2016-11-02 UTC
snarfed joined the channel
pindonga, wolftune, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, leg, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 04:18 GWG Looking forward to the coming days?
# 04:26 tantek GWG, looking forward to your Webmention implementation report for your WordPress plugin!
# 04:27 GWG tantek: The one I wrote or the one I contribute to that pfefferle initiated?
# 04:27 GWG A lot of the changes I made in my reimplementation, pfefferle is merging into the current one
# 04:27 tantek GWG, the one you are running on your site *right now*
# 04:27 GWG tantek: I'm still running the pfefferle branch
# 04:28 tantek GWG, that should be fine, just label the implementation report accordingly
# 04:28 GWG To be honest, when he asked for a PR for the changes, I thought we'd have a new stable version soon, so I put off the report.
# 04:29 tantek GWG, I too put off the report too long, trying to get more functionality into Falcon
# 04:29 tantek but the time has come to pull the trigger as it were. Webmention is a Proposed Recommendation
# 04:29 tantek which means you should file a report on whatever you have running live on your site *now*
# 04:29 GWG But either way, I'm off to LA tomorrow night. I'll see when I get there about writing the report on the soon to be released stable one.
# 04:29 tantek GWG, start with writing the report on what is running on your site now
# 04:30 tantek you can update it later to the "soon to be released stable one" when it is released and you're running it
# 04:30 GWG Well, not sure I can write it on the plane. If not, Thursday night is open.
# 04:31 tantek GWG, it should literally take you minutes, like under 15min
# 04:32 GWG I'm heading to bed in a few. Then work all day, fly all night, collapse into Pacific time, then a tour on Thursday at 11AM.
# 04:32 GWG I really need to relax more on my time off.
# 04:34 GWG Indieweb stuff is relaxing for me sometimes.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 04:57 snarfed GWG++ in advance for doing a wm implementation report!
# 04:57 Loqi gwg has 172 karma in this channel (187 overall)
# 04:57 GWG snarfed: You are actually running a later version on your site. But either way, I'll try to write it
# 04:58 snarfed GWG: easy to downgrade, i'd be happy to run any version that works!
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 05:06 KartikPrabhu damn! I missed the 10 year mark of my first (imported) post on my site!
cweiske, KevinMarks, snarfed, KevinMarks_, ChrisAldrich, arlen and sl007 joined the channel
chrisaldrich1, ricardokirkner and Pierre-O joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
jihaisse, cweiske, pindonga, friedcell and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 10:27 sl007 sknebel : Where should I order croissants for breakfast - good bakery nearby Mozilla? Sad news: There is no Air Mozilla support at the weekend, so the stream will end in "vidyo" - wouldn't it be possible to build a proxy to forward to youtube? I have NO experience with vidyo …
calumryan, mblaney and mlncn_ joined the channel
# 12:44 sknebel !tell sl007: no idea re breakfast sources, sorry. I'll try to read up on vidyo, but it seems to be a pretty closed commercial product from first impressions
# 12:44 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tvn, sl007, nitot, friedcell and nikivi joined the channel
# 13:45 aaronpk sl007: you'll be able to use the vidyo system at mozilla? It should record on its own and publish on air.mozilla.org from what I understand. That seems fine.
hs0ucy joined the channel
# 13:52 sl007 aaronpk: That's correct. I'll also try to setup a dedicated laptop which could "screencast" vidyo live to the indieweb youtube channel
# 13:52 Loqi sl007: sknebel left you a message 1 hour, 7 minutes ago: no idea re breakfast sources, sorry. I'll try to read up on vidyo, but it seems to be a pretty closed commercial product from first impressions
# 13:53 Loqi sknebel has 11 karma in this channel (15 overall)
# 13:54 sknebel Vidyo seems to have quite a few options, so maybe we can make the stream through their system available directly as well
# 13:54 sknebel e.g. invite the stream watchers in a "video conference" or something
# 13:58 aaronpk yeah probably best bet is to just use their system for everything, and then try to download the video afterwards so we can upload it to our own youtube account later
# 14:04 sl007 aaronpk: We will do so. Or as said you could give me the indieweb youtube account access and I could stream it via a dedicated laptop as said alternating with LA.
# 14:08 aaronpk sure, what's your google account? I can add you as a manager on the page
# 14:18 sknebel sl007: re food, the aveato guys have a few other plates with different stuff as well, maybe a mix of those would be good? (I personally am biased towards finger-food with many options)
# 14:21 aaronpk I'm sad I won't be in Berlin this weekend! Hope you all have a fun time!
# 14:22 aaronpk sknebel: you should talk about private webmention again and see if you can get someone else to implement it with you!
# 14:23 sknebel I'll have to see how much i manage beforehand, if I don't making nice UI for it is going to be the hackday project
Pierre-O, hs0ucy, loicm_ and sl007 joined the channel
snarfed, nebulon, nitot, nikivi, leg and tantek joined the channel
# 15:41 dansup good morning tantek
nikivi and tvn joined the channel
# 15:54 dansup tantek, sure thing! I have to get my personal website up first
gRegorLove, jmelesky, snarfed and sl007 joined the channel
# 16:23 aaronpk my media endpoint has collected about 2.5g of images so far! more than i expected!
# 16:23 aaronpk time to move it to dreamhost where i have unlimited storage!
ncollig, gavinc and snarfed joined the channel
sl007, friedcell, userXYZ and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:53 tantek KevinMarks_: yes to late. 9:35-8:49 = 46 min > 10 min threshold
nikivi joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
nikivi joined the channel
wolftune, funwhilelost and sl007 joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:40 tantek what feature would you call that of a silo / site / service? account deletion?
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:47 tantek curious if they checked for a rel me to confirm identity consolidation with the twitter account first
Lana joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:58 tantek pdf;dr is when you avoid clicking a link because it's a PDF.
# 17:58 Loqi ok, I added "http://tantek.com/2013/305/t2/pdf-dr-avoid-clicking-link-pdf" to the "See Also" section of /pdf;dr
# 17:58 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] pdf;dr - when you avoid clicking a link because it's a PDF.
based on tl;dr. similar: tos;dr.
"pdf;dr" is ungoogleable. Earlier references welcome.
"-;dr" is becoming a suffix according to @snarfed_org who also pointed out tos;dr, e.g. http://tosdr.or...
# 17:58 Loqi ok, I added "https://twitter.com/stevefaulkner/status/793399153703419904" to the "See Also" section of /pdf;dr
mlncn joined the channel
chrisaldrich_, snarfed and calumryan joined the channel
calumryan, sl007, wolftune and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 18:51 Loqi [indieweb] "Comment on First owned like from Flickr by I recently started to own all my photos being posted to Flickr using POSSE. I just owned my first "like" coming back via Brid.gy! Thanks Brid.gy and IndieWeb!" by I recently started to own all my photos being posted to Flickr using POSSE. I just owned my first "like" coming back via Brid.gy! Thanks Brid.gy and IndieWeb! on 2016-11-02 http://boffosocko.com/2016/11/02/first-owned-like-from-flickr/#comment-32593
barryf joined the channel
AndChat|374100 joined the channel
# 19:02 AndChat|374100 Good evening from HWC London
calumryan joined the channel
sl007 and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 19:08 sl007 sknebel - how many food positions ? Tickets : 50, Guest List less …
# 19:09 tantek calumryan: still no sign of tommorris? hope he's ok!
# 19:11 calumryan tantek: no haven't seen him since the June event, I hope to schedule fortnightly from now on and hopefully get some more attendance.
# 19:13 sknebel aaronpk: what percentage does turn up in the end?
# 19:14 tantek calumryan - did I see that you filed a webmention implementation report?
# 19:14 aaronpk interestingly, charging $5 for the PDX one this year didn't actually have much of an effect
# 19:14 aaronpk we might have to increase the ticket cost in order to increase turnout rates
# 19:14 tantek does that mean that money helped with food at least?
# 19:16 sl007 aaronpk tantek : 50 people got "tickets" for Berlin, wiki guest list is 25 - how many food should I order now? 30 / 35 / 40
# 19:16 tantek but check data specifics with jkphl and marcthiele re: numbers from IWC Nürnberg and Düsseldorf
# 19:16 aaronpk the people who do usually have a higher turnout rate
# 19:17 aaronpk so i would count on like 90% of those 25 being there, and then half of the other 25
# 19:17 calumryan tantek: not me, implementation of it currently limited to receiving whilst I'm working on the sending of webmentions which kind of works but gets more complex with a hybrid Jekyll/LAMP setup
wolftune joined the channel
# 19:18 sl007 DUS was 70 : 40 - we need a learning algorithm for that !
# 19:18 tantek calumryan: that's ok! you can file a receiver only implementation report
wolftune, sl007, sl0071 and AndChat|374100 joined the channel
# 19:32 tantek Jeena - did you get a photo for HWC Göteborg?
wolftune joined the channel
# 19:36 Loqi Homebrew Website Club San Francisco 2016-11-02
snarfed, ricardokirkner and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 20:02 Loqi aaronpk has 434 karma in this channel (1130 overall)
# 20:02 tantek ^^^ that post is worth adding explicitly to IndieWeb Examples
ChrisAldrich, chrisaldrich1, barryf, pindonga, ricardokirkner, snarfed, sl007, sl0071 and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:31 miklb Loqi tell calumryan I'd love to discuss your jekyll sending webmentions workflow and compare notes
# 20:32 tantek !tell miklb you want to start your tell with !tell ircnickname then message :)
# 20:32 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:32 miklb ah. I've been using my bot in another irc channel and forgot the shortcut :-)
# 20:33 miklb !tell calumryan I'd love to discuss your jekyll sending webmentions workflow and compare notes
# 20:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:35 miklb tantek not really, since I primarily rely on webmention.io and bridgy
# 20:36 miklb but I guess my customized version of Aaron Gustfason's Jekyll plugin handles the sending…hmm
# 20:36 tantek miklb how do you send webmentions to links you write in your posts?
tantek joined the channel
mlncn, sl007, tantek, KevinMarks, snarfed, wolftune, pindonga, friedcell, KevinMarks_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
mlncn, friedcell and [benatwork] joined the channel
# 23:59 [benatwork] Super cool