#WebrockerHi y'all… is there a way to get/register/use a "nice" user name in the wiki? When I log in with my website, my username will be "Www.webrocker.de" (or, if I leave out the "www." Webrocker.de). I'd like to use "webrocker", (which is also the twitter account through which the authorization is established) but I didn't find a way to set/change the user name. Am I missing something? Cheers, Tom
#Loqicweiske: snarfed left you a message 4 days, 18 hours ago: instagram-atom *used to* use the API, but it switched to scraping a while back when IG basically turned off that part of the API, so it does include private posts now
#cweiskethe user page is automatically generated by mediawiki for all users
#cweiskethe template is made by you so you can "sign" things in the wiki quickly
#cweiskemediawiki templates are accessible via "{{templatename}}"
#cweiskeso people started to add nick name templates containing the avatar image and name and link to their user page
#sebilassecweiske: aaronpk: But there seems to be a bug if there is no template yet - also "fweil" had that and so we don't know who he pretends to be ;) We need to talk about that in Berlin - finished the code logic of IndieAuth-node. Thinking about "views" now. Progressive enhanced server-side rendered dojo2 or one of the thousands of other templating engines or consolidate or what ...
#sebilasseWebrocker: ^ + What happens when you logged in and want to create your template ?
#Webrockerthanks for the info :-) I now have a User: and Template: entry, nicked the markup yours' and joshi's entries.
#Webrocker@sebilasse @cweiske So there is no connection between template: and user: entry, only that as a convention one links to the user page from the template, right?
#Webrockerso the last piece in the puzzle is: if i am logged in to the wiki, and join the chat, can I "use" the wiki account? currently my nick here is freestyle, as far as I can tell (?)
#cweiskethe last piece is actually a 3rd step; add yourself to irc-people. loqi and chat.indieweb.org use the list there
#jkphlSo, another announcment for the late shift / people outside Europe: I'll organize a batch of IWC hoodies to be available at the IWC Berlin. Not attending the Berlin event shouldn't stop you from getting one! ;) All the details to be found in the Wiki https://indieweb.org/2016/Berlin#IndieWebCamp_Hoodies
#jkphlif there are more orders from the US, i could also send them with one package and someone distributes them within the US. would probably be cheaper ... (but no idea what the customs think about it)
#Zegnatjkphl: you should be able to, I guess, if Tollwerk is buying the hoodies and then reselling them. Tollwerk would order without VAT from the printers and then can forego when charging American buyers.
#ZegnatThough of course: I-am-not-your-accountant, etc.etc.
marcthiele joined the channel
#Zegnatmarcthiele is here, jkphl is here. If sl007 hadn’t just quit the entire IWC Berlin crew would be in the channel
#jkphlmarchthiele: Please ask your newsletter recipients to also release their ticket in case they cannot attend. Would be sad to lock someone out just because the seats are all blocked ...
#Zegnatwonders if he would be locked out if he just walked in wearing his IWC shirt.
#jkphlZegnat: yes, afaik all sales to outside the EU should be without VAT. but i'll ask about that again.
#aaronpkyes mozilla offices have a good video setup, but i don't know what it would take for us to be able to use it, you'd have to talk to the berlin office directly
#Zegnatjkphl, that’s also how I remember it, but I quickly dropped business administration in favour of macro economics so best to check with an actual accountant ;)
#sl007zegnat: aaronpk: marcthiele: We can use it. I emailed for details on FRI. The only question so far was if also want to stream via Mozilla Air https://air.mozilla.org - suggestion? I said there is a youtube channel to PESOS
#Zegnatsl007, can you actually “live PESOS”, or will YouTube just host the archival version?
begriffs joined the channel
#aaronpksl007: that's great! probably easiest to use their whole setup to reduce the number of moving parts. mozilla air will archive the video too IIRC
snarfed, sl007, Pierre-O, jmelesky, wolftune, gRegorLove, jkphl and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#tantekThis quote: "The first global computer network emerged thanks to capitalists behaving like cooperative socialists, not socialists behaving like competitive capitalists."
KevinMarks joined the channel
#KevinMarksyes, I thought that was very interesting
#KevinMarksthough I think what it misses is the idea of publication
#tantekMight be worth your time reaching out to the author, as one "think piece" author to another, inviting him to check out indieweb, perhaps even come to IndieWebCamp LA (or Berlin)
#tanteksl007, Zegnat, jkphl, marcthiele et al - definitely ask your Moz Berlin contact to setup and schedule AirMo (air.mozilla.org) for the duration of IWC Berlin sessions
#tantek(archiving each session separately would be good, and if they have an AirMo person there, they can start/stop the stream and save accordingly. AirMo archives in a variety of formats and is quite long lived - doesn't depend on a YouTube Silo, ads, takedown TOS etc.)
#ZegnatTo be fair, we don’t need to depend on YT silo either. We could mirror all the IWC talks on archive.org for free
#sl007tantek: done -3 h - mhenretty@mozilla.com got the ball. Waiting for back pass.
#funwhilelostHey, guys. I've been using Known for quite a while but they're diverging a little from my "solo" use case. My ideal world would be in a "headless CMS with webmentions and a built in reader". Anything new in that realm?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#tantekfunwhilelost: what happened to make you think they were diverging from a solo use case? just curious
#funwhilelostThey made some public announcements on their Google Group that they're focused on education use-cases and they're committing most of their resources to that because it's profitable.
#funwhilelostThey're making white-labeled Known communities for classrooms or special interest groups.
#funwhilelostfwiw I've been waiting for "official" announcements of a new version and haven't seen one since 0.9.2 in April - which broke a couple extensions I like (Tracks and Markdown).
#tantekfunwhilelost: I expect that Known will continue to support the solo use-case, if for no other reason than co-creator benwerd uses it himself for himself on his personal site werd.io
#LoqiAccelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a Google-led project that speeds up a subset of HTML through caching and dependencies on google: https://indieweb.org/AMP
#tantekKevinMarks_: ^^^ add to a Criticism section please!
marcthiele joined the channel
#tantekSounds like it might be time for a "Google AMP: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly" blog post
#tantek(e.g. good: no JS bloat, bad: stealing traffic see above, ugly: JSONLD data islands)
#tantekaaronpk - oh boy - you missed the whole debate on github where the AMP "deciders" chose to make JSONLD the only way to put metadata into AMP pages
#Zegnatben_thatmustbeme, you have a FB message link using the FB protocol on your site. Does that protocol still work?
#tantekthere's some weird JSONLD politicking going on in Google Search circles, where somehow they lost the institutional memory of how complex invisible metadata = bad/spam/broken/obsolete data
#tantekbut yeah, the "serving from Google Cache, not your server" is a good reason to avoid AMP
#tantekmight want to ping adactio about that (I think he supports AMP variants of his pages)
#ZegnatDidn’t KevinMarks also experiment with AMP versions?
#aaronpkthat's not necessarily bad. like the author mentions, it takes load off his server.
#tantekI expect we'll see a growing amount of AMP metadata errors accordingly
#tantekkevinmarks, they can reopen anything for any new version, and you should expect folks that spend more time emailing / issueing (than building) to do so
#tantekgRegorLove: yup, that github issue - I stopped after I explicit gave objective (fact based) critical feedback, was tone-policed in response, called out the tone-policing, was told "will strictly enforce a be-excellent-to-each-other code-of-conduct" which Interpreted as "here at Google all we really want are polite yes-men" and just gave up further responding.
#gRegorLoveThat's funny about irc-people not updating. Someone else recently didn't have their photo showing up even though they were listed; that explains it.