snarfed[acegiak_net]: use an existing feed fetching service! they're generally all good and free or cheap. superfeedr, feedly, feedsapi, newsblur, google's, etc.
Loqicdevroe: tantek left you a message 2 days, 13 hours ago: take another look at and see if it makes it any easier, and definitely speak up when you see steps that you've run into trouble with before
GWGThat is the problem we are hoping to solve. I am hoping that cdevroe comes up with some suggestions to make it easier for the next person to understand
jeremycherfasActually, that’s not entirely fair. Weekends is when I do things I want to do, rather than things I have to do. But the things themselves are almost identical.
cdevroeThis is a very specific way to word this: “Bridgy allows you to leverage your site's ability to send webmentions to trigger Bridgy to syndicate copies of your content “
cdevroe“Prior to beginning to set up Bridgy, know that it relies on some prior set up or installed plugins. For the sake of the details below, we'll presume you've got the IndieWeb WordPress plugin installed"
cdevroeI did not find this to be true at all…. “Bridgy attempts to be as helpful as possible in the set up process, so if you've got something missing or not configured properly, it will typically tell you what is wrong and include links and documentation for fixing them.”
cdevroeGWG … “If your post is syndicated to other platforms such as Twitter or Facebook this plugin will automatically add links to those posts. Other plugins may also automatically add links using this plugin’s functionality as well.”
cdevroe“If you’d rather this plugin not automatically add links to your content and you’d prefer to add these links manually using a function in your WordPress theme, disable this plugin and add <?php function_name(); ?> anywhere within THE LOOP” (with THE LOOP being linked to the Codex)
cdevroeSo, I have Bridgy Publish, Indieweb, Semantic-Linkbacks, Syndication Links, and Webmention turned on. Do I need anythign else for Bridgy to publish to FB/Twitter?
cdevroeGWG It’d be great if the Bridgy Publish plugin would at least tell me the tweets were not sent. Unsure if that is possible with the Bridgy API though
cdevroeOK, so if I were to use the_content() on statuses the plugin would add the appropriate link (assuming hidden somehow) and Bridgy would see it and post.
@pi1chfun #indieweb tidbit - could not renew my LetsEncrypt cert until I added memory on my Digital Ocean droplet. 512mb not enough apparently (
miklb anyone around to maybe help me debug Bridgy not seeing a linkback? theres's a link to the original tweet, tweet has responses, however, bridgy isn't showing that the responses having a webmention target
gRegorLove!tell snarfed The suggested HTML for the quote tweets seems a bit off. Is it enough to wrap the tweet's u-url in the h-cite, with the rest of the original tweet in a blockquote?
gRegorLove!tell snarfed Got "Twitter API error: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'get'" when previewing Bridgy Publish on the web (third time; first two previewed fine)
gRegorLove!tell snarfed Ok, switching around my markup seemed to fix that error, but when I published it didn't quote the tweet, instead prefixed the quoted tweet with ">". This is the post as I'd *like* the markup to be:
Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I joined the ACLU today and encourage you to donate. Send @sacca your receipt; he is matching up to $75K.
We filed suit against @RealDonaldTrump's #MuslimBan
ACLU and Other Groups Challenge Trump Immigration Ban After Refugees Detained at Airpor...
Loqisnarfed: gRegorLove left you a message 15 minutes ago: The suggested HTML for the quote tweets seems a bit off. Is it enough to wrap the tweet's u-url in the h-cite, with the rest of the original tweet in a blockquote?
Loqisnarfed: gRegorLove left you a message 10 minutes ago: Got "Twitter API error: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'get'" when previewing Bridgy Publish on the web (third time; first two previewed fine)
LoqiIndieMark is a set of metrics for measuring the indieweb-ness of a site, and a step-by-step approach to incrementally adopting indieweb features on your site
nitot, miklb__ and StatelessCat joined the channel