rhiaroZegnat: re: facebook photo tagging - some people don't want their face/name connection made known to facebook itself. Possibly futile, but that can motivate untagging
LoqiA person tag (AKA people tag) is a person mention that is also a tag on a post that refers to a specific person by URL rather than just a word or phrase, and is done as an explicit tag by the user, beyond just mentioning a person via hyperlink / h-card / or @-name https://indieweb.org/person-tag
gRegorLoveI can't seem to find the exact setting now, but I'm pretty sure I have it so people can't tag me on FB. Maybe it's just that it asks for approval first.
LoqiThat! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply https://indieweb.org/that
Zegnatrhiaro, the only way I can see for you not wanting Facebook to know what you look like would be to petition the poster and/or facebook to remove the actual photograph. Untagging (which only happens after you are already tagged!) feels very futile. KartikPrabhu, what is your reason for untagging yourself from photographs?
ZegnatgRegorLove, miklb, I do that too. I review tags. But hiding something from my timeline or from “Photos of [name]” does not remove the actual tag, so has no impact for the original tagger.
ZegnatKartikPrabhu, I guess that’s as good a reason as any. So if I ever want to add tags to an IWC photograph, if we ever meet, I’ll have to do that outside of Facebook or risk losing your name. (That would be an example where I don’t like that Facebook removes tags I added to photographs.)
ZegnatI guess Facebook sees tags as a way for bringing in the other person and share the photograph with the other person’s audience. While I see the tags as a way of remembering names, like writing names on the back of printed photographs.
voxpelliThose will change from http to https and thus everyone who doesn't do any normalization to treat http and https as the same will think of the posts as new ones :/
voxpelliI guess I'll just go ahead and do the move – no notes on /https,/h-entry or on the Microformats /h-entry about how one would deal with a http to https move in regards to keeping the same uid:s
voxpellithen again – I now many who ignore uid:s completely because such hidden metadata can just as well accidentally hide actual changes as it can accidentally show as an actual change
voxpelliFor individual posts it won't be a problem, the h-feeds are the issue, unless they fetch each post and dedupe or dedupe independent of schemes, they will now have received duplicates
voxpelliI guess it will also depend on the deduce mechanism of clients – as I also moved my feed to https and how it will dedupe across different feeds etc
Loqilikes are sometimes part of the information about a post displayed on the post itself, sometimes in a post footer, like a total number like responses, icons of recent likers, or even a datetime ordered list of likes https://indieweb.org/likes
chrisaldrichKartikPrabhu, I just realized you had a huge volume of QM work in addition to your indieweb work. Can't wait to read some of it over the coming year.
chrisaldrichor was that the "other" KartikPrabhu? I saw it was all physics, but thought I saw a few QM-related pieces in there when I bookmarked it on arXiv
gRegorLoveThey all pretty much fail, but I think a lot of them are minor things, like php-mf2 puts the "T" separator in times but the test suite doesn't expect it.
Loqilikes are sometimes part of the information about a post displayed on the post itself, sometimes in a post footer, like a total number like responses, icons of recent likers, or even a datetime ordered list of likes https://indieweb.org/likes
GWGsnarfed: pfefferle and I could never quite agree on what to do to improve display on that. We both agree what the elements are, but not how to implement.
Loqilikes are sometimes part of the information about a post displayed on the post itself, sometimes in a post footer, like a total number like responses, icons of recent likers, or even a datetime ordered list of likes https://indieweb.org/likes