#Loqitantek: ChrisAldrich left you a message 2 days, 22 hours ago: Thanks for the marginalia tip; I think KartikPrabhu's post was part of what got me on that itch to begin with. I've been working in the cross between ebooks and web for a bit and hope to implement something like what he's outlined shortly.
#tantekgreat - maybe we can talk marginalia progress at IWC LA!
#tantekhello gRegorLove! I have just created HWC event wiki event pages for the rest of the year. Could you double-check them for me? E.g. default expected venues etc.
#gRegorLoveKevinMarks: I haven't kept up with fragmention re: double-hash or not. I use the Chrome plugin and it still generated double-hash links. Maybe it should be udpated?
mlncn_ joined the channel
#gRegorLovetantek: Hm, which did you copy from? Bellinghams is off for the rest of the year most likely; think I updated the latest HWC page with that commented out.
frzn, KevinMarks, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks_ and Pierre-O joined the channel
#aaronpkhey everyone! it looks like Webmention will reach the next stage in the W3C process very soon! This will likely include an announcement by the W3C! If you haven't yet submitted a Webmention implementation report, now's your chance to do so before the announcement!
#ChrisAldrichHe is somewhat regularly in the evenings LA time.
#ChrisAldrichtell! angelogladding I'm putting a pin in HWC on Wednesday (and Srikanth just had his baby, so Yahoo! is out for a minute) in anticipation for IWC LA this weekend. If you want to do Wednesday, put the details together and I can POSSE to the usual silos for you if necessary. :)
#ChrisAldrichHas anyone tried to do a virtual/streaming/online video HWC before for the people outside of the city centers?
#ChrisAldrich!tell angelogladding I'm putting a pin in HWC on Wednesday (and Srikanth just had his baby, so Yahoo! is out for a minute) in anticipation for IWC LA this weekend. If you want to do Wednesday, put the details together and I can POSSE to the usual silos for you if necessary. :)
#ChrisAldrichI think we should be alright with the IWC portion, but was curious if there was any demand for an online/virtual version of HWC for people in the banlieues
#gRegorLoveHi, ChrisAldrich. I filled in https://indieweb.org/2016/LA/Schedule based on the schedule and past events. Wasn't sure if there's going to be a "Getting Started" session, but it's linked (think that was from the Summit this year)
#gRegorLoveFor the session grid, I have commented out wiki links, so it should be relatively easy to drop in the session hashtag and name, and have wiki / etherpad links ready to go
#ChrisAldrichGWG: I think I could arrange a reasonably well-wired room here in LA to broadcast from with a few people and we could/should try a few for those in cities without a presence.
#ChrisAldrichGWG: Let's be sure to discuss it at camp.
#ChrisAldrichIf you haven't RSVPd for IWC LA and plan to attend in person, please be sure to do so shortly so we'll have a better headcount for ordering food before the weekend.