2017-01-09 UTC
mlncn, Pierre-O, tolerablyjake, Kongaloosh_, halorgium, gko, Guest51074, CaptainCalliope_, bergie, anarchivist, chimo, MylesBraithwaite, Jeena, aaronpk, sknebel, jdcauley, wagle, johannh, kapowaz and Jammy_Stuff joined the channel
# 01:43 GWG Does anyone keep their Youtube or Netflix watching history?
davidmead, mlncn, snarfed and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 01:52 tantek GWG, good q. I wonder if there are documented ways to export or get a realtime feed
# 01:53 GWG Youtube I believe does have a watch history in their API
# 01:54 tantek GWG did we come up with a term for a post saying you watched a video?
Leeky and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 02:01 miklb now to finish configuring the server and flip the switch
aegibsonme, wolftune, KevinMarks, jcgregorio[m], emceeaich__, nikivi, voxpelli, jonnybarnes, Jeffrey[m], smth[m], martymcguire[m], M-hotzeplotz, sknebel_matrix_t, prtksxna, anarchivist, userXYZ, kapowaz, Leeky, Pierre-O, plindner and mlncn joined the channel
nikivi, danlyke and snarfed joined the channel
# 05:17 GWG petermolnar I think used to use Keyring Social Importer.
# 05:18 GWG I would have made people users myself.
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 05:32 miklb I haven't looked at it yet, just came across that update post. Still finishing configuring new server. Just switched IP address on A record
snarfed, mattl, AnxiousGarlic, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
nikivi-, KevinMarks, cweiske, Pierre-O, nikivi, KevinMarks_ and jihaisse joined the channel
# 08:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
pindonga joined the channel
nitot and M-rongladney joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 09:29 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks and adactio joined the channel
# 09:49 jezdez petermolnar: already here :)
# 09:50 petermolnar so, what makes you think this is a single/small number of devs project? :)
# 09:50 jezdez I should clarify that I don't think indieweb itself is that
# 09:51 jezdez but I meant the software projects that people have written for their websites that are documented on the indieweb wiki
# 09:51 jezdez wordpress and known seem to the exceptions
# 09:52 petermolnar the truth is most probably that people with specific/personal solutions are lazy to write docs
# 09:52 petermolnar eg. I've recently moved from wordpress, but I'm yet to document that on the wiki
# 09:54 jezdez yeah, documentation is certainly part of it
# 09:55 jezdez FTR, I've maintained many OSS projects and worry that if I start to use some of the those indieweb projects for my own site that it'll be harder to maintain the site in the long run
# 09:56 jezdez so I guess my question is: where are the serious (read: maintained, documented, tested, financially supported) indieweb projects?
# 09:57 cweiske it seems jezdez wants a turn-key solution that's still supported in 2050
# 09:58 cweiske jezdez, nobody will gurantee you support for something in the long run, unless a company is behind it that makes money
# 09:59 jezdez petermolnar: okay, that makes sense. forgive my question, I'm new to this and want to figure out how war the indie in indieweb goes basically :)
# 09:59 jezdez cweiske: right, I guess that's what I'm asking then
# 09:59 cweiske known is trying to make money, and wordpress is, too
# 10:00 cweiske but the indieweb plugins for wordpress are maintained by volunteers, so there is no gurantee either
# 10:00 cweiske the only hope you may have that enough people use something so that there will always be updates
# 10:00 jezdez makes sense, and I'm no stranger to this either, being a django core developer
# 10:01 cweiske petermolnar, I can't imagine that volunteers are steering the wp-as-api-with-js-frontend road
# 10:01 jezdez cweiske: petermolnar: understood, and that makes sense
# 10:02 petermolnar anyway, I'm fairly certain webmentions and such won't be around in 10-15 years
# 10:02 jezdez what's the reception of the micro.blog kickstarter?
# 10:02 jezdez is this at least partially overlapping with indieweb projects?
# 10:02 petermolnar it's already founded from what I see, and yes, if implementing indieweb-friendly methods is overlap, then it does
# 10:04 jezdez ok, we'll see how it goes :)
# 10:04 jezdez anyways, thanks for answering those questions
# 10:04 petermolnar jezdez there is something you need to understand about indieweb: this is not a monolithic project, not even a monolithic idea
# 10:05 jezdez yep, and I love them
# 10:05 petermolnar but deep down, it's like Perl: there is always more way to do something
# 10:06 petermolnar you are right about a few people being the pulling force when it comes to reference implementations and w3c drafts
# 10:07 jezdez ah, that seems sensible though, writing specs in a big group of people is messy
# 10:08 jezdez petermolnar: where did you move from wordpress to if I may ask?
# 10:10 jezdez petermolnar: yay py3k!
# 10:12 jezdez I was about to ask how you handle webmentions
# 10:13 cweiske but one thing I want to implement this year is moderation and reply display
ricardokirkner joined the channel
pindonga- joined the channel
# 10:15 petermolnar as for identifying what to send: I regex all urls and maintain a csv where the key is based on source + target + time hash
# 10:22 petermolnar I'm planning to add comments support, the format and the old data is there, but I'll need to implement it
# 10:45 cweiske wishes for a "that's maybe like your opinion" emoji on github
pindonga joined the channel
ricardokirkner, KevinMarks, nitot, Pierre-O, mlncn, calumryan, glennjones, tantek, AnxiousGarlic_, loicm, hs0ucy and raretrack joined the channel
# 13:23 Loqi [petermolnar] anyway, I'm fairly certain webmentions and such won't be around in 10-15 years
# 13:27 aaronpk Im hoping it's more like HTTP, which has slowly evolved and even HTTP2 uses the same stuff from HTTP
# 13:29 tantek I think there is a good chance of that aaronpk, but it still depends on the two interdependent pieces of (1) wide adoption of Webmention (e.g. by most current/past Pingback impls), and (2) similarly Vouch
adactio joined the channel
# 13:42 GWG In fifteen years, a lot can happen.
# 13:44 GWG tantek, by the way, accessing that YouTube and Netflix Watch History data appears to have been taken away.
tantek joined the channel
# 14:24 Jeena has someone implemented something like a Photo-Story datatype on their website where you can have 2-10 pictures together on one page which tell a story? Not really like a album, a bit different.
# 14:26 tantek Jeena, yes, I believe acegiak had a post like that a while ago
calumryan joined the channel
# 14:28 Jeena I'd be interested to see how they implemented it with design, etc. that is btw something no silo I'm using offers. They all jus offer albums or automatically generated stories which don't really work like I would expect
# 14:28 petermolnar Jeena in technical terms how would it be different from a gallery?
# 14:29 tantek there was a discussion about what makes a photo album and what doesn't
raretrack joined the channel
# 14:29 tantek Jeena - could you confirm location for HWC Göteborg this week?
# 14:30 tantek (thumbnails or not could be a difference in using responsive images, e.g. for bandwidth)
# 14:30 Jeena oh is it this week already? Hm I need to check if it's not too late
# 14:33 aaronpk is that different from just a blog post that contains only photos?
# 14:35 tantek but I think there was an aspect of overall narrative that we used to distinguish the two (article with lots of photos, vs. album)
# 14:38 Jeena but then every picture can't be liked, commented, etc.
# 14:41 tantek Jeena, but that doesn't address the article vs. album distinction
# 14:43 aaronpk interestingly, my implementation of albums is part of my implementation of collections, just presented slightly differently
# 14:46 petermolnar a 'gallery' or 'album', imho, would be a single entity, but a collection or a story would be an entity contructed of multiple, pre-posted other entities; am I mistaken?
# 14:46 Jeena mh I have the feeling that a story connects the photos much tighter together, a album is just a collection of pictures from the same event or something
# 14:46 aaronpk petermolnar: my albums are a collection of photos where each photo also has its own URL (like flickr)
# 14:47 aaronpk hm i really need a good interface for creating albums and adding photos to them. i'm trying to think about how to upload these pictures right now and it'll be super manual right now
# 14:50 tantek Jeena, please see if you can determine re: HWC Göteborg in the next couple of hours
[terminalpixel] joined the channel
# 14:51 [terminalpixel] Yeah a nice way of posting albums would be awesome. Is there currently a standard way of assembling them? I am currently just using categories
# 14:51 aaronpk [terminalpixel]: i tend to use flickr as my canonical example of handling photos and albums well
glennjones joined the channel
# 14:53 [terminalpixel] Sorry I mean with regards to micropub. Each photo should be a photo post and then an album is a collection of these posts?
# 14:53 aaronpk ah, i haven't heard of anyone trying that with micropub yet but I plan to experiment soon :)
# 14:57 [terminalpixel] Will do. Just need to fix the frontend of my site first :stuck_out_tongue:
leg, mlncn and hs0ucy joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
# 15:07 aaronpk manton has stopped by here a couple times! seems like he's off to a good start!
benborges joined the channel
# 15:07 Loqi [jezdez] what's the reception of the micro.blog kickstarter?
# 15:09 cweiske aaronpk, chat line detail pages should really show context
snarfed, singpolyma and pfefferle joined the channel
# 15:31 snarfed did you get much farther with wordpress-github-sync? what do you think?
# 15:33 pfefferle I like the idea of forking posts, but doesn't want to switch to jekyll completely
# 15:35 petermolnar pfefferle this is how I started out and ended up writing my static generator :D
# 15:38 cweiske does someone have a "fix a typo" button on their website?
# 15:38 pfefferle <snarfed> but that is only for registered users I think... I played around with that plugin a couple of month ago...
danlyke joined the channel
hs0ucy and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:55 KevinMarks I take pull requests on mine, and have linked to github for it sometimes
# 15:56 cweiske I'd like to have a dedicated micropub client for typo fixes. It should allow you to select text on a page and a text box to input fixes
# 15:58 Loqi cweiske has 68 karma in this channel (76 overall)
# 15:59 pfefferle cweiske and how will you handle requests from unknown users?
# 15:59 KevinMarks Jeena:a photo story would be something like the Buzzfeed editor encourages?
# 15:59 cweiske pfefferle, they would select commentpara.de as their homepage
singpolyma joined the channel
# 15:59 cweiske just as they will have to do when I ever implement the comment box on my blog
realjxn joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:01 cweiske if the "fix typo" form has a "my homepage" field, then that's ok in my eyes
# 16:01 pfefferle cweiske but you have to also implement some kind of a review/merging process for anonymous users nevertheless
# 16:01 cweiske the micropub client would then check if the user has a micropub endpoint, and when not, then automatically use commentpara.de
# 16:02 pfefferle do you? I think most of the current implementations will save the changes directly if it is a known user...
# 16:04 Jeena KevinMarks, the ui could be really different from implementation to implementation, could be a slide-show, or you could scroll, or perhaps fullscreen pictures where you on your own go to the next one, or even all pictured aligned as one big picture
# 16:05 KevinMarks The buzzfeed site has a post editor that encourages the photo+discussion style
# 16:10 Jeena yeah, could be like that, but for me the text isn't essential but a nice to have
corenominal joined the channel
# 16:28 Loqi [Kartik Prabhu] Mahabaleshwar & Panchgani
nitot joined the channel
# 16:31 Jeena it's difficult to do that on a mobile phone or automatically from your DSLR camera
gkbrk joined the channel
# 16:35 Jeena I like the third row of pictures on that page, it tells a nice story, first someone waits until the kitchen opens because he is hungry, then the cooks open the kitchen and prepare everything and in the last picture they prepare food for the guy in the first picture and sell it to him
# 16:38 KartikPrabhu Jeena: those are all taken on different days and are not the same person ;) so that "story" is certainly not true :P
# 16:39 Jeena but the guy in the two kitchen pictures is the same
iboxifoo, jmelesky, martymcguire[m], adactio, gkbrk, tantek, pfefferle, tolerablyjake and matthiasott joined the channel
raretrack and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:19 Loqi jeena has 37 karma in this channel (44 overall)
# 17:19 Loqi adactio has 31 karma in this channel (34 overall)
# 17:20 tantek looks live 5 confirmed in-person HWC this week, and LA is organizing the "virtual" HWC right?
M-rongladney, jcgregorio[m], plindner, prtksxna, JulianFoad[m], M-hotzeplotz, rdesfo[m], mindB, TheGillies, M-nd, Guest112299[m], smth[m], Guest60189[m], Guest86807[m], Jeffrey[m], sknebel_matrix_t, M-mxuribe, smth[m]1, crasch[m], KartikPrabhu, nitot and tantek joined the channel
# 17:39 Loqi aaronpk has 451 karma in this channel (1173 overall)
# 17:39 aaronpk that'd be nice. i kind of assumed the cachekey thing was required but i forgot that you hotlink instagram urls all the time
snarfed and singpolyma joined the channel
# 17:52 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] Sailing the Greek Cyclades
# 17:58 tantek I'm doing a (first) annual txt message purge from my primary mobile device. reviewing oldest threads first, capturing anything relevant elsewhere (e.g. photos), and then deleting
# 17:58 tantek Does anyone else do this kind of explicit data deletion / retention process for themselves? (nevermind their webservers and access logs, user logs etc.)
# 17:59 snarfed tantek: sounds deliberate, ie different from just backups?
# 18:00 tantek snarfed, yes, specifically, the purging aspect, specifically on devices you carry with you, to minimize exposure
# 18:00 singpolyma tantek: I have my SMS go through a service that emails me all of them, so they get archived with my email archive
# 18:00 tantek singpolyma how often do you delete your SMS from your mobile device then?
# 18:00 singpolyma Well, never explicitly. They're probably all in the logs on my chat app unless it removes old stuff
# 18:01 raretrack i don't retain SMS for more than a few days, nor email once no reason to keep
# 18:01 tantek raretrack, do you then purge every week regularly? or just habitually every few days?
# 18:03 raretrack habitually really, no specific schedule but probably works out weekly, often something I do whilst stuck on my train commute. I think some of this comes from my usage of David Allen's Getting Things Done / Inbox Zero principles
# 18:05 tantek gRegorLove: are you working on posting something like a photo story to your site?
# 18:06 tantek (or are we talking about two different things)
# 18:13 chrisaldrich Could be a nice opening for some outreach, especially if someone knows him.
# 18:15 gRegorLove tantek: I asked because there's been several mentions of the term in chat today
# 18:16 tantek ChrisAldrich, you may want to ask benwerd about that, I think he has some background
# 18:17 tantek gRegorLove: except that term "photo story" was not AFAIK in today's chat before you asked, and it actually means something quite different in the way Instagram (and Snapchat?) popularized it
# 18:19 tantek anyway, I'd hesitate to define it (or see it defined) to mean something other than the popularized meaning, I think that would be counter-productive
# 18:19 aaronpk pretty sure "photo story" has had a meaning way before instagram/snapchat
# 18:20 tantek if it has it has been surpassed / overwritten
# 18:20 raretrack wasn't it some sort of microsoft photo software aeons ago?
# 18:20 tantek yes I'm sure the words "photo" and "story" were combined in the past - that's not to say that the trend of Snapchat "stories" and now Instagram "story" haven't taken over
# 18:21 aaronpk i think those are called "Snapchat Stories" and "Instagram Stories"
snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 18:39 snarfed1 aaronpk just fyi S3 is 403ing your site's wm avatars right now
# 18:39 snarfed1 (often happens when the S3 key doesn't exist)
# 18:42 aaronpk i was trying to switch to writing the files as jpg instead of jpeg and i think it's broken for images it's already stored before...
cweiske joined the channel
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tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 19:09 tantek should we move OpenID Shutdowns to its own page since it has grown so much?
# 19:10 aaronpk i think we can probably rephrase the "why not openid" stuff too, cause openid is essentially dead, i don't think anyone would even consider using it for a new project anymore
# 19:10 aaronpk that's very different from 6 years ago (!) when we first made that page
# 19:10 tantek right, I'm more curious as to why anyone would get offended
# 19:13 tantek ok I'll leave the tab open and do some cleanup
# 19:13 aaronpk even openid dropped openid. they're all aboard the OAuth 2 train now
indie-visitor and singpolyma joined the channel
singpolyma, snarfed, funwhilelost, gavinc, KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks1, singpolyma, mlncn, snarfed, EHLOVader, J_S, glennjones and tantek joined the channel
# 22:02 aaronpk Wide color is a term used to describe images with a color range greater than the typical range of color represented by most older cameras and displays.
# 22:03 aaronpk Thats all I could think of without adding more jargon
# 22:03 aaronpk iphone supports wide color, not sure which model that was added
# 22:05 aaronpk Apparently the displays have been wide color for longer
# 22:06 tantek good thing we have a f2f meeting W-F this week!
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:30 voxpelli tantek: I guess you are aware of the CSS suggestions from that post btw
# 22:30 tantek voxpelli: any in particular you think are relevant?
# 22:31 voxpelli tantek: color(p3 1.0 0 0) to define color in a specific color profile using real floats rather than legacy 8 bit values
# 22:33 voxpelli My understanding of a color profile is that it's what used to translate the value of each rgb channel into an actual visual representation – that the rgb channels are always relative to the color profile
# 22:34 voxpelli f00 is always maximum red, but maximum red is different depending on color profile
wolftune joined the channel
tolerablyjake, camerongray and mlncn joined the channel
# 22:58 KevinMarks Safari has has colour profile support for ages - I remember making images that looked different in safari and Firefox/Chrome
# 22:59 tantek KevinMarks: yes and years before Safari, IE5/Mac did
snarfed and Lana joined the channel
# 23:10 tantek voxpelli: would you believe the spec for DCI P3 is not free? nor what Apple means by "Display P3". sigh
# 23:10 tantek (not sure if that should go #indieweb-dev or offtopic #Indiechat)
# 23:10 tantek Is anyone posting photos take on an iPhone 7 device and worried (caring) about wide color?
# 23:40 myfreeweb oh wide color… my desktop monitor and my nexus 5x are both 10bit
# 23:41 myfreeweb the weirdest thing for me: in gaming discussions people say that HDR monitors don't exist yet, only TVs are starting to appear. so like, 10-bit is wide, but it's not HDR o_0
aegibsonme, chrisaldrich and mlncn joined the channel
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