#ben_thatmustbemetries to avoid naming arguements, you go down a rabbit hole
#cweiskeI had to add a mapping in my code for "photo", while audio and video work without mapping - you can just use the file's mime type's media string
#ben_thatmustbemeliving specs usually give a long lead time of changes. i'm not saying it won't change eventually, but its sort of the wrong venue for that argument i would think
#Loqi[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/H...
#aaronpkI do not know the history of how h-entry ended up with "photo" but it's a #microformats issue
#aaronpkbelieve me, I would be just as happy as you to have h-entry be using "image" instead of "photo" but that's not something I can just flip the switch on
#ben_thatmustbemeactually audio is only proposed right now, and video and photo are draft properties
#aaronpk(I often post things that are images but not photos, like screenshots)
#ben_thatmustbemetries to find that link to meaning of various property levels and changes in them
#Loqi[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/H...
#aaronpkwhose micropub endpoints respond to q=syndicate-to? I'm wondering if it makes sense to drop syndicate-to in favor of returning the syndication targets in q=config
#aaronpkoh hey i just realized i can check that myself :-)
#Loqitantek: sensiblemn left you a message 5 days, 1 hour ago: that i'm sorry for not RSVPing for the last MIT indiewebcamp before or during the event. i'm on there now.
#[benatwork]kevinmarks: Thanks! I might go to the one in lateish October. Although if there’s one in London, that’s where I’ll actually be, so I’ll probably go there instead.
Lana joined the channel
#[benatwork]For a custom domain to be useable for indieauth, we just need to add `rel=“me”` links, right? Is there anything I’m forgetting?
#[benatwork](Asking for reasons that’ll become clear later)
#[benatwork]And, er, apologies for Slack markup in the IRC channel
#tantekbenatwork PLEASE don't abuse rel=nofollow on those rel=me links if you can
#tantekseems to be a common silo anti-pattern, assume all users are guilty as spammers unless otherwise proven, and put rel=nofollow on their outbound links
goodoo and snarfed joined the channel
#[benatwork]In the hypothetical situation where I would lead the openness team and be working on web distribution for such a site, I would be vehemently opposed to nofollow
#[benatwork]and certainly if you were using your own domain, I’d suggest that nofollow never be used
#tanteknofollow, when Google et al pitched it, was supposed to be *only* for *links* in *comments* on people's posts, not the posts themselves
#[benatwork]yeah - there are strong reasons why, eg, wikipedia use it on user-generated content, but I agree that they’re an antipattern
#tantekbenatwork, on wikipedia, they have good data on why they can assume users are spammers until proven otherwise
#gRegorLoveHey, [benatwork]. Glad you'll be around more often!
#gRegorLoveKartikPrabhu: They have it for live streams :)
#KevinMarks__nofollow is a rel value meant to stop search engines imputing endorsement from a link. It has been overused by silos to keep SEO power for themselves rather than linked-to posts.
#tantekespecially given that we've iterated on it, live, in IndieWebCamps, with WordPress users, and without some direct benefit, were repeatedly confused about the IndieWeb plugin
#tantekalso, even as of December last year, there was no good easy way to setup IndieAuth / rel-me for WordPress users
#tantek(and that was with several of us "experts" trying to help people)
KevinMarks joined the channel
#KevinMarkshm, a webmention comment by me got marked as spam on Dan G's blog
#tantekso it was pretty clear that the very first thing a new-to-indieweb WordPress user needed was a *simple* way to get IndieAuth working, which made sense that the IndieWeb plugin should provide
#tantekKevinMarks if you put too many links (e.g. citations) into a comment, whether typed into a comment form, or sent via webmention/pingback, WordPress + usual plugins will mark it as spam or hold for moderation.
#GWGSemantic Linkbacks enhances the webmention after Akismet checks it for spam.
#tantekIs there anyway to bypass Akismet? It seems overly aggressive on "good comments"
#[benatwork](and I want to play with that plugin!)
pindonga joined the channel
#KevinMarksI haven't made a lot of fuss about ti as it is showing errors with case due to indiewebify.me
#KevinMarksalso there is an http to https issue that we're still debating
#KevinMarksand I wanted to give aaron a chance to recover from xoxo
#[benatwork]:slightly_smiling_face: the podcast studio he built was the coolest thing ever.
#gRegorLoveRe: the http/https issue, KevinMarks, I'm leaning towards an indieauth-specific test that is strict on that, and then a separate, general test for rel-me that only shows a notice if there's an http => https change