bearby working thru the list of features you *want* and not the list of features that FrancisCMS has, you will avoid bias in deciding on what to work on
tantekand there is a non-trivial chance that by my posting my RSVP, it may cause more attention to the event than the organizer(s) would prefer, or may drastically alter the kind of crowd that shows up (followers vs folks already having seen the event)
tantekI'm thinking more like this may be a use-case for a public RSVP post which I selectively *not* POSSE to Twitter, and perhaps even omit from my home page feed.
tantekIn that case the only places my RSVP will show up will be: on its permalink, on the event (on FB), and *possibly* in the "Events" box in the bottom right of my home page
snarfedwordpress calls them pages instead of posts. examples: . one noticeable difference is that their permalinks generally don't have dates.
Loqipage is short for webpage on the IndieWeb, and can by default be marked up with h-entry (like body class=h-entry) for link-preview purposes unless the page serves a more specific purpose like a homepage or an event
LoqiFacebook Page is a form of identity on Facebook that has its own profile like other identities, and a set of administrators who can take action on Facebook as the identity of that Facebook Page
Loqigroup in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.)
wolftune, KevinMarks, asteres and mlncn joined the channel
LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 29 minutes ago: can you tell if Feedly supports any IndieWeb building blocks? Like do they support subscribing to an h-feed? Or consuming WebSub notifications?
LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 15 minutes ago: I added some more positive stub sections to /Feedly like Features, IndieWeb Examples, IndieWeb Friendly - could you take a look and expand? Thanks much!
chrisaldrichThis is quirky, I saw a few posts from acegiak recently about WordPress, but don't see them on, yet there they are as plain as day on Slack.... is the bridge not working properly?
[chrisaldrich]And there's ashton now... visible in Slack, but apparently a ghost on all the other things... Hope you didn't think we were all ignoring you!
[chrisaldrich]Though since you're here ashton, I had been meaning to tip you off on PressForward, a WordPress plugin which is essentially a built in RSS Feed reader not too dissimilar to WhisperFollow, though with a larger group of devs behind it. Thought you might find it interesting.
[chrisaldrich]It was meant for journalists and academics in some sense, so it isn't branded as an RSS reader, but it's got a humongous amount of functionality built into it in interesting ways. If only it had the webactions/indieweb goodness of WhisperFollow, it would be nearly perfect.
[chrisaldrich]I've got it on a shared host at the moment, and it seems to be doing fairly well. They don't recommend doing over 200-30 feeds as it can slow things down on shared hosting, but who can read that many feeds anyway?
[chrisaldrich]for the social side, one might expect several hundred, but they seem to have built it for following things like the NYTimes or Feeds with hundreds of items per day instead of just a few.
[chrisaldrich]Personally I'm worried about the storage overhead with that many feeds. And at the moment there's a bug that's preventing things from being flushed out of the database, though I suspect they'll have it fixed soon. I've also found one or two other quirks because I'm using it in an off-label manner which I suspect most of their install base isn't.
aaronpkoh also regarding posts and things, I don't have a name for it, but I can choose per post whether to make it appear on my home page or any of the other lists of posts
aaronpkalso when I log in to a micropub app, i can choose whether that app can create posts that get automatically sorted into my different feeds or are restricted to particular feeds
@manton2The premise of the stretch goal: Twitter lost control of the platform because they planned for hate/harassment 10 years late. Start earlier. (
Loqiok, I added "" to the "See Also" section of /safe replies
tantekthat's actually quite the design challenge. an editing UI with a base level of functionality that itself is not editable, in order to guarantee a minimum level of editability that cannot be itself broken by editing.
Loqijeremycherfas: chrisaldrich left you a message 17 hours, 30 minutes ago: this link (and references) might help you as an example in part of your recent quest to wikify yourself:
acegiakyeah. I updated to the latest version of webmentions and suddenly it wasn't working (because of the older version of wp-api) and I was just trying to pinpoint hte issue
GWGThe new Webmentions design allows for a pretty permalink. It returns a Webmention form if probed and includes the option to add the form to any page.
acegiakthough I can see a problem already with the processing of person tags and salmentions because the generic person tag url is going to munge multiple threads together
aaronpkyeah, that's part of it. but also i need to like check whether an @-name that i haven't mentioned before exists. i just accidentally tweeted at the wrong account this morning
[keithjgrant]So, telegraph is only pulling in links from my page’s header... an h-card. It's ignoring looks from the article. Am I only supposed to have an h-card on the homepage?
voxpellidgold: great that it works out for you! please feel free to share any feedback you have on them, especially the micropub one I haven't had much feedback on from users – would love to improve them to make them easier for others to use
aaronpk[keithjgrant]: the form on telegraph is meant for testing sending from a post permalink, so try testing putting your article URL there rather than your home page URL
voxpellidgold: did you use my micropub endpoint with your Hugo site? very interesting if so! been wanting to try that out and make it be supported out of the box
aaronpk[keithjgrant]: and if your post permalink is going to have more than one top-level h-* object, then you need to set the u-url property of the primary object which in your case is h-entry
[keithjgrant]dgold Used the new <template> tag for my comments & hydrate it in JS. This is the first I've really played around with that. No clue what happens in IE though :wink:
aaronpkMS is pushing Edge so hard now that unless you're making something for an enterprise/government environment where they might still be using windows xp, i don't think you need to worry about anything before Edge
Loqicommunication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to contact you
chrisaldrichI think I mentioned it recently, but Instagram also has the ability to do inline replies to other comments and to like individual comments as well (at least in their mobile app)
[cleverdevil]I dunno, I never really was entirely certain that Known would automatically send the webmention when I did a status post "in reply" to a site, or if its something I had to configure externally.
chrisaldrich[cleverdevil] Actually, it did send and I just saw it; my WordPress site moderates comments/webmentions, so they don't always show up immediately
chrisaldrichtypically if someone displays syndication links to other silos and I reply to their direct post, I try to syndicate my reply to those same silos for parity of distributed conversation and threading if I can
chrisaldrichI also try to keep track of those who have the ability to receive webmentions and syndicate replies to other silos as well, so if Tantek doesn't support receiving webmentions to his site, for example, but I know he's syndicated to Twitter, I'll reply to both, so I know that he got a notification one way or the other.
GWGmiklb, I have been putting it off till @pfefferle felt the new Webmentions stuff was ready for stable, but I might do it anyway after I finish my tour of plugin updates
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time.
miklbI have to dig in the mf2 markup on my site this weekend, my reply-to posts still aren't syndicating correctly, so maybe I'll set up a repo while I'm at it
voxpelligit-svn last time I checked can't clone partial SVN repositories, and the WordPress ones I have looked at has all plugins in the very same SVN repo which means one has to clone all commits every made to any plugin there
[cleverdevil]I suppose that if things were done with it in mind, people could build plugins for composing things like h-recipe, h-review, and the like.
chrisaldrichI don't think there are huge updates to the annual themes a month or two after they're released, usually just small tweaks; perhaps it's worth having indieweb forks on Github with better mf2 for those who want them?
chrisaldrichI think there's also a few small tweaks some of the "annual" themes could take that make them indieweb prettier, kind of like the changes manton has made to his version of 2012 so that it's more microbloggy for notes
chrisaldrichGWG, I meant to ping you last week while you were working on Bridgy Publish, but it might be interesting to include a (hidden) checkbox in the code for that to send webmentions for Indieweb related posts to IndieNews (I'd noticed something similar in
chrisaldrichBy hidden, I mean commented out in the code such that one would need to know its hiding there and uncomment it to make it accessible (mostly to cut down on potential spam for those that don't know better)
chrisaldrichGWG, keep in mind that indienews differentiates having a trailing slash or not and will 404 depending on how the syndication link is done :)
aaronpki'm also not really sure how you want the "trailing slash" issue resolved. I can't assume people have the same content at a URL that ends with / vs not with /, there are plenty of examples where they are different content. so I can't just always trim the last slash.
chrisaldrichThere's an IndieSyndicate plugin in Known that is somewhat similar in functionality. Also Convoy in Known is a bigger umbrella version similar to the Bridgy Publish plugin.
sknebel"." is not allowed in IRC usernames at all (according to the RFCs). annoyingly, slacks own IRC bridge doesn't care about what some stupid RFCs say...