ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk won't be in until 12:30pm and I won't likely be able to pick stuff up in the morning. I'm struggling having thrown my back out this week
LoqiGNU social is a free software project that "will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server"
tantek"The search engine encountered the following error: Search engine returned invalid information or was unresponsive. We are working to resolve this issue. Thanks for your patience."
LoqiKevinMarks: tantek left you a message 14 minutes ago: could you notify Johannes (j12t) of the status of tomorrow's HWC SF? He's RSVPd, and there's no "Where" on the event page. Please ping him if it's not happening so he doesn't make the drive for no reason:
petermolnarKevinMarks re: "how to get your twitter followers to follow you elsewhere in case you are forced off it" that is not a twitter-restricted issue and is one of the problems we tried to talk about at iwc brighton last time:
petermolnar!tell KevinMarks re: "how to get your twitter followers to follow you elsewhere in case you are forced off it" that is not a twitter-restricted issue and is one of the problems we tried to talk about at iwc brighton last time:
Zegnatpetermolnar: it is a recurring topic. There was a lot of talk in Brighton about the how-to for joining the IndieWeb if you aren't a web developer.
tommorris[tantek]: the nice thing about web sites/apps is they don't break Arthur Weasley's rule: "Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain"
ben_thatmustbemesandro: i want to allow people to be automatically "guests" on my site, it creates an account for the as guest10328 for example and they can like and comment, etc
ZegnatIt does help with hearing what people are saying, because you also aim the mic. Just the sound during the moving really spikes :( Reliable sound does seem like the hardest thing to get going at these events
LoqiWARC is a web archive (Web ARChive) format designed to collect all of the resources that make up a web page into a single item that does not require any external references when opened
Loqi[kevinmarks]: petermolnar left you a message 8 hours, 35 minutes ago: re: "how to get your twitter followers to follow you elsewhere in case you are forced off it" that is not a twitter-restricted issue and is one of the problems we tried to talk about at iwc brighton last time:
KevinMarks_, benborges and mlncn joined the channel
tanteka tweetstorm is a series of tweets, each replying to the previous, as a method of expressing a longer series of related thoughts as a single thread on [[Twitter]].
LoqiDemos are IndieWeb projects with instructions on how to demonstrate them, preferably quickly like under a minute or so, and lists of demo sessions from past IndieWebCamps
ben_thatmustbemeTantek, aaronpk,. Another reason for rel=self being needed, and a much more important one I feel. Making sure that you don't subscribe to a URL that has extra (ignored) query params