LoqiA note is a post that is typically short unstructured* plain text, written & posted quickly, that has its own permalink page https://indieweb.org/note
awolf, chrisaldrich, chrisaldrich1, chrisaldrich_, tantek and Pierre-O joined the channel
[manton]Hi everyone! Thanks for the discussion about my Indie Microblogging book and Micro.blog on Kickstarter. I've been lurking for a while and very interested in the IndieWebCamp. I'll try to catch up today.
[manton]petermolnar: Thanks! I have a lot of work to do still, but my main priority from an IndieWeb perspective is finishing support for Micropub (I have XML-RPC now) and evaluating how I can best use Webmention.
ben_thatmustbemesending webmentions for any post a URL in the body text is a super easy thing to add and gets notifications of mentioning going outbound
[manton]KevinMarks: I've looked at PubSubHubbub but not WebSub yet. I do have rssCloud support already, which hopefully is similar enough that I can expand it to support WebSub as well. I'll check it out, thanks!
ben_thatmustbemeFirst, new message, received today at 8:32 AM .... *click* .... if you would like to hear this message again, press 1, to save it, press 2, to erase it press 3.
Loqiok, I added "https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/03/ive-left-twitter-unusable-anyone-but-trolls-robots-dictators-lindy-west" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits
ben_thatmustbememessage erased, next, new message received today at 9:44 AM ... hey David, its Bill with the weed, i'll be waiting in the usual spot, see you at 1. ... if you would like to hear this message again, press 1, to save it, press 2, to erase it press 3.
tantekgRegorLove: "see also" is not the way to log such things anyways, I'm guessing KevinMarks is on mobile and can't actually edit the wiki to properly add that silo quit to the (to be created) 2017 section
chrisaldrich2tantek: I've thought about it, but in general I like having the ability to be open. Maybe I could change it to private before indieweb tagged posts? ;)
aaronpkbetter strategy: post a lot more and get other people posting, to get me to the point of being frustrated with all the notifications so that i fix deduping :)
chrisaldrich2It is worthwhile to know about silo quits like this in the popular media though as it reaffirms why many of us are part of this growing movement... and for that reason, maybe I should have syndicated to 10 other silos?
chrisaldrich2These three silo quits all seem more interesting too because they're all writers/journalists who have some reasonable influence on their colleagues.
chrisaldrich2Reading about these silo quits is making me think of leaving Twitter for a while too. Maybe I'll make it a double protest quit by leaving on January 20th?
chrisaldrich2and that's why I'm here! I'll think about a quit more over the next 17 days, but perhaps the more constructive thing to do would be to resolve to build easily manageable indieweb sites for free for 10 (or more) scientists/academics who may not have the time/ability to do so for themselves?
chrisaldrich2KartikPrabhu, that's a bit of the issue I've seen to, but I think that people don't see the value in it if it's offered up too cheaply. I have built a few for friends as "birthday presents" which helps ease them into it and once they've begun using it, they've been able to see the more tangible value.
mblaney!tell manton I've shoe-horned websub into my rssCloud implementation, you're right that they are very similar. let me know if you're looking for inspiration.
chrisaldrich2I've also had a recent rash of 3-4 friends who've had Instagram accounts hacked by spammers who were worried they were going to lose everything, and they've all been near instant converts because they've seen the immediate tangible pain and don't consider their personal photos to be digital exhaust the way they may view their tweets.
GWGAfter that, I have some minor tweaks in Post Kinds, then Syndication Links, and then Bridgy Publish. But I sometimes rearrange order. And then I will likely try something bigger.