2017-02-10 UTC
# 00:16 acegiak yay! I managed to override the wordpress video shortcode so now it just displays a default htl5 video rather than a js extra stupid thing
# 00:20 Loqi tantek: Zegnat left you a message 2 hours, 15 minutes ago: what
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:25 GWG acegiak: That is why I need to get back to it. I removed a bunch of redundant code and I may have not finished. I agreed in future to use a branch for that.
wolftune and tolerablyjake joined the channel
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 00:33 Loqi branches has 1 karma in this channel (3 overall)
# 00:42 acegiak GWG: is there an older commit I can roll back to?
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 00:53 GWG Likely before I made changes in the metabox callback
# 01:03 GWG I wasn't taking advantage of things
# 01:05 GWG Wait...I changed the Kind Metabox, not the URL metabox.
KevinMarks, begriffs and snarfed joined the channel
# 02:52 acegiak GWG: is there a rule where you can't save the URL box if it's a note kind?
# 02:52 acegiak because now that I've reverted to before your changed the metabox code I can change the kind and hte url box works fine
# 02:53 GWG I have been immersed in my other projects
# 02:55 GWG acegiak: I have been fixing things left and right, so I'll get there eventually.
# 02:55 GWG Of course, I've also been breaking new things, so...
# 03:22 acegiak I worked out that kindsprite.svg has the other svgs IN it so I had to edit inside it to get the new icon to show up
# 03:23 GWG acegiak: I use grunt to auto-generate it.
wolftune joined the channel
# 03:33 acegiak GWG: oh! I don't tend to use any of those things :P
# 03:34 GWG I just use it to do things like merge a bunch of svg files.
# 03:41 GWG KevinMarks: The last time we talked about SVGs I obsessed too long
KevinMarks, miklb, KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 04:15 [kevinmarks] Use them as single files first, then see if it's worth spriting or in lining
# 04:19 GWG [kevinmarks]: It is already done.
tantek, gluytium, techlifeweb, squeakytoy, hs0ucy and snarfed joined the channel
# 05:54 Loqi snarfed: gRegorLove left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: woot! I'll try to break something else now. ;)
# 05:56 aaronpk isn't that basically equivalent to twitter's quoted tweet then?
# 05:57 snarfed also i think FB renders subtly differently depending on whether you included a comment or not. also similar to twitter
snarfed, rrix, miklb_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 06:15 [acegiak_net] aaronpk, weren't we discussing repost with comment the other day?
tantek, loicm, KevinMarks_ and miklb_ joined the channel
# 07:12 jaduncan[m] Today in silo deaths, Adidas MiCoach is going away (although with an admirably long notice period)
# 07:13 jaduncan[m] It's moderately wince inducing that it also kills the hardware.
miklb_, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
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KevinMarks, friedcell and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas, KevinMarks, Pierre-O, friedcell and tvn joined the channel
# 11:35 acegiak heehee! now if you hover over the emoji for a mood post it displays the numerical value!
# 11:37 acegiak and also my chatbot prompts me to enter mood data every 2.5-5 hours
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 11:57 petermolnar I see acegiak's next step: automate mood entering based on ~fitbit data
jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
# 11:58 Zegnat acegiak, does that mean mood is one dimensional?
jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
# 12:18 acegiak Zegnat: For my purposes currently, yeah. I know it's a simplification but it's all I need at the moment
# 12:19 acegiak petermolnar: an activity tracker that measured heartrate and wasn't super bulky is something I'd love to have
# 12:19 acegiak I'd like to track sleep but can't work out how sleep tracking works without heart rate monitoring?
[dgold] joined the channel
# 12:29 petermolnar in the early smartphone days there were a few apps which wanted to sleep next to you on the mattress stating that it can measure you sleep cycle according to the movements and vibrations it picks up
# 12:36 [dgold] petermolnar - I snagged one of those free one weekend in an app store sale
# 12:38 [dgold] oh, its now free with an IAP for 'pro' features - Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
sl007 and danohu joined the channel
# 12:45 GWG acegiak, I just bought something that monitors movement
# 12:55 jeremycherfas I use Sleep Cycle but I’ve never bothered to download those data. I really don’t need to own them.
# 12:55 jeremycherfas It does sync with Health app on iOS, but I don’t know whether there is any way to access that.
# 12:55 GWG Right now, I don't feel the need to post my sleep data.
# 12:58 sebsel yeah but owning your data !== post your data.
# 12:59 sebsel Sleep Cycle offers CSV export (last time I checked), but that does only include the times you went to bed and woke up
# 12:59 sebsel they have more data in those images, but you can't get that
# 13:11 petermolnar it seems like the same problem with Google location history: you can request and export to kml manually but not from api, so no auto-PESOS
mlncn joined the channel
# 13:33 voxpelli notices that the built in Health.app in iOS allows data to be exported, so one really owns all the data in there, which means any application that adds data to Health.app, like sleep data, makes that data truly yours
[acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 13:40 [acegiak_net] My compulsion to publically post data about myself is rapidly coming into violent contact with suddenly being a more vulnerable person online
# 13:41 [acegiak_net] Suddenly is a strong word, just feels that way to me
# 13:43 [acegiak_net] GWG: thinking about making a custom posting interface for lower friction entry of a couple of post types...
# 13:43 [acegiak_net] Specifically from mobile
# 13:45 petermolnar [acegiak_net] that is the reason why I don't do checkins and locations posts
# 13:45 petermolnar I do collect my location and POST it to my server, but that's for geotagging photos purpose solely
# 13:46 [acegiak_net] Yeah, definitely. I wish there were a low friction way for people I trust to see that data on my site if they want to but short of having them log in and maintain cookies/sessions I got nothin
# 13:47 petermolnar there is, however, one thing I miss from our current world: a local contact list based geonotification if a friend is around and if that support is enabled, but it looks like this can't be done without at least one centralized thing
# 13:47 Loqi misses from our current world: a local contact list based geonotification if a friend is around and if that support is enabled, but it looks like this can't be done without at least one centralized thing too
# 13:47 petermolnar thank you, Loqi, I promise if I see any other AIs around you, I'll let you know
# 13:48 [acegiak_net] I could invite @dobby into the room :P
# 13:48 [acegiak_net] No one wants that
# 13:49 [acegiak_net] My chatbot. I spent half of this evening getting him back up on twitter
# 13:49 [acegiak_net] But also interfaces with IRC, Matrix, and tumblr
# 13:49 [acegiak_net] Twitter.com/dobbybot
hs0ucy joined the channel
# 14:02 sebsel Health.app is a build in iOS app by Apple that collects health data from other apps
# 14:02 sebsel Health.app is a build in iOS app by Apple that collects health data from other apps
# 14:03 Zegnat petermolnar, decentralised geo tracking is interesting, but you would quickly get into [acegiak_net]'s problem of fencing of who gets at your data.
# 14:04 Zegnat I could WebPub whenever I update a GPS page, and you could subscribe to that and generate a notification if I am close to you.
# 14:04 Zegnat But how do I make sure the whole world doesn't subscribe to that...
# 14:04 petermolnar that depends. in flickr, for example you can setup geofences: location of photos made there are not shown
# 14:05 petermolnar so whatever published the location could have areas that are prevented from publishing position or the other way around, areas enabled to publish
# 14:05 petermolnar eg. I'd block my home and workplace and similar, but enable a few public places, pubs, libraries to publish if I'm right there
# 14:06 Zegnat Right. So I might only publish my position when I am visiting certain places. But not sure if that makes sense. It would never allow you to see if I am home when you are passing my town, for example.
# 14:06 Zegnat I should not have used the term fence off, as I didn't mean it as geofencing. Just as keeping people out.
# 14:09 petermolnar I've looked into owntracks and mqtt brokers yesterday and a private mqtt broker is perfect for this
# 14:10 [acegiak_net] Really tempted to scan my visitors' browser footprints for evidence they might be one of my friends and then use that to work out a low impact login/auth to view private content
# 14:10 [acegiak_net] But I'm so bad at authorisation stuff in general...
# 14:10 petermolnar imaginery scenario: some people I have in my contact list have private mqtt brokers; I subscribe to them. When it's allowed I post my location to their brokers and if they are listening, they get a notification.
# 14:11 [acegiak_net] Anyway I should sleep before these crazy late night idea take hold
# 14:11 voxpelli petermolnar: I request to follow you, you approve my request, I subscribe to your WebSub-enabled composite stream, you add GPS-stuff there with the accuracy you trust me with, I react to that data when I feel it's of interest to me
# 14:11 [acegiak_net] What is mqtt?
# 14:15 petermolnar I'm aware google latitude offered similar ideas, but I'm still having bad feelings about having my location data in google. not that I can avoid it :(
# 14:15 voxpelli Fire Eagle was a Yahoo service that stored a persons geolocation and shared it with other applications over an OAuth with application specific accuracy levels
# 14:16 voxpelli "Services which supported Fire Eagle included Pownce, Dopplr, Brightkite and Moveable Type" – web 2.0 at its finest :)
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
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# 14:23 petermolnar looking at the success of snapchat, a service with no directly web-facing interface, with similar features to fire eagle could be a success
friedcell and EHLOVader joined the channel
snarfed, mlncn and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 15:36 miklb_ good morning! I see GWG was active last night
# 15:53 miklb I feel like I need to schedule a virtual IWC so I can plan a big block of time to do all the work I want to do on my site :-)
# 15:55 aaronpk or, break it up into a bunch of much smaller projects and do one each day! ;-)
friedcell, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
# 16:55 tantek is collecting such "smaller projects" on his Working On / Itches lists
snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:14 tantek hmm 2016 dates still in there, needs some cleanup
# 17:19 Loqi The IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page! https://indieweb.org/being_planned
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:26 tantek hmm - looks like the next HWC needs some venues / cities quickly!
# 17:26 tantek or if Tuesday is happening Zegnat sebsel you need to create that event page and add it to /Events ASAP!
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 17:31 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:32 tantek heh - the indie microblogging bookmark gets double-billing - again in this week
# 17:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:45 sknebel tantek: didn't take a photo. Went well in general, 5 people there, just need to find another venue for the next one
snarfed, snarfed1, EHLOVader, squeakytoy, KevinMarks and [eddie] joined the channel
# 18:07 [eddie] Loqi bot is blowing my mind with it’s integration with the wiki...
EHLOVader and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 18:33 gRegorLove tantek: Sure. I'm thinking about not continuing it much more though. Nobody's come for a while.
# 18:38 Zegnat Tantek I think my next train has WiFi. Will see if I can get a Tuesday event page up. Unless sebsel is available and takes care of it.
# 18:39 tantek gRegorLove: that makes sense. maybe switch to monthly?
# 18:43 miklb GWG I haven't pulled down the new code, just saw the GitHub activity.
wolftune joined the channel
# 18:53 Zegnat Train has wifi but I am going to be left standing for the next 40 minutes so don't expect an event page coming up from me.
snarfed, Pierre-O, hs0ucy, EHLOVader and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
nitot, mlncn, snarfed, tolerablyjake and miklb joined the channel
# 20:10 sebsel Zegnat uh-o, will grab my laptop from upstairs then!
# 20:12 sebsel tantek how manual is this thing? just copy paste the newest one, or is there a template?
# 20:15 Zegnat Don't forget to call it the Super Special Valentine's Edition ;)
miklb joined the channel
# 20:26 sebsel okay, no info. But: should I update that too? We're only a in-between
# 20:33 sebsel when is events/2017-02-14-homebrew-website-club?
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 20:35 KevinMarks1 hm, came back again with refresh
hs0ucy, miklb_, mlncn and tantek joined the channel
# 21:02 GWG I have a sudden desire to read itches
# 21:03 GWG Is there a most recently updated user pages URL in the wiki?
danohu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:24 snarfed KevinMarks: heh, that's kind of how my site works. i use a plugin that caches rendered pages in long-lived files on disk, which are then served by apache without running any PHP at all. (usually.)
# 21:33 GWG The Pinboard guy, whose last name I cannot remember how to spell, has always been a bit cynical.
# 21:33 GWG I run my site with a static cache as well.
# 21:35 gRegorLove That first one re: the WP business model is pretty accurate in my experience
# 21:36 GWG snarfed, I am back on Bridgy Publish work, how is it that I am sending the full URL and the tweet doesn't show pretty permalinks?
# 21:36 GWG Gregorlove, but supporting your open source project with hosted support is not ransom.
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 21:36 KevinMarks1 Maciej Ceglowski
# 21:37 snarfed gRegorLove KevinMarks: that basically describes all computer security for anything, not wordpress specific :P
# 21:37 GWG KevinMarks, I know. I just never remember that spelling
# 21:37 GWG snarfed, anything in the n9nus Twitter account.
# 21:38 snarfed GWG: mind giving me a specific example? bug reports generally want to be specific, not broad or vague :P
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 21:43 GWG snarfed, I thought you might have an idea about why. Will give a specific example shortly. Have to change location
tantek joined the channel
# 21:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed and hs0ucy joined the channel
# 22:06 tantek sknebel++ that's a clever link for recently updated users!
# 22:06 Loqi sknebel has 12 karma in this channel (19 overall)
# 22:07 GWG snarfed: Someone claimed that feature wasn't working properly, but it turned out they misunderstood that True means no link, not link.
# 22:08 snarfed yeah, naming options as negations isn't the best UX :/
# 22:08 GWG tantek: I figured it was easier to change the text in my interface than change Bridgy.
# 22:10 GWG But I can make it say something else and still send you what you need.
# 22:13 Loqi gwg has 187 karma in this channel (204 overall)
leg joined the channel
# 22:15 GWG snarfed: Do you use Bridgy Publish for your publishing needs?
# 22:16 GWG snarfed: I'm just wondering if I am doing something wrong, or if Bridgy is shwoing the actual link instead of the pretty one.
# 22:16 GWG Trying to figure out how to find out.
# 22:19 GWG snarfed: It says I sent the full URL.
# 22:51 tantek aaronpk we can still manually regen til 15:00 right? or 14:59?
# 22:56 tantek "Location: tbd (Betahaus cafe is hosting an event)"
# 22:56 tantek hmm Upcoming Events in the newsletter does not show the 14th
# 23:04 tantek ok 22nd is "fixed" for Berlin and Bellingham at least!
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 23:07 tantek problem with the 22nd was TBD for the venue for Berlin (commented out the rest of the loc), and Bellingham had the old h-card vcard double markup. Simplified that and hopefully it should work now
# 23:13 tantek well at least the 14th made it into the email version
# 23:15 aaronpk aw the portland photo didn't make it into the tweet!
# 23:16 aaronpk it looks like the tweet used the photos in reverse order
# 23:17 aaronpk hm my code intended to use the last 4 photos rather than the first 4 photos. i wonder why
# 23:25 tantek I thought it would use the first four so for sure would get the Portland photo! that's why I moved it first!@
# 23:26 aaronpk but there's a comment saying it will use the last 4 photos, so i wonder what my intent of that was
mlncn joined the channel
# 23:28 aaronpk i should make it to face detection and sort the photos by number of faces
Lana joined the channel