Loqitweetstorm is a series of tweets, each replying to the previous, often each numbered so the sequence is clear, as a method of expressing a longer series of related thoughts as a single thread on Twitter https://indieweb.org/tweetstorm
tantek!tell benwerd,kylewm,snarfed,kevinmarks are you available to participate or better yet help co-organize an IndieWebCamp SF Dec 17-18? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Planning and can you suggest others that would like to help out too!
sl007!tell aaronpk , Zegnat - last step for indieauth-node [which is finally (oh wait, at the moment) working brilliant ;)] (my weekend challenge) is now to 1. keep the secrets [OAuth creds.] on the server - plan is to keep them encrypted in a folder outside anything as JWT and start the server with PW to read them and 2. (and that's tricky) the :
sl007!tell aaronpk if provider === 'sms' || provider === 'email' || provider === 'clef' || provider === 'gpg' - email is working but sms seems to be impossible in Europe (to test) or is there anything I don't know about, Zegnat? and then I've to dive in clef and gpg where I have to be careful about the npm dependendencies (I only want to use those ba people I trust) … Any suggestions ?
aaronpksl007: you'll need to find an SMS provider you can use for this. Or change it to fall back to the SMS email gateways if that's a thing in Europe
Loqiaaronpk: sl007 left you a message 16 minutes ago: , Zegnat - last step for indieauth-node [which is finally (oh wait, at the moment) working brilliant ;)] (my weekend challenge) is now to 1. keep the secrets [OAuth creds.] on the server - plan is to keep them encrypted in a folder outside anything as JWT and start the server with PW to read them and 2. (and that's tricky) the :
Loqiaaronpk: sl007 left you a message 14 minutes ago: if provider === 'sms' || provider === 'email' || provider === 'clef' || provider === 'gpg' - email is working but sms seems to be impossible in Europe (to test) or is there anything I don't know about, Zegnat? and then I've to dive in clef and gpg where I have to be careful about the npm dependendencies (I only want to use those ba people I trust) … Any suggestions ?
sl007aaronpk - ok . Just btw: 1 mike ago I figured out that Glenn's parser does not parse your birthday <time class="dt-bday" datetime="--12-28"></time> Need to correct and pull request ;)
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, LanaCoyote, nikivi, KevinMarks_ and tantek joined the channel
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 22 minutes ago: are you available to participate or better yet help co-organize an IndieWebCamp SF Dec 17-18? https://indieweb.org/Planning#Planning and can you suggest others that would like to help out too!