#GWGI like to make the rounds a bit before I bite off something bigger.
#chrisaldrich2I've been meaning to ask you. I have a sporatic u-photo that pops up on my pages around my gravatar block and again in my footer somewehre that keeps me from using brid.gy publish... It's not something I added, but I suspect it's coming from one of the IndieWeb plugins. Do you recall which is throwing it in there without me trying to hunt it down?
ePirat joined the channel
#GWGWell, Semantic Linkbacks adds u-photo to avatars, I believe.
#chrisaldrich2Good to know because that's the last one I'd have guessed....
#chrisaldrich2I remember experimenting with the UF2 plugin ages ago an remembered that it added a lot of mf2 for themes without it, but didn't know that any of the canonical ones did that.
#GWGI might have suggested it to independent publisher.
#chrisaldrich2It's mostly a problem if it dumps them into e-content I think which means that syndicating to twitter sends a tiny low res version of my avatar into the POSSEd copy
#chrisaldrich2I have gotten kind of used to how SNAP POSSEs Twitter and others , but i've been wanting to go back to something simpler like bridgy publish for straight notes/status updates
#chrisaldrich2I've been contemplating writing as comprehensive manual (book?) on WordPress and indieweb as I can sometime this year. I'm hoping that something like an IndieWeb for Dummies might help onboard more people and I think there are enough easy-to-use modules to warrant it.
#miklbI understand all of that. I'm just saying that until there are more than 2 IW themes, it's going to be tough
#GWGFor example, many plugins and themes put metadata in the_content plugin...which creates a problem, as most themes wrap the_content in e-content.
#chrisaldrich2There's sempress (and a few sub flavors), Independent Publisher, and to me 2016 out of the box has almost everything it needs without being too painful.
#chrisaldrich2i'm tempted to see if we couldn't tweak a few of the bigger themes like 2010-2016 to be a bit more compatible...
#GWGchrisaldrich2: The ones developed on Github are much easier to keep the updates coming
#tantekGWG, chrisaldrich perhaps you could simplify/focus that page on the set of themes you think are worth working on?
#tantekright now there's too much context-setting pre-amble before there's anything like a "Hey, choose from one of these themes"
#tantekI'm guessing that a typical wordpress user just wants to "get things done" and doesn't care about the story of theme sources or what is a child theme vs not and why
#chrisaldrich2I've got a list of relatively popular themes I've wanted to test out to see how close to the target they are. Even getting some of the annual themes to be workable would be helpful as they're some of the most popular
#chrisaldrich2Most won't be nearly as optimized as sempress or independent publisher, but most people won't take advantage of all the "power" they provide.
#tantekseparate them out into "These work, go ahead and use them", and "We're testing these out", and "Here's some we could improve"
#tantekwhich are ready out of the box to just install and go
#tantekand which could use more testing (some folks like to help with that)
#tantekand which could use more patches / outreach to make indieweb friendly (some folks like to help with that too)
#chrisaldrich2choosing a theme in general is a major pain to begin with, but since most personal sites have a smaller list of "requirements" it helps to cut down the list
#tantekanyway - hard to track any of that e.g. "2016 and 2017 are probably worth a look" unless you have it on a list on the wiki accordingly
#GWGProbably worth a look because they are default themes, no comment on the design
#aaronpkwhat would it take to get microformats2 into the 2018 theme?
#miklbmight be worth looking at popular downloads on wp.org and look at forking them for IW.
#aaronpkcause then all the child themes people make will have it too
#chrisaldrich2I'll circle back on this later this evening and document some of it and a few other thoughts into the wiki. Time to finish up some work so I can get home....
#miklblikewise, I need to wrap up some $work so I can get back to my site.
#chrisaldrich2though while I'm here and have gwg and miklb, shall we keep the next in-cycle HWC virtual at the same time as last?
#LoqiThat! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply https://indieweb.org/that
#GWGmiklb: Meatballs actually. I use mini muffin pans.
leg joined the channel
#mblaneyspeaking of HWCs, I think we have the numbers for an Australian one..... I'm in Adelaide for another week, it's a long shot but if indiescripter and acegiak are around it could happen?
#miklbmblaney if you do and have a link, I'll share with a couple internet friends in that area who might be interested.
benwerd and kerozene joined the channel
#mblaneythanks miklb, I would be happy to organise a regular one if there's interest in Brisbane. Timing will be difficult for a once-off Adelaide HWC but will make it happen if I hear from other indiewebbers.
#cweiskemarketing bullshit; didn't read: "raintree is your payments partner, not just a payments platform. We create tailored, seamless e-commerce experiences that maximize business opportunities for companies across the globe, from small businesses to large enterprises."
pindonga, adactio, Pierre-O and nikivi joined the channel
#JeenaIt seems that I need to run my own instance of woodwind, the one at woodwind.xyz is more offline than online
simon| joined the channel
#petermolnargreat; whoever is on my RSS, I'm sorry, I messed up file dates and my feed is now a little messy; fixing it soon
#Loqivoxpelli: tantek left you a message 1 week, 5 days ago: however those [indieweb] URLs to your site are http: not https: is it possible your permalinks are still http: (e.g. in markup / feed?) ?
adactio, hs0ucy, chrisaldrich, chrisaldrich1, chrisaldrich_ and friedcell1 joined the channel
#ZegnatIs the entire Swedish conclave in today, Jeena, voxpelli? ;)
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 40 minutes ago: p3k suggestion: change <h3>Other Mentions</h3> to <h3 id="mentions">Other Mentions</h3>
#voxpelliif you use some hooks to try to inspect the status on saves it gets even more confusing
#voxpelli"post status" in general, independent from any implementation, can be anything from super simple (draft or published) to super complicated editorial workflows
#tantekvoxpelli you have to use the name and then " is ..." without quotes ;)
#voxpellitantek: I won't make an attempt at actually defining it ;)
#tantekplease do! what you wrote is better than something, and others can improve upon it!
#voxpellipost status is anything from a super simple draft or published to a super complicated editorial workflows that handles everything from idea, to editorial approval to deleted status
#sebselwhat about using 'published' for draft? dt-published in the past = normal post, dt-published in the future = scheduling, so no dt-published or published:false = draft?
#voxpelliif one has a review step in ones post status, one thing to review in there might be the scheduled date as well
#GWGaaronpk, post formats are built-in, post Kinds are my drop in replacement.
#voxpellianother interesting aspect of post statuses: when working in a stricter editorial workflow, it might be that you may not be able to switch from every status to every status – sometimes you can eg. only move forward in workflow
#GWGAs for post status, the request for more is years old and many comments
#voxpellimaybe do it similar to how it handles scopes – just leave it open for clients and servers to use whatever statuses they feel suitable? and have standard ones emerge from what people start to support?
#bearI may naively implement a obsfuscated url and call that private
#GWGbear, my definition of private when referring to it is authenticated.
#aaronpkfor my single-user site, "private" means I have to be logged in to see it. but "private" means something different on a site that has multiple authors.
#bearI really think that single-user site should be what we think of for this generation and leave the complexity inherant in multi-user to another generation
#voxpelliwhen it comes to audience that's something that many social networks already support – eg. Facebook's are rather more sophisticated: https://cl.ly/0Q0Z0k353K0Y
#aaronpkright! facebook has great examples of complicated visibility settings
#bearand why I say auth is orthagonal is that audience and viewer can also be a function of groups
#aaronpkand i don't think facebook supports scheduled or draft posts, so visibility is totally separate
#voxpellithinks about how neo4j was actually created to handle access control at a large Swedish telecom company – needed a giant graph database...
#bearfacebook pages do support them - they are called by a lot of folks "dark posts"
#tantekfor anyone considering anything like post status, really consider why you're considering it, what's the use case(s) for *you*
#aaronpkyou're about to get an answer to that today :)
#GWGtantek, article vs note. I am not tentative on my short form
#tantekGWG, yeah I've used draft posts myself for having people review something at a publicly-reachable-but-not-linked-to permalink (futuredated)
#aaronpksince i've written 26 articles in the last 13 days, the main thing i want is to be able to start an article in Quill's editor, save it as a "draft" to my website, then open up the raw HTML and make some fine-grained edits and *then* publish it
#GWGaaronpk, similar to me. Or pick up something when I get back to a computer
#aaronpkeither tweaking internal properties that quill doesn't know about (like my p3k channels), or embedding videos, or even just cleaning up the HTML
#aaronpkcopies that text for today's #100daysofindieweb post
#tantekaaronpk, makes sense. perhaps even for "mosty mobile" authoring / iterating a post while on the go, then putting "finishing touches" (maybe citing / linking references etc.) on a laptop
#aaronpkthat too, although that hasn't been my main need
#voxpelliif one wants to mimic the WordPress trash, then being able to fetch and undo a delete is pretty good
#voxpelli+1 on deleted being saved as a deleted date, but UI-wise it may make sense to show a post with a deleted date as having the post status "deleted"
#tantekvoxpelli: another user model is Wikipedia's for deleting and recovering pages
#aaronpkanother good reason status separately from visibility is the question of when to send webmentions!
#tantekUI-wise lots of different options make sense
#tanteksee /deleted for a bunch of examples and brainstorming
#voxpelliI guess many of us has backups elsewhere we can restore something from if we were to accidentally delete it
#bearoh, I don't remove the original post, just flag it as deleted and my generation code uses a tombstone template for them
#bearerr don't remove the original file data that is
#voxpelliso you could actually return it for a source content query in Micropub bear? if you wanted to have a ui that could un-delete the post for you?
#LoqiNIPSA is an acronym for Not In Public Site Areas, and an admin feature of Flickr that allows their support staff to mark an account such that posts from it will not be shown in search results and other similar public views of posts https://indieweb.org/NIPSA
#aaronpkthat sounds like an admin thing, not something you'd do to your own posts
#tantekand the author can independently revoke them
#KartikPrabhubear: maybe, but then many things are dependent on same password
#bearnot quite - it's leaves the choice up to the client while giving the server implementation a single implemenation to deal with
#tantekthe nice thing about a Guest Pass on Flickr is that you don't have to log into Flickr to use it!
#bearhow the client chooses to auth via indieauth is possible with github+passwords sure - but IMO that is better in small ways because it's github managing the passwords and not 100s of micropub implemenations
#tantekit's a much more polite way to share something privately than the "go here and create an account" flow :P
#aaronpkYeah I'm in favor of encouraging "guest pass" via capability URL over passwords
#tanteklooks like IG's new "bookmark" feature is author-viewable-only
#tantekand really is a "bookmark" post feature, as they are ordered in the order you "bookmark" things, not the things's published dates
#bearcould indieauth server offer a guest pass implemenation?
#aaronpkI think it has to be done at the CMS, not the indie auth server
#aaronpkmaybe i'll just document my way out of this for now
#voxpelligoing forward one could imagine having eg. "q=supports&property=post-status" or maybe even "q=supports&property=post-status%3Ddraft"
#voxpellithat would enable checking for geo-location support and such as well
#aaronpkso far it hasn't been bad when the client sends extra stuff the server doesn't recognize, so i'm not sure that's strictly necessary
#aaronpkthis is different because it has actual privacy implications
#aaronpkthe UI shouldn't let the user choose "draft" if the server isn't actually going to understand what "draft" means
#voxpellithe Quill UI could probably be made simpler if it didn't show a geo location field for sites that doesn't make use of geo locations
#voxpellibut yeah, agree that post status makes it even more important
#aaronpki'm gonna punt on this because it adds a bunch more work for me right now
#aaronpkgoing to add a "read this first!" link if you choose "draft"
#voxpellihaving servers being able to explicitly state their support could make it easier to add more experimental properties in the future – as the fields for those would only affect people who have explicitly opted into them
#voxpelliis so happy to finally be able to properly query for CSS support and make proper non-hackish progressive enhancements whenever new features are found to be supported
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#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: I thought CSS always skipped statements it didn't understand so one could always have progressive enhancement
#aaronpkand done! now i get to use quill to write about the new quill
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: true, but that assumes that no other properties needs to be applied or altered as a consequence of the non-understood statement
#KartikPrabhuvoxpelli: i don't think so. You should be able to do max-width: 100%; followed by max-width: 100vw; If a browser does not understand vw it will use the first value
#KartikPrabhuor even font-size: 10em; followed by font-size: 1lightyear
#voxpelliKartikPrabhu: yes, but if you for some _very_ strange reason wants to apply a pink background color to those with 100vw as the max-width, then you can't do so unless you use @supports
#voxpellia more reasonable case is to default to some other layout mechanism when eg. Grid or Flexbox isn't available
#KartikPrabhuyeah @supports allows you to apply other styles based on the availability of some other property
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuagain probably not needed for grid layout since it introduces its own properties anyway
#KartikPrabhudisplay: grid; and all grid specific propertues get ignored
#voxpellifor flexbox it would have been gold as you want to fallback to eg. floats or something else without, too bad though that not all browsers supporting flexbox supports @support
#KartikPrabhubut that is fine if that is your mustard cutting point
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#KevinMarks_Being able to express an arbitrary "choose from a list" feature in config sounds reasonable