#chrisaldrich2tantek: I'm still in the midst of building/refining some read flow, but I'm archiving most online article feeds as http://boffosocko.com/kind/read/?type=status?type=link. I hadn't considered indicating whether or not I read an article as a hardcopy and typically link to the URL version.
#chrisaldrich2I've been trying to scrape the entire article as a means of archiving it at the time it was read, but then providing a link and auto redirect after a second or so to the original article. (This last part is off while I'm doing some troubleshooting at the moment)
#chrisaldrich2I do like the idea of taking into account hardcopies of physical magazines/journals as I still read a lot that way.
#chrisaldrich2I've been tinkering at a lot of this for the past couple of weeks so that I can attempt to "own" all of my online/magazine/book reads for 2017 and hopefully have some useful metadata at the end of the year as a result.
#chrisaldrich2sometime in the next week I hope to have more of it documented as well.
#GWGChrisaldrich, for your information, after the next location update, I will be doing some maintenance on Post Kinds
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#GWGChrisaldrich, after I finish the Simple Location work, I will likely be working on Post Kinds maintenance
#chrisaldrich2Sorry I missed you the other night. I had looked at simple location ages ago briefly, but had never dug into the code. How's that going?
#GWGChrisaldrich, I am completely redoing the functionality. I was going to ask if when I am reasonably happy, if you might be willing to test it
#chrisaldrich2I've spun up a few test sites in the last week for testing various things, and one of them already has simple location's name on it. Just tell me when.
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#chrisaldrich2that reminds me I still have a few days on my 2017 commitment... but I've been having too much fun working on owning my /read data...
#GWGI was looking at Google's timeline feature. Makes me want to do some more trip reports.
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#chrisaldrich2I've been noticing google's timeline feature more lately as it sends me notifications to verify some places. I know it's there, but I don't go back to look at it very often however....
#chrisaldrich2some posts with either interesting writing, work related things, awards, etc. could be tagged resume so that they're easier to remember to put onto it later. Though I could see doing something like GWG's suggesting with additional curation
#GWGIt is as much for me as anyone else...like scrapbooking
#chrisaldrich2Or perhaps additional hidden fields within a post that could be displayed in an archive-type of view that could be made to be resume-ish.
#GWGAlthough I like the idea of my date of birth being an easter egg on my site.
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#chrisaldrich2One could also have a thought-resume of things that have been most influential in forming one's particular mode of thinking throughout a lifetime...
#chrisaldrich2/read/watch posts, etc... might make going through the prior year's posts more interesting to make a sort of personal year-in-review exercise as well.
#GWGChrisaldrich, I definitely need to do more posting
#chrisaldrich2also when one has thousands of posts, where is a new reader going to be pointed to? Lots of old seemingly mundane posts, or the best-of-the-best in some sense.
#GWGIf I added a bunch of classic content, I'd likely do a summary post.
#chrisaldrich2Lately, I've been posting everything I read online, but that doesn't mean I actually enjoyed or appreciated it all, much less recommend it all.
#LoqiThe timeline briefly documents key IndieWeb terms/ideas/concepts, implementations, specifications, and other achievements; people involved, and dates/URLs for each https://indieweb.org/timeline
#chrisaldrich2GWG: that kind of gets me into the territory of multi-kinds... though I suppose I could always add additional microformats to a single post for some of the metadata
#GWGChrisaldrich, multikind is a project I am not sure I am ready to build
#chrisaldrich2but post-kinds doesn't make doing that easy. There's the "display it this way" portion and then there's the here's the wider semantics of what the post is about in a broader sense. I could have bookmarked it, later read it, and then further favorited/liked it.....
#ZegnatGWG, re: classic content, there are some great Facebook examples of this. TheBritishMonarchy on Facebook goes back to at least The Queen's Coronation in 1953, with pictures and everything.
#tantekthis is why permashortlinks matter - to make POSSEing *obvious* to the casual observer of a thread, even if it takes a nudge to point out the permashortlink as evidence
#davidmeadlol. gotta love that helper tech kevinmarks
#tantekdavidmead, as you're diligently owning your notes and replies, consider adding yourself to https://indieweb.org/ownyourdata#IndieWeb_Examples (note the "high bar" conditions therein, I think it looks like you're there or almost there)
#LoqiThe sidefile-antipattern is a violation of the DRY principle by the use of secondary files (typically in some one-off XML format) to provide information that is a duplicate of information available in primary files on a website (in HTML), and is an antipattern due to typical DRY violation problems such as out-of-date, missing, corrupted, or outright false data https://indieweb.org/sidefile
#davidmeadI think its finding a good system to work on mobile that I need sort out tantek. that’ll make the /ownyourdata goal achievable for me.
#sl007aaronpk - FYI https://spresso.me - was just presented in the talk "On the Security and Privacy of Modern Single Sign-On in the Web" at #33c3 - video should be avail. soon
#davidmeadbeen thinking of adding hashtags to the start of posts. that way they get included in tweets instead of being cut off from longer ones with the permashort link. opinions?
#tantekdavidmead, excellent thinking and general area of challenge. there has been some previous thinking / experimenting on this.
#aaronpkmy previous posting interface would trim my tweet text to fit the hashtags at the end. trying to find a screenshot
#tantekas you imply, specifically in how it impacts truncation of posts for POSSEing
#Loqi[Aaron Parecki] Demo post (for @indiewebcampUK) -- demonstrating my posting UI. After the text gets too long it truncates automatically and adds a citation link. Hashtags are preserved. #indieweb... https://aaronparecki.com/2012/09/09/6/indieweb-posting-ui.png
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#davidmeadI think i had something similar set up when I was using Known aaronpk, but WP doesn’t do that
#tantek"3. include hashtags as part of that abbreviated content (even if they're beyond the ellipsis horizon) to increase syndication based discovery/searchability of your content "
#tantekhmm, I have a PESETAS question. how easy is it to setup a twitter account that all it does is auto-post from a public IG?
#tantekI feel like there should be enough indieweb building blocks to make that happen
#tantekI'm now treating creating new twitter accounts as cheap name registration, like DNS but on a silo, just to be able to @-name reference something instead of eating 23 chars with a domain name
#davidmeadI create an twitter photo entry using IFTTT everytime I post on Instagram tantek. Downside is I have to add the syndicate link for it back on my blog manually
#aaronpkvery strange that it skipped some for you though. did you happen to have posted a whole bunch of photos in a row or something? I think it only sees the last 20
#tantekliterally just walked away to take care of something in the other room for a minute, came back, and the "Your account has been locked." screen was showing
#davidmeadquestion ben_thatmustbeme - if i were to use inkstone to post to my blog, how do i syndicate it to the silos (twitter, et al)? does the blog have to do that?
#aaronpki'd be curious to see if they do that to a new account from a brand new un-cookied browser. i wonder if they recognize that browser was previously used on other twitter accounts
#tantek"Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior..." uh, no, there was literally no "behavior" other than the manual step of signing-up, searching for and following *one* account as part of the sign-up flow, and then confirming the account via the email they sent.
#tantekthen all I had to do was wait a few minutes and it reloaded into the locked screen
#tantekaaronpk, good q, I could try that from a private browsing session too to see what happens
#tantekif they're doing that, they're likely checking from-IP also
#aaronpki'm sure this is just part of their attempt to stop one-off troll accounts
#tantekguilty until proven innocent? sounds like a silo tactic, similar to how they rel-nofollow all links from content
#tantekwhich is just guilty until .. well I guess just guilty, no appeal
#ben_thatmustbemedavidmead: yes, thats all on the blog's end, basically the micropub endpoint just gives a list of syndicate-to options, those are presented in inkstone's UI and then whichever options selected are sent with the post request
#ben_thatmustbemedavidmead: what are you using for your site right now?
#[dariusdunlap]Year end goals update: Server upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Wordpress Upgraded, PHP7 enabled, Nginx updated, and server certs and keys moved to Let’s Encrypt. Qualsys SSL report rating A+ (which I had before… including HSTS).
#[dariusdunlap]Ok, now to get outside for some sunshine. :slightly_smiling_face:
#mindBHello everyone. I wanted to introduce myself again. I'm developing my (static) website using indieweb principles and using the experience to learn html, css, js, etc. It's plain html right now but will slowly be improved from there.
#tantekaaronpk, I am seeing Twitter indicate "8" replies to your tweet https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/810170583291809792 but only one shows up at that link - are there more private replies there? or does that 8 included quoted tweet "replies" ?
#petermolnar^^^ that article is a prime example why json is problematic, and when you try to use python json to send to perl json, it sometimes gets really messy
#tantekthe problem is without context, JSON seems like a fine data transfer format, as does XML etc.
#tantekin practice, if your "data transfer" use-case is "how do I server information from my webserver to someone who wants to view it", then HTML+microformats is the recommended "format"
#mindBAh. Gotcha. Most of my coding has happened in a data analysis context before so that tends to color my perception. Web presents different issues.
#tantekyes, the contextual difference in those use-cases is quite significant!