#bearnormally I do also, but it has aged enough to show signs that it soon won't start - I decided to not get a new one and use the laptop from my prior job (a macbook pro)
#bearI should probably give it to someone who needs a first laptop and get a new one
#ben_thatmustbeme whats going to be an interesting challenge for me, is that i get around CORS requirements by hitting my server first and that routes requests to wherever, but I want to add a preflight check at some point and if it has the ability to, have the app just send directly
#aaronpkthe app is restricted by cors stuff? I thought it didn't bother checking that cause it was running in a native app context
#tantek(just before going out to get food) - I wonder how many words I'd have to include from the beginning of a paragraph as an underscore delimited ID to create unique paragraph frag IDs across all my blog posts since 2002, thereby making them (partial) content based, rather than on order or nthness, potentially making them more reliable across content edits (start of a paragraph rarely changes as compared to latter parts)
#sebilasseI could also make sense to reuse existing etherpads. If Berlin would also have a for example "serviceworkers"-group they could first look if there is a "serviceworkers"-pad already and proceed under the "Brighton archived notice" so that the etherpad would always list existing sessions ...
#sebilasseProblem: Berlin venue capacity is only 40 and 40 tickets are registered already ...
#jkphlsebilasse: Well then, first of all: "great!". And maybe send out a newsletter and ask people to double-check their participation and release tickets if they cannot really attend (I guess only half of the registered ppl will really show up in the end)
#sebilassejkphl - Marc would do so next week. So - we should accept 78 tickets max. and don't do mass media advertising ;)
ricardokirkner, pindonga, mlncn, Erkan_Yilmaz, cuibonobo and Pierre-O joined the channel
#tantekhey snarfed - I hope you're having a nice Sunday. Since you've been such an early and innovative user / developer of webmention, could I ask you to file an implementation report or two for your WP+plugins setup, and maybe Bridgy too following the directions here? https://github.com/w3c/webmention/tree/master/implementation-reports
#tantekand it would be better to have the report completed by a "stable" setup than one that is "in flux" for the purpose of standardization
#tantekI forget when aaronpk is trying to get them in by, but soonish (week or two?)
#GWGtantek: pfefferle took some of the code I wrote and is trying to shoehorn it into the more stable plugin.
#snarfedthe one for bridgy actually took a fair amount of time, which sadly i don't really have in the next week or two. if it's time sensitive, maybe GWG or pfefferle could
#GWGSo, the cycle of development is: He builds something, I send a PR, he rewrites it. He takes a break. I write a different version, repeat.