2016-11-05 UTC
KevinMarks, wolftune, snarfed and camerongray joined the channel
ChrisAldrich joined the channel
camerongray and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
AngeloGl1, leg, wolftune and mlncn joined the channel
userXYZ and funwhilelost joined the channel
# 04:20 TheGillies Is the name.example domain in an RFC or something or did people just adopt using that?
tantek, wolftune and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 05:24 TheGillies How do you guys determine what your token is on 401 protected posts?
# 05:25 TheGillies Do you generate a nonce token when they hit the token request endpoint?
Kopfstein joined the channel
begriffs, KevinMarks_ and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
strugee joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
sl007, cweiske, friedcell, sgreger and pindonga joined the channel
AngeloGl1 joined the channel
sl007 joined the channel
# 08:52 Loqi sl007: sknebel left you a message 10 hours, 30 minutes ago: I'll ping you tomorrow morning once I know when I'll be at Mozilla, I'll try to be early so I can help with stuff
sgreger joined the channel
tmro and sl007 joined the channel
# 09:11 Zegnat sknebel: I am just booting up all my stuff. Will see if I can get the video going :)
# 09:12 Zegnat “Please install Flash Player to view this recording” - seriously?
# 09:15 Zegnat Are you all the way in the back? Well hidden ;)
# 09:16 Zegnat Ah, too bad. I was noting the distinct lack of notes here, haha
# 09:16 sknebel Also no power for my laptop and would have to crawl under half the desks, so no live-IRC-ing
sl007 joined the channel
# 09:17 Zegnat justonestep.de / Bea / is showing of her website
# 09:17 Zegnat And work on another domain (sideproject) she launched last week
# 09:18 Zegnat The other Sebastian is up (hello familiar faces!)
# 09:19 Zegnat Sebastian is POSSE’ing, and syndicating to Twittr and LinkedIn. Pulling in things through Bridgy. All running on WordPress.
# 09:19 Zegnat Wants to get away from the linear “screen” thinking
# 09:20 Zegnat Wants to talk about opening up the indieweb movement (this was also done during the Brighton one! Keeping the lights on, I think the session was called.)
# 09:22 Zegnat how to improve browsers to make you more independant on the web
# 09:22 Zegnat prototyping his own “web browser kind of thing” - webmemex.org
# 09:23 Zegnat “a browser in your browser so you can browse while you browse”
# 09:23 Zegnat showing of opening indieweb.org within webmemex
# 09:24 Zegnat You create a personal mind-map while browsing, and you can make notes/add links during your browsing session
# 09:24 Zegnat note by me: This kinda feels like a research tool, I think KevinMarks_ might like it
# 09:25 Zegnat Gerben want to increase his webpresence this weekend
# 09:25 Zegnat Posting is still hard to do for sknebel, creating files on the server and running scripts is the current workflow. So his website seems to have 1 post per indiewebcamp so far.
# 09:27 Zegnat Johann references the Mozilla Code of Conduct, good to have reminders about those!
matthiasott joined the channel
pindonga joined the channel
# 09:29 Zegnat And German mumbling. Something about when to start.
# 09:30 Zegnat Depending on the current xperience level of the crowd, I would recommend doing an intro-to-microformats session, btw. Went down pretty well in Brighton (I thought) and the lack of one was felt in Düsseldorf.
# 09:33 Zegnat Hmm, the camera quality is just slightly too low for me to recognise faces :( Is matthiasott the one with no stickers on his laptop?
# 09:34 Zegnat Please don’t scrunch paper next to the microphone
# 09:35 Zegnat sknebel, matthiasott, sgreger, can someone please move the microphone away, or tell joschi to use it?
# 09:37 Zegnat Now I will miss out on conversation, but at least my earbuds will not get upset about people writing or pulling of postits ;)
sl007 joined the channel
# 09:41 Zegnat Oooh, passing the mic around, also nice! Thank you sl007
# 09:41 sl007 Zegnat - I know. We will put an order it soon and then I move it in front of the camera …
# 09:43 Zegnat sgreger would like a session on non-technical people joing the indieweb
Gerben joined the channel
# 09:47 Zegnat Interesting idea: linking cozycloud/nextcloud calendars and decentralise services to your website
# 09:51 Zegnat While I like that the stream isn’t going completely quiet. I still think turning off errant microphones would be a good thing. For future reference.
friedcell joined the channel
# 10:02 Zegnat Cool, grabbd a screenshot of the schedule, thanks!
# 10:03 Zegnat Apparat on the schedule. That’s sl007’s thing, right?
cweiske joined the channel
# 10:09 Zegnat I might not get all the details right from the pictures, but if I can’t readsomething I will add a stub marker
# 10:13 matthiasott So the mics are still working ;)
fredericmarx joined the channel
# 10:20 Zegnat We need a hashtag for WordPress Webmention First Step later on!
# 10:25 Loqi zegnat has 23 karma in this channel (25 overall)
# 10:25 Zegnat I have also added group photo to the schedule ;)
# 10:28 voxpelli Or are you all going to a pub to discuss PuSH, if so – fair enough ;)
# 10:31 Zegnat Note for people reading: there are browser extensions to check your rel-me’s. KevinMarks_ made one, and I made one.
# 10:38 voxpelli Zegnat: a screenshot would look great in that repo ;)
# 10:39 Zegnat Yes. Maybe I will make this my weekend project. Get it into the add-on repos of the different browsers and make the README more user friendly.
# 10:39 Zegnat I think aaronpk would appreciate that, as KevinMarks_’ extension hits his server API pretty hard
# 10:43 voxpelli Zegnat: do your extensions show rel-me's one step away or more than one step away?
sl007 joined the channel
# 10:44 Zegnat I see that jkphl has incorporated Webmention W3C standard in his presentation. Might be interesting to note that tantek is working on a standard for post-type discovery, which includes a hefty bit of microformats: https://www.w3.org/TR/post-type-discovery/
# 10:46 matthiasott Zegnat: Nice! ?
# 10:51 Zegnat Well, there went both the stream and matthiasott :p
nitot joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
# 11:18 sknebel Zegnat, you have some hacking planned for tomorrow?
# 11:19 Zegnat Yes. I am working on h-feed demo code, and I would like to get the rel-me-extension deployed so people can actually start using it an filing bugs
# 11:20 Zegnat But I also still have to do some actual work-work, so I am unsure how much time I will have :( That’s also why I’m not over there right now
sl007 joined the channel
# 11:22 sknebel Yeah, I wanted to have way more stuff prepared for tomorrow, but really backlogged with uni stuff
# 11:24 Zegnat I basically promised the tollwerk crew that I would be there, so...
sl007 joined the channel
# 12:03 voxpelli I'll try to do Nürnberg as well, and yeah, that Swedish one, we should maybe get planning Zegnat? ;)
# 12:03 voxpelli (Or I should get started planning/discussing with someone)
matthiasott and sl007 joined the channel
# 12:07 Zegnat The guy who reacted to my tweet that indieweb “looks like fun” might even be able to help with finding sponsors if I can turn him ;)
# 12:08 Zegnat sknebel, do you know if there is a stream somewhere?
# 12:09 sknebel I think the main room is still cleaning up, i'll check
sl007 joined the channel
# 12:11 matthiasott Stream should be up and running again
sgreger joined the channel
# 12:16 Zegnat I see jkphl has a mic, waiting for sound test ;)
sl007 joined the channel
# 12:22 Zegnat nicolas-bermond.com is demoing IndieWeb WordPress plugins
# 12:23 Zegnat Can double IndieAuth do any harm, is the question. I am not 100% sure what plugins would be that, but I see pfefferle’s IndieAuth plugin on screen.
# 12:24 Zegnat Interesting for the WP guys: if multiple indieweb plugins are installed, can there be any conflict? GWG?
# 12:27 Zegnat Apparently also not 100% clear how webmention.rocks works for people who are not well read in it. How can one quickly test if a webmention plugin is working on ones site? cc. aaronpk
# 12:28 matthiasott We are all having trouble checking the IndieAuth implementation with the form on indiewebify.me
# 12:29 Zegnat aaronpk: indiewebify.me seems to have DNS problems, no domains are resolving.
# 12:30 matthiasott "we" is Bea, Nicolas, Matthias. Maybe aaronpk needs to look after this?
# 12:30 Zegnat My URL doesn’t work either, matthiasott, I just tried
# 12:31 Zegnat I am currently looking how quickly I could get a second instance of indiewebify.me online, which would be nice to have
nitot joined the channel
# 12:33 matthiasott Same for the other checks like h-card
# 12:36 Zegnat jam is your current jam, a song you like. While a scrobble is what you are listening right at that time
# 12:37 sgreger small side conversation at the end of the table: the major drawback of getting non-tech ppl onto the indieweb using wordpress is that most themes lack mf support
# 12:38 Zegnat chat.indieweb.org might have been easier to type, and then just click my link ;)
# 12:39 sgreger ppl already have their well-designed sites and would like to add webmentions, but it would require knowledge to modify the templates of their theme (too difficult for many), or to change their theme (losing their site's style etc)
# 12:39 Zegnat Isn’t GWG working to have webmention-replies just show up as comments? Most themes do support that.
# 12:39 matthiasott Zegnat: You're right ?
# 12:39 Zegnat I am not really in the WP field. pfefferle and GWG would be better to speak to
# 12:39 sgreger we are wondering: one solution could be a WP plugin that leads the user through adding mf to their templates in a click-by-click flow
# 12:42 Zegnat Trying to ship microformats with WordPress? Ha! Talk with the crowd here and you will hear how hard it is to get WordPress to ship anything ;)
# 12:44 Zegnat Alright, lets see if I can host a copy of indiewebify.me, while aaronpk is still asleep
# 12:46 Zegnat voxpelli getting namedropped again when static sites are mentioned ;)
fredericmarx joined the channel
# 12:49 Zegnat Apparently my upload speed sucks here at the new studio :/
# 12:50 sgreger big room has now moved on to the next session: indie actions (about implementing like/share/etc buttons in "indie" manner
jansauer and matthiasott1 joined the channel
# 12:56 Zegnat is again reminded he should launch his extension
# 12:59 voxpelli for indie-actions we can come pretty far using polyfills though
sl007 joined the channel
# 13:02 voxpelli -1 on using web-action-URL:s without the iframe loader, makes fallback impossible + also goes against what web-action: is currently used for
# 13:03 voxpelli the idea with the iframe polyfill is to polyfill a setting that the browser could contain itself and to fall back to standard share functionality for all other cases
# 13:03 voxpelli this eg. makes it possible to support both indie-config, Chrome's Web Share API and regular good old Twitter share links – all with the same UI element
# 13:05 voxpelli Is the iframe hack perfect? No, but it works for prototyping how it could work and then browsers and/or browser extensions could move in and provide more rigid native support
# 13:07 Zegnat spread it around and use that until aaronpk can fix his then
# 13:07 Zegnat Hope that will kickstart some people in Berlin :)
# 13:08 matthiasott1 I guess so! Great work, thank you very much!
nikivi joined the channel
# 13:11 Zegnat I think Known is recommending only CSS changes and no actual theme changes, which means the microformats will always stay in place. But I am not 100% sure.
jansauer joined the channel
# 13:13 Zegnat voxpelli: can web+action links be hidden with the iframe work?
# 13:13 Zegnat Because that seems to be the main problem-case being cited: people clicking on them and getting confused
# 13:15 voxpelli Zegnat: well, clicking is kind of necessary unless you up-front wants to ask for someone's config
# 13:16 Zegnat The thing is, the links were removed from a website because people got confused by those (for them) not working web+action protocol
# 13:17 voxpelli If no protocol handler is found then it should fail silently
# 13:17 Zegnat So I would run 2 separate share links on every post? One that works for everyone, and one that almost nobody can use?
# 13:18 voxpelli If it doesn't fail silently somewhere, then that's a bug or a change in behavior in that browser that maybe needs to be addressed
# 13:18 voxpelli No, the config lookup fails and you then fall back to your plan B
[daiyi] joined the channel
# 13:19 sl007 Zegnat, voxpelli - Have you seen my Brighton demo ? The iframe stuff was shown. Zegnat: If the iframe did NOT detect the protocol it still shows the enter domain ui. Also indieauth for node is 80% ready - please let's keep in contact - I'll try to send code asap
# 13:19 Zegnat Aah, see, that was what I was asking about :) Because someone in the room (forgot who) said they removed web+action links from their site because average users were confused by those non-working buttons
# 13:21 voxpelli Entire purpose of the iframe hack is to enable fallbacks, as no other solution outside browser support has been found to support that
# 13:23 Zegnat So many interesting discussions. voxpelli, we have to make IWC Sweden a thing for sure!
# 13:23 voxpelli Just tried my site on my new Android and fallbacks works perfectly there
# 13:26 voxpelli Just tried tantek's site as well, same there – perfect fallbacks in eg. Android and well-working indie-config in desktop Firefox
jansauer joined the channel
# 13:39 Zegnat I think I can literally hear jkphl’s mouse clicks ;)
tantek joined the channel
# 13:41 Zegnat Did matthiasott just show the chat to jkphl? :p
# 13:44 GWG Did someone have a WordPress question while I was sleeping?
# 13:44 sgreger gwg: plenty of wordpress discussion in berlin today
# 13:45 GWG I would have gotten up for it, but I wouldn't be able to last then till the end of IWC LA
# 13:45 Zegnat It is currently live, no idea how archival footage will be made available
# 13:45 sgreger currently mainly hovering around the issue that adding microformats is needed to "join the indieweb", but requires coding skills from users (hard to do by "just installing a plugin", since it is theme specific)
# 13:46 Zegnat sgreger, yes, we haven’t gotten past that yet other than with isntalling specific themes or cms (known)
# 13:46 Zegnat Or encourage people to learn HTML, e.g. Emma Hodge
# 13:47 GWG sgreger: We've had that issue in the past and tried to come up with some things.
# 13:47 GWG For example, wordpress-uf2, which tries to dynamically add MF2 regardless of theme needs a refresh
# 13:47 sgreger gwg: just looking at some of the documentation from the past (this is off-session, just informal discussion)
# 13:47 sknebel Zegnat: does the microphone on the desk work or do we need the hand mike?
# 13:48 sgreger i'll try to write up a blog post about all these things in a few days
# 13:48 Zegnat GWG: wordpress-uf2 does sound exactly like what was being discussed
# 13:49 sgreger zegnat: yes, just looking at that source code right now :)
# 13:50 Zegnat Interesting homepage design: http://kottke.org - the latest article first, then a block with several of his latest links, and then it continues with articles
# 13:50 GWG sgreger: pfefferle gave me commit access if I ever got to updating it. There have been a lot of developments since last commit.
jkphl joined the channel
# 13:54 Zegnat sknebel: I think aaronpk actually copied the sparklines from adactio, not the other way around ;)
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# 13:56 Zegnat ah, sknebel, I thought you were pointing at the sparklines on aaronpk’s website and saying they would spread around to other websites. So I assumed you were making aaronpk the origin. Sorry if I misunderstood
# 13:59 Zegnat jkphl_ should I add a picture of the stream on my TV? ;)
# 14:03 Zegnat I don’t agree that we are modelled after social networks. I would say we are modelled on pre-social-media blogging sphere. Where replies were often written on your own site.
# 14:04 Zegnat I should not have said that, now the stream died on me
# 14:05 jkphl_ Zegnat: Sure -- take a picture of your screen and send it to me, I'll happily add it t the album!
# 14:09 Zegnat To qualify as an indieweb-page, it should be in your own control. That is my definition.
# 14:12 Zegnat Did everyone stop talking or did the mics disconnect?
johannh joined the channel
# 14:16 sgreger zegnat: yes, independence is the decisive feature of an indieweb site, not having a feed. everybody in the room seemed to agree on that.
# 14:16 sknebel who was it that just shows the last note on the front page?
# 14:17 sgreger sknebel: it was glenn. don't remember the url though
# 14:17 Zegnat sgreger: everyone agrees. IndieWebifyMe will also let you score Level 1 without adding a single feed or microformat to your site
# 14:18 Zegnat I do have rel-me and I accept webmentions, I just do not post anything there
Gerben and jansauer joined the channel
# 14:30 GWG aaronpk, someone needs to be a surrogate aaronpk for these events.
# 14:30 Zegnat surrogate would not help GWG, IndieWebify.Me apparently broke :(
# 14:30 aaronpk what happened to indiewebify.me? It looks up from here
# 14:30 Zegnat It is up, but it can’t resolv any domains with curl
# 14:31 Zegnat For now there is a copy running on indiewebifyme.zegnat.net (yeey open-source!)
# 14:31 aaronpk All the issues I've had with it are because it's on app engine
# 14:32 GWG aaronpk, have you considered building a robot aaronpk to handle things while you are sleeping?
# 14:32 Zegnat I have no experience with app engine. What are the pros of running on app engine?
# 14:33 aaronpk running on app engine means it can't go down when my server goes down
# 14:34 Zegnat Not free. The rel-me verifier seemed to drive aaronpk’s bill up
# 14:34 aaronpk normally it runs in the free tier but that month it was like $15
# 14:35 voxpelli could try Heroku then, it costs as well but a fixed fee + can be set up easily to eg. do autodeploys from GitHub + even set up staging sites for every PR
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 14:38 voxpelli aaronpk: they do, but it only allows you to run for a certain number of hours a day
# 14:38 voxpelli so I run my micropub endpoint for free, but my webmention endpoint I pay for
# 14:39 Zegnat So they charge for time rather than use? Interesting
# 14:39 GWG Good morning, Chrisaldrich. You at the LA venue?
# 14:39 voxpelli Zegnat: well, they put your free machines to sleep when they haven't been accessed for a while
sl007 joined the channel
# 14:40 Zegnat Oh, right the LA changeover... I am not going to bed tonight, am I?
# 14:40 voxpelli great for a micropub endpoint or other webhook thing :)
# 14:41 sknebel (aaronpk, "indieweb community"/getting less tech-y is interesting for you to watch as well maybe? ;))
mlncn joined the channel
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# 14:45 Zegnat GWG. I think I will skip LA. I still have real work-work to finish :/ Otherwise I would’ve been in Berlin right now
# 14:45 aaronpk I am making breakfast tacos and then I will join :-)
# 14:46 GWG aaronpk, I will eagerly watch your website to see what beverage goes with your tacos.
# 14:46 Zegnat real work-work is the work you do for your employer, allowing you to spend free time on the IndieWeb
# 14:47 GWG I am waiting for the train. I just missed the last one.
sl007 and jkphl_ joined the channel
# 14:52 Zegnat “Adds microformats2 classes to your WordPress theme.”
# 14:53 Zegnat you do definitely not require microformats to send webmentions. Your webmention just can’t be auto-parsed by the receiver.
matthiasott1 joined the channel
# 14:57 sgreger gwg, are you tuned in to the stream? wordpress discussion to be expected in this session
# 14:57 GWG sgreger, I am on my way to the LA venue. Maybe when I get there.
# 15:00 Zegnat Indieweb is more about identity than publishing at the core.
sl007 joined the channel
# 15:01 KevinMarks_ WordPress templates have mf1 hentry so you usually get something for a webmention, just not likes etc.
# 15:01 Loqi zegnat has 24 karma in this channel (26 overall)
# 15:01 Zegnat So. Are we selling IndieWeb the wrong way by starting people of at indieauth? On the other hand, rel-me is the easiest mark-up. It should maybe not be about indieauth, and just be about centralised identity?
# 15:02 Zegnat Th centralised identity lets people validate your other profiles, e.g. with KevinMarks_’ or my extension
# 15:03 KevinMarks_ Centralised identity is confusing when talking about distribution verification
# 15:03 sl007 Good morning, chrisaldrich - We send a warm welcome from cold IndieWebCamp Berlin - we can also send greetings live via video if you like, just tell me, see https://indieweb.org/2016/Berlin / Remote ...
# 15:04 GWG KevinMarks, themes, templates are something else
# 15:05 Zegnat if you want, sknebel. You can start at my note about how I do not publish but still have an indieweb identity ;)
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sl007 joined the channel
[daiyi] joined the channel
# 15:12 [daiyi] running your own server is not nomad friendly :disappointed:
# 15:13 sknebel (given that we are (mostly) not talking about a server under a bed, but somewhere else)
# 15:13 [daiyi] where else? in the end you have to trust another entity though?
# 15:13 sl007 soverin.net was the easy thing for domains / "your own place
# 15:13 Zegnat soverin looks interesting, maybe I should see if I can go get a cup of coffee at their offices
# 15:14 sknebel [daiyi]: yeah, ok, if you go that far, but I personally worry more e.g. about my domain registrar than the VPS hoster
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 15:16 [daiyi] @sknebel oh oops I didn't know how far you were going xD
# 15:17 aaronpk yeah the domain registrar and domain identity are far more important than where you actually host at
# 15:17 aaronpk you can move your hosting between hosting companies without changing your identity
# 15:19 Zegnat I wonder if this discussion is still IndieWeb? While IndieWeb says you should get a domain, it takes a hands-off approach to everything else. It is about distribution over HTTP/S more so than what is behind the HTTP.
# 15:19 aaronpk also because it's behind http, it turns out we can all make different decisions about how that works, and we can still interoperate
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# 15:22 sknebel which got sidetracked from difficulty of getting domains
# 15:22 jkphl_ aaronpk: however, the focus shifted somewhat during discussion
# 15:22 sknebel jkphl_: if you have a good point to direct it back, please do ;)
# 15:23 Zegnat Uugh, I do not like three words. Last time I checked their dic is proprietary.
# 15:24 aaronpk but..but there is! it's the canonical URL for where that was posted
# 15:24 Zegnat If it is not visible on my own domain, I did not say it
# 15:26 aaronpk whoever is speaking into the mic sounds great but everyone else is barely audible :)
# 15:27 Zegnat they have to remember to pass around the mic, aaronpk
# 15:27 aaronpk i think that's what indiewebify.me is supposed to do! so feel free to use that as a starting point
# 15:28 jkphl_ aaronpk: we've only got two mics, but like 5 ppl waiting for their slot, so the mics sometimes are not where they should be at that moment ;)
# 15:29 Zegnat indiewebify.me basically assumes you have a domain and site already online, aaronpk. They are talking about the steps before that.
# 15:29 [daiyi] the getting started page is cool! I think it should use a polish though. perhaps @sgreger has more of a cookbook-style tutorial in mind?
jansauer joined the channel
# 15:31 jansauer Is it possible to use indieAuthin a way where i login for the first time with fb/github/... and no homepage and later move the user to his domain.
# 15:33 jansauer the point behind this is to use indieAuth for users to create therer IndieWeb Homepage
# 15:33 sl007 Zegnat - totally disagree : github yes, fb no (no rel me link)
SvenABischoff joined the channel
# 15:34 Zegnat If you do not know code, you can sign-up with Known, and you are done.
# 15:34 Zegnat Actually. When you have known, you can probably sign-in using IndieAuth, right?
# 15:34 sl007 If user clicks login with github and it has a rel="me" linking back. Discovery is just the same than the other way around.
# 15:35 aaronpk sl007: we haven't really explored the idea of "moving" your identity from one thing to another with indieauth yet.
marcthiele joined the channel
# 15:36 sl007 The "me" is just a GET parameter. It can be changed anyway and is saying nothing else than this both trust each other and the person acting got the credentials. Off course. This is why I wanted to start it. What does "moving" mean exactly. Should we greet LA in the video?
Gerben and medienlampe joined the channel
# 15:39 Zegnat But “what do you need” is something we ask ourselves all the time.
# 15:39 Zegnat Aah, thank you sgreger for noting self dogfooding!
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Tantek_ joined the channel
# 15:43 Zegnat I am still working on a FB-cloned interface, that will also work with micropub ... but I agre that we need a UX designer onto micropub clients
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# 15:43 Zegnat Hahaha, aaronpk, I wish I was sitting thre :p
# 15:44 Tantek_ Outside the IWC LA venue but no sign not sign of anyone
# 15:44 aaronpk suggest that as a project tomorrow to work with designers there
# 15:45 KevinMarks_ You can use silo.pub to make a url from a silo, but it's not ideal
# 15:47 Zegnat It was interesting to watch sessions with a lot of people unfamiliar with IndieWeb tech stack. But sometimes also infuriating, hahahaha
# 15:48 sgreger zegnat: yes, compared to brighton i feel there is a lot more "newcomers", hence these discussions about these topics.
# 15:50 Zegnat sgreger, yes, and its interesting to hear their perspectives. But it also means you do not get someone instantly shouting “there is Quill, a micropub client that will let you post to anything!” ;)
nitot joined the channel
# 15:53 Zegnat voxpelli, yes, I really like their mobile interface. The options get out of the way when you want to write text, but when you tap it give quick access to tag your post with all sorts of activities
# 15:54 Zegnat Mine is still a lot more basic, but I am slowly working on it. At the moment I have maybe 1 hour/week to work on personal projects though, so it all stagnates quickly.
# 15:54 voxpelli Zegnat: yeah, been wanting to do a Twitter-cloned interface myself, for mobile
# 15:54 sgreger zegnat: that's where i tried to take the role of a moderator a bit. but i think it is also fruitful to have the discussion diverge a bit, without intervention, as it is the most promising way to collect new ideas and perspectives
# 15:54 voxpelli The silos has great patterns for indieweb clients to mimick
wolftune joined the channel
# 15:55 Zegnat The silos have invested thousands of dollars just on the size of the font in the input boxes ;)
tantek joined the channel
# 16:11 miklb Slack tells me someone mentioned my jekyll-indieweb project. Did anyone have a question?
# 16:16 Zegnat miklb, I am trying to recall ... I think jekyll was touched on a few times, and how to get it connected to the indieweb, but I do not recall spcific questions
tantek and adactio joined the channel
# 16:22 Zegnat Alright, I am bailing out before I get dragged into IWC LA! I need to get my real work-work done so I might do some IndieWeb stuff tomorrow
# 16:27 tantek getting setup and started at IndieWebCamp LA!
# 16:28 aaronpk berlin just ended for the day and LA is picking up where they left off!
Jeffrey[m] joined the channel
# 16:28 tantek Jared of Pivotal is giving us the basics of the space
# 16:28 tantek Pivotal likes to help and encourage open source software
# 16:29 Jeffrey[m] hi all - i'm new, on the way to pivotal and running late - just wanted to give a heads up! - rey.sc
# 16:29 tantek Jeffrey[m]: great! there's a person downstairs that will let you in to come up to the 2nd floor
neal1 joined the channel
# 16:32 tantek Chris: brief history, Twitter's disappointments, Tantek & Aaron deciding to build for themselves
# 16:32 GWG I thought it was over drinks at a Lounge
# 16:33 tantek Chris: Twitter and FB made it easy to get online, but then they own your identity
# 16:33 GWG Chris notes how he loved many services, but they didn't love him back.
# 16:33 tantek Chris: out of that philosophy, started this movement IndieWeb
# 16:33 tantek Chris: two basic principles: 1 own your domain name, 2 own your data
# 16:33 tantek Chris: you can build your website any way you want
# 16:33 tantek Chris: But with those two things, owning your identity online, you can do anything you want
# 16:34 tantek Chris: Going beyond that, there are some principles that can guide what you do
# 16:34 tantek Chris: creating for people first, working on things for users first
# 16:34 tantek Chris: Thanks to David Shanske for doing some great things too
# 16:35 tantek Chris: Selfdogfooding is a good thing, building for imaginary customers or users may be a waste of time. But if you're hacking and building for yourself, you will use it.
# 16:35 tantek Chris: 3/4 of the data on my website is visible only to me, and I use it like a notebook for myself
# 16:35 tantek Chris: it's like a "common place book", insitutional memory, I kind of use my site like that
# 16:35 tantek Chris: the rest of it is for family & friends, the rest of the world
# 16:36 tantek Chris: Our home page has changed a lot in the past 6 months
# 16:36 tantek Chris: with principles, showing what cities are active
# 16:37 tantek Chris: Bunch of cities are active every other week with hacking and getting together at Homebrew Website Club
# 16:37 tantek Chris: There's an online chat going on almost 24h/day people working or hacking on things
# 16:37 tantek Chris: even if you know nothing about the internet
# 16:37 tantek Chris: I've seen people Tantek and Kevin Marks help people setup a domain name and a website
# 16:38 GWG Chris has just compared Tantek to the Supreme Deity and Steve Jobs in the same sentence
# 16:38 tantek Chris: There's been IndieWebCamps around the world in many cities
# 16:39 tantek Chris: This is a multitimezone indiewebcamp this weekend, with Berlin going simultaneously
# 16:39 tantek Chris: What we're going to do this weekend, talk about principles, how things work, handfuls of protocols & formats, projects in nearly every computer language known to man
# 16:39 tantek Chris: We're going to hack on our own website, and hopefully make them a little better
# 16:39 tantek Chris: If you don't have one, we can help you get started
# 16:40 tantek Chris: we'll do some sessions later this afternoon
# 16:40 tantek Chris: We'll do demos so you can see what people's sites look like
# 16:40 tantek Chris: We have this thing called having an itch
# 16:40 tantek Chris: maybe you see something on someone else's website, or facebook or twitter
# 16:40 tantek Chris: you might not know how it works, but you know you want it on your website
# 16:40 tantek Chris: there's a process for teasing it apart
# 16:41 tantek Chris: because usually someone has documented how they made it work, how they post photos or galleries
# 16:41 tantek Chris: maybe you take that as inspiration to do it on your own site
# 16:41 tantek Chris: and then suddenly there's a new way of doing that in the world
# 16:41 tantek Chris: I'm waiting for the day when big corporations will be stealing from us
# 16:41 tantek Chris: throughout the day we'll be talking about the handful of protocols that have come out of this community
nitot joined the channel
# 16:42 tantek Chris: there is a small handful of people here that are having a big impact on the web
# 16:42 tantek Chris: e.g. Twitter has @-mentions, but only works on Twitter
# 16:42 tantek Chris: but you can do Internet-wide @-mentions to people who support this protocol
# 16:42 tantek Chris: that's what the web should be, to be able to communicate from one person on one website to another across the web
# 16:43 tantek Chris: back in the early days of Twitter there were like 500 clients to read/post to Twitter
# 16:43 tantek Chris: the ability to do that, but with your own website, not exists
# 16:43 tantek Chris: so you can put an endpoint on your website, and post things there from many clients
# 16:43 tantek Chris: Instagram doesn't easily allow you to get your data
# 16:44 tantek Chris: but ownyourgram lets you get that data, it will reformat it a lovely way, and send it via micropub to your website
# 16:44 tantek Chris: you can use the infrastructure that Instagram provides as a posting tool to your website
# 16:44 GWG Reminding all lurkers we are live on Youtube...
# 16:44 tantek Chris: someone did the same as ownyourgram but ownyourcheckin
# 16:45 tantek Chris: so all that data, photo, lat long, goes to my site, and I keep and own all that data - that's awesome
# 16:45 tantek Chris: David was saying, someone asked aaronpk where he was, and what he was doing 5 years ago, and he literally just looked up on his own website
# 16:45 tantek Chris: and he could name to the minute and geographical coordinates because he had that data
# 16:46 tantek Chris: There's a code of conduct, and I think it's very impressive that we have one
# 16:46 tantek Chris: essentially a good wifi password can make a good code of conduct
# 16:46 tantek Chris: I particularly love this because of the inclusivity of this, and the kindness. Especially in IRC chat room where things can be misinterpreted
# 16:47 tantek Chris: I showed a 60+ year old friend who has written books on civility this Code of Conduct
# 16:47 tantek Chris: and he said this is not only how the internet should work, but how life should work
# 16:47 tantek Chris: if you have modifications or additions to things like this, it's on a wiki, you can login, change/modify and go from there
# 16:47 tantek GWG: If anybody here has a conduct related problem, you can see ...
# 16:48 tantek Chris: Come see me, for any problems in general, need help, or David as co-organizer
# 16:48 tantek Chris: my guess is there are 7-8 people out there in the ether
# 16:48 tantek Chris: who you don't see but they are present in the IRC chat room
# 16:48 tantek Chris: or they'll be lurking in the wiki and hacking with us on the weekend
# 16:48 GWG If you are in the IRC channel, please raise your hand
nikivi joined the channel
# 16:50 tantek Chris: there's also a dev channel (#indieweb-dev)
# 16:50 tantek Chris: the dev channel has the more hardcore coding questions
# 16:50 tantek Chris: there's a few others but they're not used as much
# 16:50 tantek Chris: but I'll mention them because they should be used more often
# 16:50 tantek Chris: there's #microformats. microformats are classes that are added to HTML that add a layer of semantic goodness to what happens on the internet
# 16:51 tantek Chris: like if you write your name on the internet, there's a structure called h-card
# 16:51 tantek Chris: that's a microformat, and there are things under that that say this is my name, my phone number, my address
# 16:51 tantek Chris: so that when other services interact with your web page, they can parse the data on your website and know what your name is, how to interact with your data
# 16:51 tantek Chris: so it's an easy way to markup your data
# 16:53 tantek Chris: there's also a #bridgy channel, and also a #knownchat channel for those working on and using Withknown.com - built by Ben Werdmülller and Erin Jo Richey
# 16:54 tantek Chris: as I mentioned earlier, having an identity, and having an h-card
# 16:55 tantek Chris: In Hollywood when someone says your movie did boffo, it means your movie did really well at the box office
# 16:56 tantek Chris: and there's a scene where Kermit says it's going to be boffo, it's going to be socko, and so I went and got the domain name
# 16:56 tantek Chris: I've got a PGP key, email address, even a few things hiding that don't show but if you have a tool that pulls it up you can see it
# 16:56 tantek Chris: my favorite thing is, recently I went to an event
# 16:57 tantek Chris: and a councilman of the city of LA gave me an honor
# 16:57 tantek Chris: I do a lot of work for literacy in the city
# 16:57 tantek Chris: and I posted up a photo of this to Instagram, and my site went out and posted it to my site
# 16:57 tantek Chris: and my site automatically sent this post to FB, Twitter, G+, maybe LinkedIn
# 16:58 tantek Chris: down here there's a syndicated to section
# 16:58 tantek Chris: then it got the biggest response to anything that I got ever
# 16:59 tantek Chris: Bridgy sent webmentions for all these things back to my website
# 16:59 tantek Chris: and not just seeing the messages, but every like had its own line-item
# 16:59 tantek Chris: hundreds of people liked it on FB, dozens of people wrote short notes
# 16:59 tantek Chris: and it had a visceral impact, more than just seeing the number 557 people liked this
# 16:59 tantek Chris: to me this was way more personal, to see each individual one with a name and face
# 17:00 tantek Chris: to me, part of that process would have been killed on Facebook, because it would have just showed a number, and I never would have seen the names and faces of the people that I know and love say hey I liked this
# 17:00 tantek Chris: this is really a part of what I like about the IndieWeb
# 17:00 tantek Chris: with the IndieWeb Plugin and 4-5 others
# 17:02 tantek GWG: this is my website, it's barebones, the name of this theme is bearbones (with an ea)
# 17:03 tantek GWG: One of the things that I've done for a long time in the community is work on IndieWeb plugins for WordPress
# 17:03 tantek GWG: I do most of my testing on an alternate version of the site
# 17:04 tantek GWG: I've added how to make different types or kinds of posts
# 17:04 tantek GWG: If I went to my live site, you won't see as many choices because I don't use them all, but they're there
# 17:04 tantek GWG: the other thing I added is a box so I can react to another article
# 17:05 tantek GWG: any article I happen to be reading it will automatically pull in some data
# 17:05 tantek GWG: when it was updated, summary, publication (if any), and the name
# 17:05 tantek GWG: so I spend a lot of time building tools like that
# 17:05 tantek GWG: when it's all done it shows up on my site
# 17:05 tantek GWG: this is one of those link-previews that I have looks like
# 17:06 tantek GWG: I guess that's it and we'll see if I what I build this weekend
# 17:06 GWG He's Tantek and this is his website, tantek.com
# 17:07 GWG Chris has never heard his last name pronounced.
# 17:07 GWG At the end of 2009, he became very frustrated with Twitter
# 17:07 GWG He started with notes, then added photos, etc.
# 17:07 GWG Anything he posted on his other sites, he now posts on his own.
# 17:08 GWG He can do what he wants, he can keep it minimal
# 17:08 GWG He won't worry if an update of someone else's will break his stuff as he controls it all.
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:09 GWG Putting stuff on your own site may be more powerful than social media. You can push it whereever you want.
# 17:09 GWG He was frustrated because he created a new Twitter account and followed three people and got locked
# 17:09 GWG tantek: Mostly just posts to Twitter using Bridgy
# 17:09 GWG It started out as a response to frustration, but now he is FREE!!!
# 17:10 GWG Chris mentioned scientific papers, etc.
# 17:10 GWG Marginalia allows you to comment on specific paragraphs
# 17:11 GWG tantek would like to allow people to link to specific paragraphs on his site as well
# 17:11 GWG This weekend, he encourages people to start small and build
# 17:11 GWG aaronpk's website wasn't built in a day
# 17:12 tantek Rachel: my domain name is being held hostage by google
# 17:14 GWG Jocelyn produced a site after being encouraged by ChrisAldrich
# 17:14 GWG She wants to look into a newsletter version.
# 17:14 tantek Jocelyn is looking for a way to watch and get notified of when people post
# 17:19 GWG We discover he only subscribes to aaronpk and himself
marcthiele joined the channel
# 17:23 GWG adactio(Jeremy) is now presenting
# 17:23 tantek then I added boffosocko.com and adactio.com to show more stuff showing up in woodwind
# 17:24 tantek adactio: my name is Jeremy and my website is adactio.com
# 17:24 tantek adactio: when I write a blog post I syndicate out to Medium
# 17:24 tantek adactio: a lot of people are blogging on Medium, but what I like to do is give Medium a copy
# 17:25 tantek adactio: this is what we do on the indieweb - POSSE
# 17:25 tantek adactio: I was syndicating it out to Delicious, are they still around?
# 17:25 tantek adactio: I used to use link services, delicious, magnolia but they all end up getting shut down
# 17:25 tantek adactio: common theme, you put all this energy into another website, and then it gets shutdown
# 17:26 tantek adactio: you spend all this time writing for other sites, only for the data to disappear
# 17:26 tantek adactio: so that's kind of the thing we do, write on your own website, and just send copies to other sites
# 17:27 tantek adactio: e.g. here is a photo on my site, and on Twitter
calumryan joined the channel
# 17:27 tantek but when people comment, like etc. I get that back on my site
# 17:28 tantek adactio: I like it when I post an article, and people post comments on their own sites
# 17:28 tantek adactio: I have control over my data, and they have control over their data
# 17:29 tantek adactio: I've been adding incrementally at indiewebcamps, photos, etc.
# 17:29 tantek adactio: that's generally what happens at indiewebcamp, one day we discuss thigns, get ideas, and day 2 we hack things
# 17:29 tantek adactio: like these sparklines, I think I built at IWC Nürnberg
# 17:29 tantek adactio: got some ideas, and what I'm working and hacking
# 17:31 tantek Neal: it's a fedwiki, supposed to be like github for notes
# 17:31 tantek Neal: it's an old version, you can copy paste script tags and such
# 17:31 tantek Neal: it's gotten to a point where it takes like 3 seconds to load
# 17:32 tantek Neal: as far as I know it's the longest fedwiki page ever
# 17:32 tantek Neal: today I want to figure out what to do about this
# 17:32 tantek Neal: I can paste javascript straight into the page
# 17:32 tantek Neal: It's kind of nice, you can drag & drop stuff
# 17:33 tantek Neal: this is my personal replacement to Delicious getting shutdown
# 17:33 tantek (discussion about is delicious being resurrected or not)
neal1 joined the channel
# 17:36 tantek michael: this is a wordpress site, mostly a premium theme
# 17:36 tantek michael: my name is Michael Kirk so it's a condensed form
# 17:37 tantek michael: I used to use uber.com which was a place to do personal art sites and one month it was gone. that's what brings me here
# 17:38 tantek Jeffrey: Hi I'm Jeffrey, an indiewebcamp newbie. I'm an artist and a web developer too.
# 17:38 tantek jeffrey: all my pages are built with a static site generator, called nana (sp?) in Ruby I think
# 17:39 tantek jeffrey: like this is my personal backup/archive of everything
# 17:39 tantek jeffrey: like this is my database of drawings
# 17:39 tantek jeffrey: it makes thumbnails, I can tag them, how large they are, they are location based. this database has about 4000 records in it
# 17:39 tantek jeffrey: plenty of ways to navigate it, autopilot features
# 17:40 tantek jeffrey: nothing being posted to other sites, I don't trust them.
# 17:40 tantek jeffrey: the other thing I make is a lot of drawing tools
# 17:40 tantek jeffrey: like this is a drawing tool, it draws automatically and you can click No or Paint
# 17:41 tantek jeffrey: I have too many domains and want to figure out a way to do that better
# 17:41 tantek jeffrey: I'm trying to figure out a way to bring my own community into an actual place where people own their information but can still talk to each other
# 17:42 GWG I still say it would make a good t-shirt
# 17:42 Loqi Tantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it https://indieweb.org/tanteking
# 17:42 neal1 who owns freenode ?
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# 17:45 gRegorLove It's on the todo list to carry tha tover to chat.indieweb.org btw
marcthiele joined the channel
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# 17:48 gRegorLove Pretty sure that schedule was copied from something old that wasn't as realistic :)
# 18:02 aaronpk that chat session sounds exactly what i've been brainstorming
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# 18:29 gRegorLove If someone can post a clear picture of the grid I'll get it online.
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# 18:37 Asher1 I got to the pivotal building but access to the second floor closed at 11
# 18:37 GWG Asher1: We can come down and get you
# 18:38 adactio aaronpk: So, I don't have a link to my link post's permanent URL on that permanent URL itself (if that makes sense). Same with my journal posts—on the actual post itself, there's no u-url value.
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# 18:57 aaronpk adactio: that makes sense, but maybe you could add the link to your post in the timestamp of the bookmark?
# 18:57 aaronpk the problem is the parsed version thinks the u-url property is the external URL
# 18:59 tantek gRegorLove: Topanga a 13:00 is # IndieWebPress hosted by GWG
# 18:59 gRegorLove Thanks, got it. Schedule page is up to date, incl etherpad links
# 19:00 Loqi gregorlove has 70 karma in this channel (88 overall)
# 19:02 gRegorLove May have been mentioned already, but definitely remind everyone about DST tonight :)
# 19:02 Loqi calumryan: miklb left you a message 2 days, 22 hours ago: I'd love to discuss your jekyll sending webmentions workflow and compare notes
# 19:02 Loqi [Calum Ryan] Hope it went well!
On a related topic at my last Homebrew I noticed the weather links in your posts are reporting based on the location of where the user is currently, not where you posted from....
# 19:05 GWG Sort of an abbreviated version due to time constraints
rey, friedcell, hs0ucy and matthiasott joined the channel
# 19:14 tantek adactio just gave an excellent Building Blocks introduction section
# 19:14 tantek and how to check your site with IndieWebify.me
rey joined the channel
# 19:25 aaronpk I was getting tired of dealing with weird appengine errors, so indiewebify.me is now running on the wiki server and we shouldn't have any more weird errors anymore. also it's set up with https.
friedcell joined the channel
# 19:38 aaronpk glad i fixed it before adactio used it for the demo :)
[dariusdunlap] joined the channel
# 19:38 [dariusdunlap] I saw “email” on Tantek’s post of the agenda. I recommend Mailroute.net for Spam processing, and mailserver protection. You point MX records to Mailroute, and tell Mailroute where to deliver the mail. Then tell your server to only accept mail from Mailroute. Very nice, tight setup.
Lana, wolftune, adactio, ChrisAldrich and rey joined the channel
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# 20:20 TheGillies IndieWebDrinkingGame; Take a shot everytime someone says bridgy
# 20:23 TheGillies I never get anything out of conferences because I'm always too distracted writing code to listen to the speaker
# 20:23 aaronpk that's why day 2 of indiewebcamp has no speakers!
# 20:24 TheGillies It's kinda cause and effect. I want to code _because_ the speaker is talking about something cool and then I get distracted as soon as I get clone
# 20:25 gRegorLove There can be issues with emoji in mysql databases (WordPress) if the encoding isn't utf8mb4
Tantek-iPad joined the channel
# 20:26 gRegorLove (I think somebody was saying something about that in the session.
# 20:26 gRegorLove terminalpixel: utf8mb4 is the mysql encoding name for "full, actual utf8"
# 20:26 aaronpk gRegorLove: i'm actually still having issues with emoji even though everything is utf8mb4
# 20:27 aaronpk "no really just put these bytes here i'll figure it out later thank you"
# 20:27 gRegorLove There's so many different places the encoding has to be right; it's frustrating.
# 20:28 aaronpk luckily my website stores all the post content in text files so at least i don't have that problem there
# 20:28 gRegorLove I think on Dreamhost you have to still make a support request to get utf8mb4. I haven't gone into that yet.
# 20:29 TheGillies Just decided I'm going to store everything as html flat files
# 20:39 gRegorLove ChrisAldrich: bridgy uses your domain when you sign in to check for backfeed.
rey joined the channel
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# 20:53 GWG gRegorLove: I know you are spoken for
# 20:53 Loqi gregorlove has 71 karma in this channel (89 overall)
neal2, KevinMarks and rey joined the channel
# 20:56 gRegorLove Feedburner did stats and also made better-formed RSS and Atom from a single feed.
# 20:57 gRegorLove Feedburner seems like a likely service Google will axe in the future.
# 20:57 gRegorLove Thankfully when you migrate away from it, they can permanently redirect your feedburner URL to where you specify
# 20:58 aaronpk is this conversation about sending emails from your website?
# 20:58 tantek or rather, people subscribing to your website via email
wolftune and friedcell joined the channel
# 21:08 GWG aaronpk: It says it is still going
# 21:09 GWG adactio is claiming no one wants to build an email to webmention service
# 21:10 Loqi FeedBurner is a service that aggregates feeds, provides analytics to publishers, caches their feeds, and has an optional email feature to deliver posts as emails to subscribers https://indieweb.org/FeedBurner
# 21:10 aaronpk quill has an email-to-micropub service, so if your site sends webmentions when new posts are created from a micropub request then that would do it :)
snarfed joined the channel
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# 21:15 GWG This is the same system from last time.. Not sure why it froze
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# 21:17 GWG I am trying not to open another window on the streaming laptop
# 21:19 aaronpk wonders if anyone would buy his website if he published it in a book format and sold it on amazon
# 21:19 GWG aaronpk: I will volunteer to write a review
# 21:19 GWG "Tacos for breakfast....tacos for lunch...."
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 21:26 aaronpk amazon has an email-to-kindle service so if your website sends emails with HTML attachments that work on kindle, that ends up working well
# 21:26 aaronpk i was subscribing to the /this-week newsletters on my kindle for a while, (before we switched to mailchimp)
# 21:29 aaronpk hmm amazon has the concept of publishing "updates" to an ebook
# 21:39 miklb could send Instagram photos as postcards lol
# 21:40 aaronpk if one of my photos gets more than N likes then it gets sent out as a postcard
# 21:41 GWG Travel with Tantek may be canceled.
# 21:43 GWG I'm giving it another two minutes
# 21:43 GWG tantek: I wasn't there, so I was traveling without Tantek
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# 21:49 aaronpk i called it "channels" and you could subscribe to particular channels of my content
# 21:54 tantek gRegorLove: really? haven't noticed - if you could maybe show a specific URL or screenshot that demonstrates that
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# 22:05 Loqi aaronpk has 435 karma in this channel (1131 overall)
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# 22:06 aaronpk gRegorLove: i think that's because blogger is js;dr
# 22:07 KartikPrabhu yeah their "dynamic template" stuff is js;dr. Prompted me to drop Blogger
# 22:07 gRegorLove Someone should tell them the new hotness is to blog on medium.com ;)
# 22:08 KartikPrabhu aaronpk: that netflix blog post is on the old Blogger template so not js;dr
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# 22:26 aaronpk ooh this is something i've been thinking about a lot lately
# 22:26 aaronpk notice the new "sticky" things I have on my home page now
# 22:28 tantek from publisher - and wondering about top level coarse grouping/categorization of posts for different audiences
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# 22:28 tantek to being a member of that audience, reading a site
# 22:34 TheGillies Is there a test webmention article that I can spam with webmentions?
# 22:36 aaronpk the webmentions will show up at the top in realtime too :)
# 22:36 aaronpk webmention.rocks doesn't support private webmentions yet tho
# 22:37 aaronpk ah well i will make you a post on my site you can spam then
# 22:37 tantek maybe for testing dev stuff #indieweb-dev would be better?
# 22:38 tantek ChrisAldrich is very thorough about what he reads (books), and posts commentary along the way
Addal joined the channel
# 22:44 GWG tantek.com/2016/272/t1/finished-first-fifteen-lives-harry-august
# 22:45 tantek search results for "Harry August" on my site:tantek.com
# 22:49 GWG "He can't talk right now, he's talking on the banana."
# 22:49 tantek Bing shows emoji in search results previews too
rey joined the channel
# 23:06 gRegorLove Other cool think: If you search generally, clicking on the avatar in the results will run the search again for only that site.
rey, KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
# 23:26 tantek looks like fragmentions are broken on indieweb.org
# 23:26 aaronpk i bet that script didn't make it onto the new wiki theme
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