[schmarty]UI is pretty critical. as more of a developer than a designer it takes me a long time to work out UIs that I am happy with, but the results are better when I spend the time than if I just slap a UI on top of an implementation.
petermolnarthere's also the case of the language below them, eg. date formatting; PHP with it's no%s, Python with %, and Python generally being an a*hole with dates
sl007I actually did autodetecting language in js - it uses fine 750 language fingerprints I did and is fine for node.js - In the browser you can select a set of fingerprints because performance (tell me if need)
ben_thatmustbeme!tell miklb_ try inkstone again and let me know how it goes. again, it may take a few refreshes to get the new version. You'll be able to tell because the bottom of the settings page will have version info now and a button to force refresh syndication targets
gRegorLoveI'm considering manually copying some of FB's "Memories" photo posts to my site. Sometimes they do a good job surfacing memories I'd like to keep, posted well before I even thought of posting photos on my own site. Also they're usually other people's photos of me I don't have copies of.
gRegorLoveOy. "the system is not designed for individuals or sole proprietorships, even though those people should be able to get DMCA safe harbor protections as well. Specifically, to register, it requires an organization name and a "second contact" name and information."
aaronpkit's customary in this community for people to have a URL that matches their call sign. I also kind of like the idea of just having it totally separate
KartikPrabhu, snarfed and mlncn joined the channel
Zegnataaronpk, aah, the callsign thing makes sense. The way IndieWeb has domains as identity, I guess in the radio world your callsign is your identity.
gRegorLoveHow long have you been into ham radio aaronpk? My dad was big into it when I was a kid; tried to get me to learn morse code. I did briefly but never got into like he did.
kbs(context - used to be kg6qqr until I let it expire out of lack of actual use... I really loved building radios, but found I didn't actually use it for communication :)
aaronpkkbs: aw, just missed the cutoff to renew it. but since you have the Extra license, all you have to do is pass the Tech exam and you'll get your old license back!
kbsaaronpk: no claims to security expertise, as I just rely on others wiser than me here :) but based on the goals in the design considerations section, looks a nice balance between usability and the desired degree of acl security.
MSiepI've set up a rel="me" link to my Twitter account on my home page, https://TechDesignPsych, and indieauth.com recognizes it as valid but indiewebify.me says "https://twitter.com/MSiep doesn’t link back" so I'm wondering whether I actually have it set up correctly or not?
aaronpkMSiep: cool thanks for confirming. in general you should limit the number of redirects, but technically indiewebify.me should have allowed those multiple redirects anyway.
aaronpkyeah that was the first time we started dealing with redirect issues, but people still have a variety of www / http / https redirects despite the t.co thing