#GWGacegiak: That is why I need to get back to it. I removed a bunch of redundant code and I may have not finished. I agreed in future to use a branch for that.
#acegiakZegnat: For my purposes currently, yeah. I know it's a simplification but it's all I need at the moment
#acegiaksometimes I log moods without a number as well
#acegiakpetermolnar: an activity tracker that measured heartrate and wasn't super bulky is something I'd love to have
#acegiakI'd like to track sleep but can't work out how sleep tracking works without heart rate monitoring?
[dgold] joined the channel
#petermolnarin the early smartphone days there were a few apps which wanted to sleep next to you on the mattress stating that it can measure you sleep cycle according to the movements and vibrations it picks up
#petermolnarthey were all paid app, so /me open source enthusiast skipped them
#[dgold]petermolnar - I snagged one of those free one weekend in an app store sale
#[dgold]oh, its now free with an IAP for 'pro' features - Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
sl007 and danohu joined the channel
#GWGacegiak, I just bought something that monitors movement
#jeremycherfasI use Sleep Cycle but I’ve never bothered to download those data. I really don’t need to own them.
#jeremycherfasIt does sync with Health app on iOS, but I don’t know whether there is any way to access that.
#GWGRight now, I don't feel the need to post my sleep data.
#sebselyeah but owning your data !== post your data.
#sebselSleep Cycle offers CSV export (last time I checked), but that does only include the times you went to bed and woke up
#sebselthey have more data in those images, but you can't get that
#petermolnarit seems like the same problem with Google location history: you can request and export to kml manually but not from api, so no auto-PESOS
mlncn joined the channel
#voxpellinotices that the built in Health.app in iOS allows data to be exported, so one really owns all the data in there, which means any application that adds data to Health.app, like sleep data, makes that data truly yours
#[acegiak_net]My compulsion to publically post data about myself is rapidly coming into violent contact with suddenly being a more vulnerable person online
#[acegiak_net]Suddenly is a strong word, just feels that way to me
#[acegiak_net]GWG: thinking about making a custom posting interface for lower friction entry of a couple of post types...
#petermolnar[acegiak_net] that is the reason why I don't do checkins and locations posts
#petermolnarI do collect my location and POST it to my server, but that's for geotagging photos purpose solely
#[acegiak_net]Yeah, definitely. I wish there were a low friction way for people I trust to see that data on my site if they want to but short of having them log in and maintain cookies/sessions I got nothin
#petermolnarthere is, however, one thing I miss from our current world: a local contact list based geonotification if a friend is around and if that support is enabled, but it looks like this can't be done without at least one centralized thing
#Loqimisses from our current world: a local contact list based geonotification if a friend is around and if that support is enabled, but it looks like this can't be done without at least one centralized thing too
#petermolnarthank you, Loqi, I promise if I see any other AIs around you, I'll let you know
#[acegiak_net]I could invite @dobby into the room :P
#Loqiok, I added "http://www.apple.com/ios/health/" to the "See Also" section of /Health.app
#Zegnatpetermolnar, decentralised geo tracking is interesting, but you would quickly get into [acegiak_net]'s problem of fencing of who gets at your data.
#ZegnatI could WebPub whenever I update a GPS page, and you could subscribe to that and generate a notification if I am close to you.
#ZegnatBut how do I make sure the whole world doesn't subscribe to that...
#petermolnarthat depends. in flickr, for example you can setup geofences: location of photos made there are not shown
#petermolnarso whatever published the location could have areas that are prevented from publishing position or the other way around, areas enabled to publish
#petermolnareg. I'd block my home and workplace and similar, but enable a few public places, pubs, libraries to publish if I'm right there
#ZegnatRight. So I might only publish my position when I am visiting certain places. But not sure if that makes sense. It would never allow you to see if I am home when you are passing my town, for example.
#ZegnatI should not have used the term fence off, as I didn't mean it as geofencing. Just as keeping people out.
#petermolnarit would work the other way around: you, in your geofenced home would see I'm around; see this from the depths of the internet from caseorganic and aaronpk: http://caseorganic.com/?p=3669
#petermolnarI've looked into owntracks and mqtt brokers yesterday and a private mqtt broker is perfect for this
#[acegiak_net]Really tempted to scan my visitors' browser footprints for evidence they might be one of my friends and then use that to work out a low impact login/auth to view private content
#[acegiak_net]But I'm so bad at authorisation stuff in general...
#petermolnarimaginery scenario: some people I have in my contact list have private mqtt brokers; I subscribe to them. When it's allowed I post my location to their brokers and if they are listening, they get a notification.
#[acegiak_net]Anyway I should sleep before these crazy late night idea take hold
#voxpellipetermolnar: I request to follow you, you approve my request, I subscribe to your WebSub-enabled composite stream, you add GPS-stuff there with the accuracy you trust me with, I react to that data when I feel it's of interest to me
#petermolnarI'm aware google latitude offered similar ideas, but I'm still having bad feelings about having my location data in google. not that I can avoid it :(
#voxpelliFire Eagle was a Yahoo service that stored a persons geolocation and shared it with other applications over an OAuth with application specific accuracy levels
#petermolnarlooking at the success of snapchat, a service with no directly web-facing interface, with similar features to fire eagle could be a success
friedcell and EHLOVader joined the channel
#petermolnarrealizing I described the default way how owntracks works
snarfed, mlncn and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
#miklb_good morning! I see GWG was active last night
#LoqiThe IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page! https://indieweb.org/being_planned
#snarfedKevinMarks: heh, that's kind of how my site works. i use a plugin that caches rendered pages in long-lived files on disk, which are then served by apache without running any PHP at all. (usually.)
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-02-10.html
#GWGThe Pinboard guy, whose last name I cannot remember how to spell, has always been a bit cynical.
#tantekok 22nd is "fixed" for Berlin and Bellingham at least!
squeakytoy joined the channel
#tantekproblem with the 22nd was TBD for the venue for Berlin (commented out the rest of the loc), and Bellingham had the old h-card vcard double markup. Simplified that and hopefully it should work now
#tantekwell at least the 14th made it into the email version