2016-09-25 UTC
M-hotzeplotz, rdesfo[m], arlen, tbrb, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, wolftune, jcgregorio[m], M-mxuribe, M-nd, M-rongladney and JasonO joined the channel
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, pindonga, ncollig and Pierre-O joined the channel
pindonga joined the channel
MartinTomes, adactio and glennjones joined the channel
Zegnat joined the channel
# 08:57 petermolnar_ but at least I have a "radical" idea that my photo posts will not contain anything apart form the photo files themselves - tags, description, title, etc, all of them should be in the image file
# 08:58 petermolnar_ hm... maybe except the publication date... I'm not certain where to put that
# 08:59 sknebel petermolnar_: I wouldn't be surprised if IPTC or XMP have a published field
tvn joined the channel
# 09:03 Guest6123 Jeremy kicks us off with a little talk
tantek joined the channel
# 09:19 Zegnat totally forgot to document what people want to do today
# 09:19 Zegnat I’ll probably do document all the demoing again
# 09:21 aaronpk It's on the livestream so it would be awesome if any of the remote people want to watch it and document it on the wiki!
# 09:23 petermolnar IPTC has create date, but in theory, that is for the creation date, and if there's EXIF, it's in tandem with it
# 09:23 petermolnar now we can argue that since this will be a post, so the create date is the post publish date
[alpower] joined the channel
# 09:25 aaronpk cloudflare ssl is kind of amazing cause you don't have to do anything
[ignaciodenuevo] joined the channel
# 09:29 tantek if you're not sure who is speaking, just create a new section with "???" for the name, and I'm sure someone here in-person can help figure out who it was
pindonga joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 09:47 [kevinmarks] I mean will the browser accept it - there isn't a redirect that blocks things got on?
# 09:48 Zegnat I am not a fan of cloudflare, I do a lot of browsing on public WiFi where I will use VPN. And cloudflare just gives me recaptchas on every. single. website. I try to visit.
# 09:49 aaronpk [kevinmarks]: oh, no it's regular SSL but they do sometimes throw up a captcha if they think you're a bot
sgreger joined the channel
# 10:12 Zegnat petermolnar probably has some stuff to add about CloudFlare too
# 10:15 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] #indiewebcamp hack day setback number 1: Ruby's DataMapper doesn't play nice with MySQL 5.7 *womp womp*
# 10:15 petermolnar nah, I just generally dislike having those rather invisible companies that are suddenly there everywhere, like CloudFlare
# 10:18 [robertbrook] enjoying the :musical_note: at 68 Middle Street
[robertbrook], tvn and kii joined the channel
# 10:37 kii what you do here? anyone active?
# 10:38 kii hello Loqi aaronpk
# 10:39 kii anyone from usa/europe?
# 10:39 [robertbrook] aaronpk bookmarklet posts working great here - thanks!
# 10:40 Zegnat kii: several of use are currently together in Brighton for IndieWebCamp
# 10:40 kii great enjoy Zegnat are you there too?
# 10:40 kii what you do there?
# 10:42 tantek kii - you have come to the right place if you want one!
# 10:42 kii explain me; i prefer safe; encrypted stuffs
# 10:43 kii what do you mean by indie?
# 10:43 kii i am from india; but we are called indian/s not indie!!
# 10:43 tantek kii - "indie" is short for "independent" in English
# 10:43 kii it will take time to load; i already clicked it; i am on 2g connection; tantek you can explain me if you have more time to spend with me
erikerskine joined the channel
# 10:44 kii what is meaning of it?
# 10:44 kii is web dependant on something?
# 10:44 tantek kii, in short, The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the "corporate web", where your content is yours, you are better connected, and you are in control.
# 10:45 kii which things? tantek
# 10:45 kii let us say if i am using gmail; am i part of corporate web?
# 10:46 kii how indieweb help me to get rid of it(gmail) then?
# 10:46 tantek kii - simple example, many of us (myself included) prefer to post on our own websites instead of or before posting to Twitter.
# 10:46 tantek A simple example is many of us prefer to post on our own websites instead of or before posting to Twitter. See [[own your data ]] for more.
# 10:47 tantek kii - indieweb work on private messaging is still work in progress. you can use Thunderbird instead of gmail though.
# 10:47 M-hotzeplotz installed plugin, hit 'Export to Hugo', got zip file with ~7MB of posts and assets in <1second
# 10:47 M-hotzeplotz now on to adding it to my Hugo repo and compiling!
# 10:47 kii thunderbird is encrypted? tantek
# 10:48 kii i have some keywords in my mind; but i dont know use/importance/defination of them
# 10:48 tantek but here we focus more on indieweb than indie-email
# 10:48 kii yes it would be good
# 10:48 kii if someone can create for new users
# 10:49 tantek kii - there's a great indieweb setup at withknown.com for new users - you can set it up on mobile also
# 10:50 kii i think all of you are web developers hence using technologies like php, drupal,ajaz, json, html, ruby/python/perl/c/c++/java(not sure about these)
# 10:54 M-hotzeplotz WordPress archive moved to Hugo (just not pushed live yet): 58 imported posts compiled in 140ms. WOW :)
# 10:54 M-hotzeplotz (i cheated - it was 148ms actually :))
# 10:54 Zegnat kii: you listed almost every possible programming language. So. Yes ;)
# 10:56 sgreger i wonder are there any peculiarities with the webmentions-plugin on wordpress when publishing a post of custom post type; regular posts send webmentions as desired, but i can't get it to work with my custom post type
# 11:00 kii is personal website a free?
# 11:00 kii including hosting?
# 11:00 kii indieweb provides free hosting?
# 11:01 tantek kii - you may ask "what is" for more information about a subject
# 11:01 Loqi Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/hosting
# 11:01 aaronpk sknebel: did you have any ideas on a name for that parameter indicating the group of resources the token is valid for?
# 11:02 tantek aaronpk you were going to check CORS for ideas
# 11:02 aaronpk that's essentially exactly the description of it though
# 11:03 kii tumbler is indieweb?
# 11:03 sknebel aaronpk: to me "scope" makes intuitive sense, but I bet that's overloaded with a different meaning in other specs, which would be bad
# 11:03 aaronpk sknebel: yeah, "scope" has specific meaning in OAuth 2.0 and since this is using other OAuth 2.0 terms we shouldn't use that
# 11:05 aaronpk hm, CORS doesn't seem to have much in common with this actually
# 11:05 sknebel aaronpk: "token-realm" or so? to make it clear that it is about the token, and avoid confusion with the similar but differently-specced HTTP concept?
# 11:05 aaronpk wow the whole 2.2 section describes exactly what we're doing with this
# 11:06 aaronpk resources on a server to be partitioned into a set of protection
# 11:06 aaronpk spaces, each with its own authentication scheme and/or authorization
# 11:06 aaronpk "The protection space determines the domain over which credentials can
# 11:06 aaronpk be automatically applied. If a prior request has been authorized,
# 11:06 aaronpk the user agent MAY reuse the same credentials for all other requests
# 11:06 aaronpk within that protection space for a period of time determined by the
# 11:07 Zegnat kii: you could use Tumblr for a "IndieWeb" website, but very few services "are" it by default.
# 11:07 aaronpk that actually is the definition of what this token is for, so I think I'm going to use it directly
# 11:09 Zegnat kii: sorry for the tech talk that suddenly popped up there. Everyone is excited over here in Brighton ;)
# 11:10 Zegnat The homepage at https://indieweb.org tries to communicate exactly what the IndieWeb is. It is not about where your website is (Tumblr? BLogger? WordPress?) but about how people have their own website and identity on the web
# 11:13 kii is indieweb covered under any certification/government?
# 11:14 kii how it will confirm that " Your content is yours"
AngeloGladding and tvn joined the channel
# 11:55 Loqi POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site https://indieweb.org/POSSE
# 12:26 kii thank god you are back Loqi
# 12:27 kii are your comminity active 24/7 as mentioned in wiki; i was reading your wiki; it is nice explaination there.
# 12:27 kii do you talk off topic discussion also in pm?
MartinTomes joined the channel
# 12:30 kii what is " permashortlinks"?
# 12:30 Loqi A permashortlink (abbreviated PSL) is a URL using a short-domain that expands to a permalink; on the IndieWeb, PSLs use personal short domains to expand to the same person's personal domain, thus minimizing the fragility often associated with shortlinks https://indieweb.org/permashortlinks
# 12:30 kii you replied before i put a question? Loqi
# 12:31 kii i mean at same time; how it is posible?
# 12:31 Loqi indie is short for “independent” and “independence” and is often used as a prefix to describe independent things or things designed for independents, such as indie rock, games, films, and of course, IndieWebCamp itself https://indieweb.org/indie
nikivi joined the channel
# 12:35 GWG Did I see a WordPress webmention question and a POSSE attempt?
# 12:35 kii Loqi: yawns onetime only/
sgreger and MartinTomes joined the channel
# 12:45 GWG sgreger, were you the one with WordPress comments?
nikivi and sgreger joined the channel
# 13:08 GWG How long till demos? Is it still on schedule?
# 13:11 aaronpk we're planning on demos at 4:30pm (2.25 hours from now)
# 13:12 GWG I want to tune in for that if it is tuneable.
[ignaciodenuevo] joined the channel
# 13:23 [ignaciodenuevo] Who said that would help with a small introduction to microformats?
# 13:23 [ignaciodenuevo] As my HTTPS is waiting until the DNS are changed I want to start with microformats if someone can help :slightly_smiling_face:
# 13:25 [ignaciodenuevo] Mabye tantek or aaronpk?
loicm and ben_thatmust joined the channel
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cmal joined the channel
# 13:58 [ignaciodenuevo] Thanks, I’m having problems due to my DNS propagation mabye
# 13:58 [ignaciodenuevo] Let’s wait more :disappointed:
tantek and [alpower] joined the channel
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glennjones joined the channel
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KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:40 Zegnat Demoes are starting, adactio is waiting for volunteers
# 15:41 Zegnat There were some problems with th convert between Drupal versions, like image alignments
# 15:44 Zegnat glennjones was inspird by the service workers talk on day 1
# 15:44 Zegnat breaking up HTML into segments and load that into ServWorker caching
# 15:45 Zegnat Demoing the javascript of the service worker on screen
# 15:45 Zegnat you can access caches directly from the page: window.caches
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 15:46 Zegnat storing snippets as HTML in the cache, then fetch that with the onpage javascript
# 15:46 Zegnat it means you can be much more efficient, and store a lot more than when caching full pages
# 15:47 Zegnat matching window.caches against a created window.Request. So the page’s javascript is emulating a call by the browser to the cache.
# 15:48 Zegnat service workers built the cache, but it is pulled out of the cache by usual javascript
# 15:48 sknebel (in the page, not in the serviceworker. saves on postMessage etc)
# 15:48 Zegnat Jeremy & Glenn are live spitballing about how it works now
# 15:50 Zegnat glennjones would like to create a script that you can just point at the DOM elements that are the “main content” and that way it could generate this entire caching system
# 15:51 GWG So, that is what petermolnar looks like.
# 15:51 Zegnat built an reader into wordpress that coul do RSS and microformat
# 15:51 Zegnat but shoul never have build anything like that inside of wordpress
# 15:51 Zegnat so he has been writing his own reader in python
# 15:52 Zegnat the reader parses hfeed/hentry or RSS entries
# 15:53 Zegnat extract all the URLs in the feed to webmention
# 15:53 sknebel -> static sites could use this on their feed to webmention others
# 15:54 Zegnat !tell petermolnar you should probably write up your own demo ;)
# 15:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:54 Zegnat I can’t actually steno type, so that intro went waaay too fast
glennjones joined the channel
# 15:55 Zegnat he built a micropub endpoint so he can use Quill to post to his website
# 15:55 Zegnat YAML front-matter is used, but the YAML parser cannot parse its own output
# 15:56 petermolnar sknebel if you find a good frontmatter lib for python that can read and write, please tell me
# 15:57 sknebel build a library to story arbitrary things in flat-folder + sqlite
# 15:58 sknebel HTTPS was easy since he uses uberspace, who provide a simple letsencrypt wrapper
# 15:59 sknebel creating config files for lets encrypt and then imports certs very easily
# 16:02 petermolnar sknebel I read that pyyaml is practically dead; no maintenance and no yaml 1.2 support
# 16:02 sknebel petermolnar: yeah, but it mostly worked.. until today ;)
# 16:04 Zegnat LinkedIn API would allow to post images, but he is not doing that
# 16:05 Zegnat Extension can post to different twitter accounts, LinkedIn does not support this because he has no use for it at this point
# 16:06 Zegnat The actual API is pretty easy and like Twitter’s, but the authentication hopping is hard
# 16:06 sknebel added highlighting for published posts in private views
# 16:07 sknebel needs securing: by default it is open to all users
# 16:07 Zegnat blog.schiessle.org - has a blogpost on protecting on shad hosting
# 16:08 Loqi ok, I added "https://blog.schiessle.org/2016/04/16/installing-wallabag-2-on-a-shared-web-hosting-service/" to the "See Also" section of /Wallabag
# 16:08 sknebel only saves content of page, wants to integrate in bookmarking flow that it also adds it to wallabag, evaluate in few weeks
# 16:08 sknebel working on u-bookmark-of webmentions, but didn't work with custom post types
# 16:08 Zegnat custom post type does not send webmentions at all, for unknown reason
# 16:09 Zegnat sebastian is demoing indieauth and protocol handlers
dkm joined the channel
# 16:10 sknebel (also working on node.js "clone" of indieauth.com)
# 16:10 Zegnat now using indieauth.com, but wants to run his own instead of aaronpk's ruby code
# 16:11 sknebel after login in own site, othr sites can't know log in handled
# 16:12 Zegnat (should ping him and get him to upload it on the wiki)
# 16:12 sknebel demo with browser with protocol handler, initial login is the same
# 16:12 Zegnat 2. it will install a protocol handler, if possible
# 16:13 Zegnat 3. different UI to inform the user how to install protocol handler
# 16:13 sknebel registers web+indie links to be handled with own page
# 16:14 Zegnat half implemented spec makes it hard to check if anything is set-up for a protocol
# 16:14 sknebel check if protocol handler is installed is not possible in browsers
# 16:14 sknebel opening protocol in iframe allows to trigger on the onLoad of the iframe
glennjones joined the channel
# 16:14 sknebel can't access content, but the fact that the url-type was known
# 16:14 Zegnat 4. going to a domain that would ask for indieauth
# 16:15 Zegnat 5. no need to enter a domain, the protocol check is triggered and it already knows your domain
# 16:16 Zegnat you can always see installed handler at chrome://settings/handlers
# 16:18 Zegnat The button, when indieauth protocol is detected, the button will send you to your own website where it will ask you if you want to login
# 16:18 Zegnat Clicking YES in the interface will instantly sent you on to IndieAuth
# 16:18 Zegnat The InieAuth flow hasn’t been changed very much, except that domain is taken through indie protocol
# 16:20 sknebel looked into laravel, but decided in break to keep jekyll page
# 16:20 Zegnat rebuiling everything on a completely new library turns out to be yakshaving
# 16:20 Zegnat Instead went through IndiewebifyMe for his site
# 16:21 Zegnat voxpelli of course thanked for his heroku app
# 16:21 Zegnat then he started looking what he could do for images
# 16:21 Zegnat Looking at jeremy’s snippets of PHP for photos from Twitter et al
# 16:22 Zegnat Saw Kirby had a webmention plugin now (yeey!)
# 16:22 Zegnat Now trying to convert Jeremy’s Flickr code into a Kirby plugin
# 16:22 Zegnat Downloaded all his Instagram pictures to be able to backfeed those
[alpower] joined the channel
# 16:24 Zegnat When you check if a link is archivd on archive.org, it is! adactio pinged them to back it up
# 16:24 Zegnat example is remysharp.com/2016/09/13/first-impressions-of-react
# 16:25 Zegnat another thing on the list is a bookmark-of webmention
# 16:25 Zegnat Under the post, it now displays as a bookmark
# 16:26 Zegnat adactio’s code is still xfolkentry, next to h-entry/bookmark-orf
# 16:27 Zegnat adactio made a new bookmarklet so he can prepopulate his bookmark making form with whatever he selects
# 16:28 sknebel (other people, e.g. aaronpk, showed that off yesterday)
# 16:28 Zegnat tag pages were split between the links and journal feeds
# 16:28 Zegnat now there are also tag pages that will combine both journal entries and links
# 16:29 Zegnat so you can see when a certain topic was actively talked about
# 16:29 Zegnat talking about PHP that creates his sparklines
# 16:30 Zegnat adactio’s sparklines are embedded SVGs generated by a PHP function
# 16:30 sknebel general todo: that wikipage needs code (KevinMarks_, adactio)
# 16:32 Loqi ok, I added "http://kryogenix.org/days/2012/12/30/simple-svg-sparklines/" to the "See Also" section of /sparkline
# 16:33 Zegnat display bookmarks that he was already storing
wolftune joined the channel
# 16:34 Zegnat Would love for ALL OF US to read the spec and comment
# 16:34 Zegnat After the spec ends, you just fallback into the usual webmention flow
# 16:34 Zegnat hopefully a very minimal addition to do token exchange
# 16:35 Zegnat spec is written interleaved what happens in order by both parties
# 16:35 Zegnat two seperate guides have been included, simply “this is what you need to do” to be one of the parties
glennjones joined the channel
# 16:38 Zegnat voxpelli: seems right, Loqi. But there is a redirect now
# 16:38 GWG Why does everyone keep mentioning their 'old' WordPress site?
# 16:39 GWG I'm eagerly waiting someone to talk about their 'new' WordPress site.
# 16:39 Zegnat he already pulled his older data into the new build
# 16:40 Zegnat ServiceWorker is running, so clicking links to his posts will still display the post without an intrnet connection
# 16:40 Zegnat next things to do: merge his actual front-presentd website with this new blog
# 16:41 Zegnat next step is documented also on *lify.com/archives/wordpress-to-hugo
# 16:41 Zegnat wordpress exporter might not always be the best way to go when moving to a new system (– peter molnar)
# 16:42 Zegnat Quill almost works, he is onto only having to add the endpoint now, auth is found
# 16:42 petermolnar that highly depends on the site size (nums of entries, media lib size, etc )
# 16:42 GWG petermolnar: As usual, I stand alone.
glennjones joined the channel
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# 16:45 Zegnat he has done a lot of it “in theory” but never put it on his site
# 16:45 jkphl GWG: Not completely. In fact, Jule and Isi are both running pretty new Worpress sites, but unfortunately we are at the airport already and miss the demos.
# 16:46 Zegnat only way to get rid of service workers is through the devtools
# 16:46 GWG jkphl: Shame. I just want more WordPress users involved in the community.
sgreger joined the channel
# 16:46 Zegnat add very short lifespans to the serviceworker
# 16:47 Zegnat how long should someone treat a service worker as good for?
glennjones joined the channel
# 16:47 sgreger GWG: i have my site running on wordpress and currently no intentions to change that
# 16:47 GWG sgreger: I want to see the code you added today.
# 16:47 Zegnat currently caching CSS files onInstall of the servworker
# 16:48 Zegnat working on 2 sites, but both were locally on localhost, and the workers got really confused.
# 16:48 sgreger GWG: I'll clean this up in the near future and write a blog post about it
# 16:49 GWG sgreger: Drop me a line in chat when you do. I've been working in areas that overlap.
# 16:49 Zegnat tantek isn’t really ready to demo, will be using aaronpk’s laptop to demo what is ready and deployed online
# 16:49 Zegnat sgreger: the new linkedin feature, is that already in your GitHub version of the plugin?
# 16:50 sgreger zegnat: nope. that github version is far behind, because spaghetti code. will update that along with the blogpost
# 16:50 Zegnat publishdate in the storage file is only storing the TIME part of DATETIME
# 16:52 Zegnat which means he can update the other views, and e.g. pull tweet IDs from the second storage file
glennjones joined the channel
# 16:55 Zegnat note: check if /Falcon links to storage files, then it is OK to link them for the DEMO page
# 16:55 Zegnat If not: copy an example HTML piece (possibly ask tantek to add those) to the demo page
cuibonobo joined the channel
# 17:02 Loqi ok, I added "http://www.kevinmarks.com/svgsparklines.html" to the "See Also" section of /sparkline
# 17:03 Loqi ok, I added "http://www.kevinmarks.com/joyofsparks.html" to the "See Also" section of /sparkline
tvn joined the channel
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KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:31 GWG Now we seem to be in the post-Indiewebcamp lull.
KartikPrabhu and erikerskine joined the channel
Gold, Ruxton and dkm joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:41 Zegnat GWG: there is no lull here, just some time off for food and drinks ;)
adactio, emmak and tantek joined the channel
# 23:44 GWG tantek: Can I pick your brain? You have a way of helping people put things in perspective. I'm only asking because I know how late it is there, and I can ask another day.
# 23:45 tantek GWG, I will try. It is 00:45 here in Brighton so I may be a bit slow
# 23:50 GWG I've been working on the same project since NYC2. A webmentions handler for WordPress that also takes over pingbacks. I'm close to the point that it is feature complete. And I was trying to use it as a proof of concept for integration into Core. I'm trying to decide the criteria for deciding it is ready for me to try to do that.
# 23:53 tantek certainly selfdogfooding for a while is a good idea, and having people send you both webmentions and pingbacks
# 23:58 GWG tantek: I'm almost ready to move from the existing pingback code in core and the Webmentions plugin to my own. I just am revisiting the display issue in a way I think would work for Core.