Loqimicro.blog is an Indie Microblogging platform started by Manton Reece, with plans to support Webmention and Micropub https://indieweb.org/micro.blog
LoqiXML-RPC is an outdated (superseded by Micropub) verbose use of XML to make API calls with HTTP that enables and implicitly encourages using your actual username and password (instead of OAuth) with client software, thus overprivileging that software, as well as possibly transmitting your password in the clear over HTTP https://indieweb.org/xmlrpc
[manton]I think I've mentioned to Daniel Jalkut before that he should add Micropub support to MarsEdit. Not sure whether it's on his roadmap or not yet, though. Would be great to see, I agree.
Loqi[manton]: mblaney left you a message 3 days, 1 hour ago: I've shoe-horned websub into my rssCloud implementation, you're right that they are very similar. let me know if you're looking for inspiration.
[manton]To reiterate what was said above... Yeah, I started with XML-RPC but Micropub should be there before it rolls out to Kickstarter backers. I'll try to steer users (and developers) to Micropub.
[manton]@KartikPrabhu Right, I was just more familiar with XML-RPC at the time. I think I wrote that initial code a year ago and may not even have known about Micropub yet. Plus I personally wanted MarsEdit support since I usually use it for blogging on the Mac.
miklbGWG I got mired in my own personal bike shed, so took a break. Going to try and do some work on it tonight/tomorrow and just flip the switch and fix broken stuff as it comes.
miklbthanks! I've all but stopped using the Jekyll site, so just need to do it. But I've also been thinking about how I wanted to present my content for a long time, so it's been an internal battle.
arush@Loqi re: looking for a way out of Twitter: Yes, because I hate Twitter's UX, I hate the fact that their APIs are closing instead of opening, the blindness-specific third-party clients are substandard to say the least partly as a result of the closing APIs, and finally, following Twitter threads is a nightmare when you have to click through the UI provided by the Twitter website.
arush, tantek, pindonga and Pierre-O joined the channel
LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the classic Homebrew Computer Club meetings https://indieweb.org/hwc
chrisaldrichMercury is and API request tool that takes any web article and returns only the relevant content — headline, author, body text, relevant images and more — free from any clutter. It’s reliable, easy-to-use and free.
aaronpksent enough for the recipient to acknowledge it. so as long as telegraph doesn't send webmentions that wouldn't verify (it does a precheck to avoid that) then it's actually sent 13,716 successful webmentions
ZegnatAnd today I am reminder why I should not bother with people tags in photos on Facebook. People can remove their tags completely, so even in private albums where I am tagging people so I will know who they are 10 years from now, they will remove themselves.
ZegnatFor those who do not know: when you tag someone, you cannot block them from seeing the picture, but everyone else can still be blocked from seeing it.
ZegnatFacebook probably allows this so you can manage what shows up under “Photos of [name]”. Though that point is moot in the case of my photos, as they wouldn’t be visible to anyone.
gRegorLoveIs "News Activity" just the general permission for FB statuses? Don't recall that language. "News articles you've read or shared and your other news activity in apps you've logged into with Facebook."