided my bio was the main thing on the page
# 21:19 aaronpk maybe cause it's the largest block of paragraph text?
# 21:20 aaronpk you'd think the <footer> tag would tell it to deprioritize that content
# 21:20 bear mourns the loss of the S in SGML when HTML was spawned
# 21:20 cweiske github switched to two-color emojis for reactions
# 21:21 tantek bear, the "S" never really was more than in name, (open test suites, interop etc.) hence why HTML parsers started sloppy, then got codified in HTML5.
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:22 bear I was foiled by my own urge to be snarky in my response - only after posting did I remember that S in SGML is for Standard and not Semantic
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:24 KevinMarks following that rule that thinsg that call themselves 'Standard' or 'Simple' are protesting too much
# 21:32 aaronpk tantek: okay i fixed the <title> tag on my posts that have a mf2 "name" property
# 21:33 aaronpk it will take a lot of work to come up with something for the title tags that makes sense for other posts
# 21:36 aaronpk i think i'm going to have to *add* og tags in order for that to look better now
# 21:37 aaronpk FB might pick up a <meta> description tag too which is another option
# 21:42 aaronpk this falls under my "provide a plaintext summary for every kind of post" ticket
# 21:44 aaronpk cause then i'd actually have something to put in the meta description or og tag
snarfed, tantek, cweiske and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:58 KevinMarks ah. rel-me problem for my blog sidebar - the rel-me is not from the homepage in that case
mlncn joined the channel
AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 23:54 GWG I miss the good old days when I had a 386SX/16 and could tell what the speed was
# 23:54 Loqi misses the good old days when I had a 386SX/16 and could tell what the speed was too
# 23:54 GWG I should get back to Webmentions, I guess