Loqitantek: Sebsel left you a message 13 hours, 3 minutes ago: I found where I saw 'went' first. Meetup.com changes 'going' to 'went' for past meetups. But: no RSVP-ing after the event! I documented: https://indieweb.org/went
tantek!tell Jeena sorry couldn't really follow that gist. Also since it is a long block of text, without breaking into chunks of arguments or points (paragraphs? lists?), especially with citations/quotations of what it is referring to (either agreeing or disagreeing with), it tripped my pattern recognizer for internet pseudo-science essays (been floating around since Usenet) and thus I can't really take it seriously. Apologies.
tantekGWG, the biggest challenge is that few (even existing systems) have given sufficient/serious thought to the location at vs location about problem, and errantly conflate or ambiguate the two
tantektweet locations are locations at (posted from), instagram locations are locations about (photo is of the location). sometimes the two can be the same, but quite often they're not. e.g. in any Instagram "# latergram" or "# TBT" type posts, where the photo being posted happened sometime ago, and the location is of where the photo was taken, not where the IG post was made/published.
GWGBut for now, my task is removing the individual data storage fields from individual posts. If it goes above the threshold of having a simple textual description and optionally coordinates, it is going to have to be a venue.
gRegorLoveaaronpk: Not sure if this is an intricacy of http status codes or a bug, but in micropub.rocks when I return 202 on post creation, it's following the Location header and returning 404, because the post isn't public yet. When I return 201 it doesn't follow the location header though.
bjoern_, renoirb, wolftune and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
tantekAnd that post seems both useless and unnecessarily cynical. At this point I would have expected more from @misuba given how much the folks in this community have tried to help him with past indieweb questions etc.
[sciencemonkey]Is there any site or domain a wiki that currently cannot be googled but only accessed through URL links can be moved to that makes it easier to find?
[sciencemonkey]That is a link. Googling the title, "Scientific Method Wiki", or exact phrases from the wiki gives no Google hits. That is a problem for the findability by people who currently does not know about the wiki.
[sciencemonkey]So now it has started working. It did not when I googled a few days ago. Thanks. Another question: are there any "own the site" drawbacks with a wiki?
Jeenatantek, yeah it's sciencemonkey (in slack) who is the person who send that, I hope he will get the hang of slack/irc discussions so it will be easier to understand what he means.
LoqiJeena: tantek left you a message 3 hours, 11 minutes ago: sorry couldn't really follow that gist. Also since it is a long block of text, without breaking into chunks of arguments or points (paragraphs? lists?), especially with citations/quotations of what it is referring to (either agreeing or disagreeing with), it tripped my pattern recognizer for internet pseudo-science essays (been floating around since Usenet) and thus I can't really take it seriously. Apologies.
[sciencemonkey]Tell Loqi that I wrote it that way due to time shortage in writing an email. I wanted to be polite to Jeena and not take too long a time to reply. Lack of sectioning and lack of time to search for quotes does not equal "pseudoscience". I am also busy both studying astronomy before the imminent exam at the University of Gothenburg, and publicizing Scientific Method Wiki as well as adding some more content to it. Part of the idea of the wiki i
[sciencemonkey]people to write hypotheses and theories, getting help with finding links to empirical data from people who know empirical data. This has the potential to allow people who know data relevant for each other's hypotheses to reference-help each other, instead of obstructively demanding the same person to always do both!
Jeenayou don't need to tell him the stuff, if then you want use: tell tantek ... then Loqi will tell him when he comes back online, I guess he is asleep right now
bignosebashing through a long reply, badly formatted, doesn't make the person feel respected, it makes them feel overwhelmed and disrespected (because the message isn't formatted for readability).
bignosethis will also have the advantage of distinguishing you from ranty wall-of-text writers who in fact don't respect the reader because their ideas are Urgent and Important.
petermolnar! tell [sciencemonkey] this channel is not just slack, but IRC. Loqi as an irc bot ( type "who is Loqi?" ) which handles commands, like leaving messages for other users. So when you type "!tell xyz", Loqi picks it up and when user "xyz" returns - types something -, Loqi plays the message back.
petermolnar!tell [sciencemonkey] this channel is not just slack, but IRC. Loqi as an irc bot ( type "who is [Loqi]?" without the [] ) which handles commands, like leaving messages for other users. So when you type "!tell xyz", Loqi picks it up and when user "xyz" returns - types something -, Loqi plays the message back.
[schmarty]@GWG i have been thinking about this as well. i have used Quill's event post a couple of times but was disappointed that the location field is just a text field.
[schmarty]for the first couple of event posts i made i manually created geo URLs of the form geo:LAT,LON;VENUENAME and set up my templates to render an openstreetmap image of the location
[schmarty]not long after, i started a small venues lookup table that turns the name into actual address info, so where that is available my site will display it.
[schmarty]tantek: not sure about GWG's use case that kicked off this discussion, but i'd like to have venue location information available when creating new events or check-ins
gRegorLoveaaronpk: Not sure if this is an intricacy of http status codes or a bug, but in micropub.rocks when I return 202 on post creation, it's following the Location header and returning 404, because the post isn't public yet. When I return 201 it doesn't follow the location header though.
gRegorLoveSounds like you'd want to track the venue name, lat/lng (even if spoofed to be nearby, not precise, and a precision or range, which determines how big a map you might show.