#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indieweb.org/repost
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indieweb.org/%E2%99%BB
#acegiakSo the thing I'm referring to is reposting the original content in it's entirety AND adding comment which the wiki suggests is something like a "quote tweet"?
#acegiaksemantically I'm not quoting it to illustrate a point I'm making and I'm not replying to the original post, I'm showing the audience a piece of content and then adding additional commentary or content on top
#Loqi[Ashton McAllan] C R E D I T S : R E C I E V E D
#acegiakand yeah, quote tweet seems to be the closest thing I've found in the wiki
#acegiakit's weird to me that this isn't more common because it's a total staple of tumblr interactions
KevinMarks_ and wolftune joined the channel
#KevinMarks_Twitter lore: ev originally suggested the recycle ♻ symbol for retweet in SMS Twitter, then realised that it only showed on iPhones at the time
#KevinMarks_fisking is the practice of reposting an article and interpolating commentary on between lines of it, often to mock or rebut the arguments in it.
#tantekacegiak: I thought it was a *side-effect* of Tumblr interactions, that is Tumblr doesn't have "normal" comments, but rather only has repost with comment, and thus those are essentially just "comments" (especially since they show up on the original!) "so-and-so reposted this and said: .... etc."
#tantekcdevroe - how was Scranton? did you take a photo?
#aaronpk... we were going to use the hosted service, but it was missing some plugins, so we'll self-host. so how do we self-host? so this led to this application hosting platform service, libre.sh, you're meant to run your own node, and i like the way it's put together
#aaronpk... i installed it in a half hour, it does auto name provisioning from the namecheap api, and letsencrypt
#aaronpk... i'm hoping to build up a cluster of web hosting that's reliable so that anybody that wants a website it's easy, you can just ask your friend
#aaronpk... my main known domain is eric.pdxhub.org
#aaronpkcorrection: edrex.pdxhub.org is the known site
#aaronpkanomalily: one of the things i missed from the early 2000s internet was that you could apply to get a subdomain on someone's domain name
#@evAdWord in my Gmail: "Start your OWN Twitter - PHP Micro-Blogging Script less than $35 - Tons of Features - Ajax" Damn, wish I'd known. (twitter.com/_/status/927834416)
#@evAdWord in my Gmail: "Start your OWN Twitter - PHP Micro-Blogging Script less than $35 - Tons of Features - Ajax" Damn, wish I'd known. (twitter.com/_/status/927834416)
#acegiaktantek: Apparently my oldest reposts don't display properly anymore. *puts fix on todo list*
#Loqiacegiak: tantek left you a message 37 minutes ago: could you also add your plain-repost (no comment) examples to https://indieweb.org/repost#IndieWeb_Examples ? And especially if you know when you first posted one!
#miklbGWG how soon do you think you'd be creating a "quotation-of" kind? Should I fork and add? I'd do a addon plugin, but you said quote was reserved.
#acegiakOh, I can maybe hook into gwg's existing code for converting old datastructures to new
#acegiakmiklb: you can create a new plugin to add your own kinds
#GWGmiklb: I want to work on it. But PRs are always welcome
#acegiakI need to work out a low friction way to enter that data
#miklbacegiak quote is reserved, so I would have to use something else, which is fine, but if the core plugin added quote later, it wouldn't be compatible
#LoqiLeaf is a health tracker device that looks like jewelry that runs passively 24/7, wirelessly syncs with a native app (iOS or Android), runs for 6 months on a replaceable battery, and tracks steps, distance, calories burned, active minutes, sleep, monthly cycle, meditation https://indieweb.org/Leaf
#LoqiA chatbot is a piece of software that interacts with a user via a chat/DM protocol rather than having its own app or protocol https://indieweb.org/chatbot
#tantekYou know how Kevin Rose used to do Diggnation? I suggested to KevinMarks that he and I do Indienation (but with ciders instead of beers)
#aaronpkwe tuned into the stream from portland briefly!
[acegiak_net] joined the channel
#[acegiak_net]So my partner is gonna move her site from paid shared hosting to our homeserver and were thinking about indieweb stuff. The thing is her current website is her professional portfolio and we're trying to work out how to reconcile that with the kind of social contebt, if any, that we usually see on indieweb sites
#tantekacegiak: sounds like a fit for a static site first to get the portfolio stuff reliably working
nitot, jeremycherfas, hs0ucy and sgreger joined the channel
#sgregeracegiak: re your question on indieweb feeds not on the front page - i have a somewhat similar use case and have my composite stream on a subpage, but featuring the feed in a sidebar https://sebastiangreger.net
Pierre-O joined the channel
#Zegnatpetermolnar, can we lock down tuesday evening for HWC?
#petermolnarI'm right in the progress of arranging things
#Zegnat(y) sebsel and I were just talking about it yesterday at HWC :)
#MasoudAbkenarI'm using Wordpress with SemPress theme. I want to write a short note and POSSE it to twitter. Which "Post Kind" or "Format" should I choose so that my note looks fine on my own blog?
friedcell joined the channel
#miklbMasoudAbkenar are you using the Post Kinds IndieWeb plugin?
#miklbMasoudAbkenar you should be able to adjust that in the theme. I'm not sure if SemPress is set up to have child themes, or if you'll need to adjust the main style.css
#MasoudAbkenarGood point! I think I should do it myself.
#GWGMasoudAbkenar: May I make a suggestion? Turn off the Post Kinds setting for Therme Compatibility and the titles will return.
#GWGBy the way, since I am the only one it seems who likes the theme compatibility setting as it is implemented, it will be gone or rewritten in the next release, whenever that is.
#MasoudAbkenarmiklb I can't find any ".note" anywhere in the theme directory. Any ideas where exactly should I find it?
#miklbMasoudAbkenar I meant that the post-kinds plugin adds that class to articles, so you can target the styling in your CSS
#MasoudAbkenarGWG I have no problem with titles not showing up. If I end up POSSEing it to twitter, and twitter of course doesn't show the title, I don't want the content to be different from my blog and twitter. So no title is fine with me.
LanaCoyote, snarfed, loicm and KevinMarks joined the channel
#gRegorLoveSo I totally spaced on Bellingham HWC last night. Weather travel delays would have kept me anyway. Hope nobody new tried to show up (nobody has in quite some time)
#Loqiaaronpk has 465 karma in this channel (1210 overall)
#[cdevroe]I didn’t know I was supposed to take a HWC photo! Will do next time.
#[cdevroe]GGW I am going to spend a few minutes to see if I can find out why Bridgy Publish won’t call the proper actions when using the WordPress mobile app. I’ve run into this in the past. Hopefully my experience will make this not too terrible of a hunt.
#gRegorLoveI think the WordPress app uses the WP API (formerly XML RPC?) to post, so it may not trigger plugins
#[cdevroe]gregorlove It does trigger plugins. Most hooks work, if not all. But there are a few idiosyncratic things I’ve run across. As an example, when posting from the Admin and hooking into ‘publish_post’ (as an example) the post format is set, but not using the API. I don’t know why. But that is just one thing that I came across when I was only tweeting statuses and couldn’t figure out why the mobile app wouldn’t fire my plugin properly.
#[cdevroe]I’m going to see if something similar is within Bridgy Publish.
#[cdevroe]I’m thinking the API doesn’t allow what GGW is doing with scheduling a cron.
#[cdevroe]I don’t know the purpose of the cron so I won’t toy with it until I speak with him via Skype or something.
#[cdevroe]I’m guessing the plugin assumes that the Bridgy links aren’t on the page for 5 seconds? Or that Bridgy itself may not see the new URL for that amount of time? I’m not sure.
#GWG[cdevroe]: Stuck working at home today due snow.
#GWGThe webmention doesn't get sent to Bridgy until 5 seconds later
#GWGI may remove it. It was basically because in the WordPress Post UI, setting Syndication Links from the metabox and setting it from Bridgy were interfering with each other.
#GWGBut I will probably go back to synchronous and just set an extremely high number for the priority.
#GWG[cdevroe]: I have the Bridgy Publish issue list up now and will be working on it
#[cdevroe]Please let me know if there is anyway that I can help. I have a vested interest in having it work properly as I’d like to post more from my phone.
#miklb[cdevroe] have you looked into using micropub for posting from mobile device?
#GWG[cdevroe]: Me too. I didn't consider the WordPress mobile apps, as I wanted to get the chain set for MicroPub. Quill and Inkspot both do well on mobile.
#[cdevroe]milklb I don’t see myself using a _different_ app to post to my blog.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]PWAs on android are getting intent support soon, so you'll be able to do it with your web site
#GWG[cdevroe]: Would you ever log into wp-admin on your phone?
#[cdevroe]I’m also fully aware that I’m now relying heavily on Bridgy for everything to work. That is also something I’d like to eliminate in the future.
#GWG[cdevroe]: That is what most of us relying on Bridgy say
#[cdevroe]GWG I suppose I could. I’m not against it. But it seems like the plugin as it is (just removing the cron) should allow it to work with _any_ app that uses the API
#[cdevroe]There are a lot of apps that use WordPress API now.
#[cdevroe]GWG — I believe it. In a recent post on my blog I even remarked that keeping up with all of this is almost too exhausting and would considering ditching all of POSSE at some point.
#[cdevroe]Just post to my blog.. allow people to consume via RSS… if they don’t want to, well, then, good for them I suppose.
#[cdevroe]If another silo comes into the scene soon I’m guessing a lot of indiewebbers may end up feeling similar.
#GWG[cdevroe]: It is early days. That is why we all want to make it easier for the next generation.
#GWGAnd why Bridgy and Silo.pub are nice 'training wheels' because they allow you to support multiple sites with a common API
#[cdevroe]No doubt, Bridgy makes it much much easier (once you understand what it is doing)
#[cdevroe]GWG Ok, hopping off then for now. If you need anything you can let me know or assign to me on GH
#GWGBut, the problem is always you want to do more than you have.
#GWG[cdevroe]: Suggest anything you are interested in
#[cdevroe]Two things right now: Plugin work with mobile app, Facebook just post Title + Link rather than all of context in TEXT form.
#GWG[cdevroe]: That second one may take some thought. I have to read snarfed's docs on if that can be set.
#GWGThe first one I'm going to change the Trigger method.
snarfed joined the channel
#miklb[cdevroe] micropub isn't so much as a new app, but another way to get data into your site. Depending on your mobile platform, there are multiple ways to send content to your site via Micropub.
#voxpelliwonders if aaronpk has considered making Quill a PWA during one of his 100 days, or is it already?
snarfed, wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[acegiak_net]Hey Gwg: any ideas why my post-kinds box in my editor window is missing after pulling from you? I haven't had a chance to go through and debug it yet
#GWG[acegiak_net]: Not specifically. I have some changes I need to work on for that, after I fix Bridgy Publish.
#GWGacegiak: I did make a change in the dev version that maybe isn't showing correctly on yours to how I generated the box.
[eddie] joined the channel
#[eddie]Hey everyone. I’m new around here. I’m working on becoming a good citizen of the IndieWeb ? However, I’ve run into an issue. I have github and twitter accounts linked from my home page (http://eddiehinkle.com) When I test it here: https://indiewebify.me/validate-rel-me/?url=http%3A%2F%2Feddiehinkle.com it says Twitter doesn’t link back, but I do have it linking back. Any thoughts on if I’m missing something here?
tantek, rrix and nikivi joined the channel
#aaronpk[eddie]: try signing in to the wiki! sometimes indiewebify.me gets tripped up with the t.co redirects
tantek joined the channel
#acegiakGWG: apparently the URL box is also not saving?