2016-11-15 UTC
wolftune joined the channel
# 00:06 tantek gRegorLove: hmm - I'd consider live selfdogfooding kind of a prereq for either of those
# 00:06 tantek without that as a requirement, there's too many "fragile to maintain your own site" projects that I wouldn't want to steer people toward
# 00:07 tantek I think I'm done enough with work things for the day that I want to find a quiet someplace else to write a bunch of posts - anybody want to meetup in a local cafe?
# 00:08 GWG tantek: I think I'll skip tonight.
# 00:15 gRegorLove tantek: That's fair. I guess my perspective is kind of that regardless of whether the author uses it on his own site, I'm going to be the one in the community offering help to people getting set up. The indieweb Site Profile ProcessWire add-on will be a good step in that direction though.
# 00:16 tantek and possibly something we should indicate on each projrect
# 00:16 tantek with people that are willing to help people with that project in particular
# 00:16 gRegorLove ProcessWire is a kind of interesting case, since it's more of a framework to build various types of sites on (blog, portfolio, whatever you want) rather than "Here's a blog" a la WordPress
# 00:17 gRegorLove I'll work on that site profile first, so there's a much easier "first step with ProcessWire"
# 00:18 aaronpk gRegorLove: is ProcessWire like Laravel then? or does it actually do something out of the box?
# 00:18 Loqi aaronpk: [barryf] left you a message 2 hours, 13 minutes ago: I've submitted a webmention PR for /Transformative when you've got a second to check.
# 00:18 gRegorLove Author markets it as a CMS / CMF (content management framework)
# 00:22 gRegorLove Haven't used Laravel, but think it's more than that. It manages user logins, a hierarchy of pages, and an API for use in the template files (or third party scripts)
# 00:26 gRegorLove What I find the most powerful about it is the way templates work. Each template has a collection of fields and it's easy to add new fields. So I can add a new post type or stream of posts pretty easily.
# 00:26 tantek that definition could probably be improved ;)
# 00:27 miklb KartikPrabhu as soon as I have some experimental features I will
# 00:27 Loqi WebFinger is a discovery protocol for the web that uses email address-like identifiers to get info about users; it has been largely superseded on the indieweb by the use of personal web sites and representative h-card https://indieweb.org/WebFinger
# 00:27 tantek gRegorLove: perhaps if you think ProcessWire is a particularly good example of how to do templates, you could note something there
# 00:27 TheGillies I wrote a webfinger library last night, was wondering if it had a place in indieweb, I guess that's my answer
# 00:28 tantek TheGillies, more importantly, does it have a place on your website?
# 00:29 tantek TheGillies, is it in progress on your personal site? (which is totally ok)
# 00:29 tantek TheGillies: I believe that was deliberate on the part of Brad
# 00:30 TheGillies tantek: Yeah it's definitely "in progress" it doesn't actually return anything except the acct uri right now heh
# 00:40 tantek Does anyone have any web hosting companies they use and like outside the US?
# 00:40 tantek Maybe I should ask in the morning when the Europeans are awake
# 00:45 tantek miklb - yes, for domain registration, I've heard and seen good things about gandi.net and they're based in France
# 00:45 tantek miklb do you know anyone using them for web hosting though?
snarfed1, wolftune, snarfed, tantek, Jeena, mlncn, KevinMarks, Jeena_ and strugee joined the channel
# 04:58 aaronpk just tried Facebook Live for the first time. it's kinda neat
# 05:00 aaronpk makes me tempted to try to do that on my own site
wolftune, begriffs and awolf joined the channel
# 06:04 bignose it couldn't be, because Facebook isn't a media company, no no no
leg and awolf joined the channel
# 06:20 aaronpk Yeah but after the live stream ends it turns into a video post on my timeline
# 06:22 aaronpk It seems like a good use for updating a post via micropub
# 06:22 aaronpk I've seen some tutorials for using nginx for broadcasting a live stream and then save a file to disk... getting some ideas here
# 06:23 TheGillies aaronpk: What streaming software would you use to livestream?
cweiske joined the channel
# 06:29 Loqi streaming is a method of content delivery where the user starts viewing a post on a site, typically timed media, and when it finishes, the site may automatically start showing another, either by scrolling or playing https://indieweb.org/streaming
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 06:39 sknebel but the rest of the page talks about live streaming
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 06:46 TheGillies they charge you 5 bucks a month on top of the hourly rate, meh kind of a racket
# 06:47 TheGillies everywhere else is like 70 bucks a month and not hourly though
bravetrvlr and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks_, Pierre-O, pindonga, sl007, bravetrvlr, friedcell, loicm, DanC_, aegibsonme and calumryan joined the channel
mlncn and Pierre-O joined the channel
tantek, userXYZ, hs0ucy, calumryan, friedcell, camerongray and nitot joined the channel
danlyke, plainfingers, KartikPrabhu, nikivi, nitot_, snarfed, userXYZ and awolf joined the channel
friedcell, loicm, jmelesky, sl007 and tantek joined the channel
# 17:02 tantek hello #indieweb! IndieWebCamp MIT2 is TOMORROW!@
nikivi joined the channel
# 17:04 tantek and even if you're not able to make it - we could still use help with creating all the event sub-pages like Schedule Introductions etc.
sl007, mlncn, snarfed and cweiske joined the channel
snarfed1 and tantek joined the channel
# 17:31 tantek England coming through for HWC tomorrow night!
sl007 joined the channel
# 17:39 calumryan tantek: good to see Brighton back after a break. Still hopeful of some more attendees for London but doesn’t look like anyone else for tomorrow. Considering how best to promote.
KevinMarks, wagle and [barryf] joined the channel
# 17:49 [barryf] calumryan: I'll be popping in for a bit. See you tomorrow?
# 17:53 [barryf] calumryan: 6pm would be better if possible - I'm seeing a show at 7pm in Leicester Square.
snarfed joined the channel
sl007 joined the channel
# 18:14 sl007 cweiske et al. IWC Berlin video should appear on Air Mozilla by tomorrow. Let you know. What I currently wonder about are error codes in the wild.
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:16 sl007 E.g. apart from ENONENT etc. for indieauth-node : If value client_id is missing should it be 420 or 422
KevinMarks, rMdes and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks, sl007, snarfed and nikivi joined the channel
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sl007 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:35 PFMurph a heads up for anyone in a similar situation for laptop graphics: Nouveau has EXA acceleration for maxwell in bleeding-edge now.
# 19:36 PFMurph Am currently compiling mesa
snarfed, KevinMarks_, Zegnat and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 19:48 cweiske sl007, I simply send out 400 in my indieauth-openid proxy
sl007, KevinMarks, loicm and pfefferle joined the channel
sl007 joined the channel
# 20:57 Zegnat What timezone is IWC MIT2 happening in? Wondering if I can catch the live stream
mlncn, g2 and sl007 joined the channel
# 21:12 sl007 Good Morning Zegnat, just btw : the Mozilla Cups are papermade but I saved one for you. UTC-05:00
# 21:17 Zegnat Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks sl007! If you are ever in NL, let me know and we’ll go have coffee
# 21:18 Zegnat Ah, So I can hopefully join in from work for the start. Thanks for the timezone reminder
# 21:21 ben_thatmustbeme need to ask KevinMarks to file an issue for that problem he has had with loging in via known
# 21:23 Zegnat ben_thatmustbeme: "Unhandled rejection TypeError: data.auth_endpoint.indexOf is not a function." ?
# 21:27 Zegnat Really, I just clicked your link and tried to login. Nothing happened. Then checked the console and saw the quoted warning.
friedcell joined the channel
# 21:34 Zegnat ben_thatmustbeme, no, this was the first time. Just clicked and entered my domain.
# 21:34 Zegnat I wasn’t even actually going to use it, was just wondering what would happen.
# 21:46 Zegnat It might be because I don’t even have any endpoints set-up ;)
# 21:51 KevinMarks If I login with known it says "http://Known.kevinmarks.com" does not match the logged in user "http://known.kevinmarks.com/profile/kevinmarks".
# 21:55 Zegnat Falling asleep at my screen. Good to find my IRC working again. Will check in for the live stream tomorrow! Have a good time all
snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 22:00 gRegorLove Sure, though I thought it was broken for a moment until I remembered I had it off temporarily
LanaCoyote joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:04 gRegorLove Yeah, my endpoint is really basic, probably 401s that request.
# 22:06 gRegorLove On create post, is the first icon supposed to say "note" instead of "name"?
sl007 joined the channel
bravetrvlr, friedcell and awolf joined the channel