#indieweb 2016-12-04

2016-12-04 UTC
KevinMarks, gRegorLove, KevinMarks_, ChrisAldrich and wolftune joined the channel
Refactoring my post-parsing was a nightmare, but my code is so much cleaner now. #indieweb (https://t.co/7jANZRS8WM)
leg, KevinMarks, aegibsonme, nitot, userXYZ, duper, Loqi, aaronpk, jacus, KevinMarks_, wolftune, ChrisAldrich, tantek, awolf, rpcope, plindner, TheGillies, jcgregorio[m], rdesfo[m], M-hotzeplotz, M-nd, M-rongladney, M-mxuribe, Guest60189[m], Jeffrey[m], 32NAAQWUL, sknebel_matrix_t, 6A4AAHF3P, Guest86807[m] and crasch[m] joined the channel
I'm considering which blog platform to use for Snowdrift.coop and am looking between Ghost and Known. They both looked pretty slick at IWS, but I haven't spun either up yet. Any thoughts on this topic or something I may have overlooked?
awolf, Loqi and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Known is easier from an indieweb point of view
nitot, KartikPrabhu, awolf, snarfed, cuibonobo, kerozene, pindonga, ChrisAldrich, Pierre-O, nikivi, tantek and Zegnat joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
morning Zegnat!
catsup joined the channel
Any work getting done on your site today, sknebel?
friedcell joined the channel
Zegnat: we'll see. I have to investigate some potential bugs, not sure if more
I hope to get my webmention endpoint up by the end of the day. So when I blog someone can feel free to reply
I'm thinking about how I best fix the issue of not putting everything into e-content. storage/rendering layer needs some sort of refactoring to do that elegantly
Ah, so you decided putting everything inside your content property is the right way to go?
Pierre-O joined the channel
wrong way round
right now I do that
since the content is an HTML blob that gets dropped in the template
-> want to move to mf2-like structure and generate more of the HTML automatically from mf2 properties
Rev_Illo, kerozene and ricardokirkner joined the channel
So, IRC doesn't seem to be the perfeck channel for everyone, I have one guy here telling me: "Hello! There is something weird about the pricing of my Internet connection, my mother tells me not to use Internet more than 2 hours/day. Is there any way to leave a question and get answers later without being Internet-connected to a chat all the time it takes before the answer comes?"
I guess he could use the slack bridge instead?
friedcell joined the channel
Yeah, the Slack bridge works for that. It even keeps track of where you left off reading last time you where online.
Jeena tell the newbie to get a VPS with ZNC; he'll get all the history after that ( also, are you sure this is not a question from ~1996? )
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
What is ZNC?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ZNC" yet. Would you like to create it?
friedcell joined the channel
ZNC is an IRC proxy, usually used to maintain uninterrupted connections which you can access from anywhere.
ok, I added "http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC" to the "See Also" section of /ZNC
I suspect Slack would be a lot easier to use for that person.
[jeremycherfas] maybe, but Slack won't help you to learn and to own your things, including your logs ;)
by the way, we have online, visible logs at https://chat.indieweb.org/ so I don't completely understand their problem
Very true @petermolnar I use Slack because it is relatively easy, but I can see that it would be good for me to learn IRC properly. My problem is that this really is just a hobby. I like learning new things, but there are times when I am simply too busy to keep tinkering, and that’s why I go back to simpler tools.
fair point; I'm using that ZNC for my work connection as well
(I think we already have wiki section on clients at /IRC )
aegibsonme joined the channel
@petermolnar You see, I don’t even understand how to use @name in Slack. If you are here on Slack as a bot — because you relay in or something — how do I address you properly?
friedcell and mlncn joined the channel
I'm not certain what you mean, but I have my client configured to notify me when my name is mentioned
Does your client need to see the @ in front of your name? What is the etiquette of addressing people directly?
No it's just the name. On IRC, Slack-people have []-brackets around their names. I believe a bracket-mention is made an @-reply on Slack.
[jeremycherfas] Do you see this as an @-reply?
oh well, it's details anyway
raretrack joined the channel
Yes sebsel, I see that as an @-reply.
And yes, it is details, but it is also good to be able to understand social norms and not violate them intentionally :slightly_smiling_face:
[jeremycherfas] there are very few social norms that you could be violating here, other than not being a nice person
Well, thanks Zegnat. I do my best.
because irc pre-dates the internet and twitter, the @ is not required, but all of use would understand the @ version as wel
I should check my nginx access/error logs a little more often o.O
and I should also speed up my exodus from wordpress; the amount of login tries is frightening
friedcell joined the channel
I feel very sad when people leave WordPress
who left?
GWG do you mean leaves IndieWeb WP?
[indieweb] "Wish I remembered to use @withknown to POSSE my tweets , and goodness knows how to PESOS them when I don't! #indieweb #indiwebshame" by Rob Fairhead on 2016-12-04 http://raretrack.uk/2016/wish-i-remembered-to-use-withknown-to-posse-my-tweets
Wish I remembered to use @withknown to POSSE my tweets , and goodness knows how to PESOS them when I don't! #indieweb #indiwebshame
petermolnar is planning his exit.
GWG did you watch/track the big State of WP yeseterday?
I saw a summary. I want to know more about the change to the release cycle
the gist I got is there isn't going to be a release cylce so much as Matt deciding what, when, where.
If I were going to fork WordPress I'd be sneaky about it in the early stages. Kinda like Calypso.
aegibsonme joined the channel
GWG I feel very sad when WordPress it getting bloated, broken, and faces towards JS :)
petermolnar, ditto to a point
( broken example: the admin interface doesn't care about hooks for intermediate images )
miklb, I wouldn't mind if minor improvements are still made in point releases. But designing releases around a feature isn't a bad move
petermolnar, is there a ticket?
aegibsonme_ and userXYZ joined the channel
friendly pitch that if you are into php and looking for a new blogging tool, always looking for help with Habari, especially to make it an IndieWeb friendly blogging tool ;-)
there is known
can we have too many IW blogging tools? :-)
GWG I don't disagree, but when the design decisions are geared towards .com and not .org I get very wary. Those types of decisions is how Habari came about.
feels he's navigating int indiechat territory
miklb, we're discussing a platform my website uses, that seems on topic
But I just worry that the Indieweb friendly work I have put will stop
I try to sneak something in each time. All low impact.
I rewrote the functions that as store pings. Would something like that still get in?
GWG I don't think there's a ticket about it; I dived into the code to figure out why my move-to-cache thing doesn't work on the admin interface and I walked away when I saw the mostly hardcoded way of dealing with them
petermolnar, what are you trying to accomplish?
getting rid of the thousands of generated images in the same folder where the originals live to block access to originals and only allow downsized; apparently this is incredibly problematic to achieve with regexes in nginx
so I wanted a plugin, which does the magic in the downsized images and returns the /cache/ urls for the corresponding filters and hooks
the admin interface doesn't give a blink and continues to use unfiltered ways of accessing them
but this is just one single example why I'm getting disenchanted with wordpress
Filters are something that are easier to get in if you can make arguments.
why wouldn't you want filters for everything?
Too many filters get confusing. They try to add only if someone thinks of a use case
if there's a filter on the frontend, the same should be present on the backend, the exact same hook/filter; and this is not the case
I think they would change it if you told them.
awolf and julianf joined the channel
!tell tantek I found where I saw 'went' first. Meetup.com changes 'going' to 'went' for past meetups. But: no RSVP-ing after the event! I documented: https://indieweb.org/went
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
what is Meetup.com?
Meetup.com is a proprietary website for to meet people in your local community who share your interests https://indieweb.org/meetup.com
changing cases
KevinMarks joined the channel
GWG > "I think they would change it if you told them" - this is what's broken. I'm tired of working around things like this, something that is trivial. I see your point, but this is not code broken, this is WP decision making broken.
KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
@petermolnar I get wp login tries on all my sites. I'm tempted to serve a redirect to a giant binary file from the endpoints they try.
nah, just keep their connections open, no need to serve anything
petermolnar: I think you give them too much credit
ChrisAldrich and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
I don't want to dos myself
wolftune, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and friedcell joined the channel
but dos-ing yourself is not even hard :) especially for apache users... https://github.com/llaera/slowloris.pl
friedcell, Kopfstein, raretrack, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and [sciencemonkey] joined the channel
I am the "newbie" with weirdly priced Internet and a whining mother. Where can I discuss ways to make unknown websites publicized? I have created http://scientific-method.wikia.com/wiki/Scientific_Method_Wiki
userXYZ, friedcell and KevinMarks joined the channel
[indieweb] "Chris Aldrich is reading “My 2017-01-01 #IndieWeb Commitment: Own All My RSVPs To Public Events” by Tantek Çelik" by Chris Aldrich on 2016-12-03 http://boffosocko.com/2016/12/02/chris-aldrich-is-reading-my-2017-01-01-indieweb-commitment-own-all-my-rsvps-to-public-events-by-tantek-celik/
Pierre-O, julianf, KevinMarks_ and friedcell joined the channel
KevinMarks: I like your idea earlier of serving large files. The alternate is to lock down your wp-admin and there are a few plugins that might work: https://wordpress.org/plugins/rename-wp-login/ or https://wordpress.org/plugins/lockdown-wp-admin/. Surely there are others too...
Hi, Chrisaldrich
Howdy GWG. How goes the winnowing process for the next big project?
j12t joined the channel
I have a few things I am going to try to do
First, fix the latest version of Simple Location so it works again, even if full venue support isn't there yet
When 4.7 comes out, I want to release a simple plugin to delegate Pingbacks to Webmention.io
And a plugin to disable Trackbacks without Pingbacks also being disabled.
that sounds like a great set of initial plans to me...
I've been thinking this morning what to make as my IndieWeb resolution /2017-01-01-commitments
I also have some minor things that I want to do when 4.7 comes out.
Like supporting the new default settings feature, which will reduce several lines of code... but doesn't add features.
And pfefferle and I discussed a deleted post plugin
These are not WordPress sites, but bots fetch those urls anyway
mlncn, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, snarfed, begriffs and ChrisAldrich joined the channel