2017-02-12 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
camerongray joined the channel
# 00:42 GWG snarfed, if you set custom text for Bridgy using the silo-content class, does it add the back link or do you have to do that yourself?
# 00:51 miklb that reminds me, I need to add a metabox for setting custom excerpts
arlen joined the channel
# 01:00 miklb lol. I forgot there was already one. just have to show it with screen options.
FiveBroDeepBook, arlen, begriffs, KevinMarks and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 02:32 gRegorLove Anyone have experience with setting up automatic email forwarding, something a la sneakemail.com ? I'd like to give out unique addresses for different sites, but one one of my own domains, not theirs.
# 02:32 gRegorLove Addresses which I can then turn off if they get out to spammers
# 02:34 miklb gRegorLove I've done myname+service@example.com
# 02:34 GWG I'm trying to clean up my frankenstein merging of Barnaby's mf2-cleaner, pfefferle's Semantic Linkbacks parsing code, and some recent additions I took from aaronpk's x-ray code into a nice simpler mf2 helper.
# 02:34 gRegorLove miklb: That's sort of what I'm wanting. Do you set up each address manually though? Have certain software handling it automatically? Or?
# 02:36 GWG Also the camel case doesn't help my attempt to comply with WordPress Coding Standards, so I might as well change the function names.
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:37 snarfed gRegorLove: most registrars/hosts should let you wildcard forward, e.g. *@gregorlove.com
# 02:38 GWG snarfed, if you set custom text for Bridgy using the silo-content class, does it add the back link or do you have to do that yourself?
# 02:38 snarfed if you're thinking of using that to fix the permalink though, i wouldn't recommend it
# 02:39 snarfed truncating for twitter is surprisingly difficult, lots of special cases
# 02:39 GWG snarfed: No. Got a complaint from someone that the link wasn't going into their tweet
# 02:39 GWG Last time I thought it was me, it was Bridgy.
# 02:39 GWG So I figured this time I'd assume Bridgy before I drove myself crazy
# 02:40 gRegorLove snarfed: I want semi-manual, like I don't want anything coming to @gregorlove.com to get through.
# 02:43 GWG Oh, by the way on my current tribulations before I forgoet.
# 02:43 Loqi aaronpk has 466 karma in this channel (1211 overall)
# 02:44 GWG Went through every site I control already
# 02:46 miklb when I read one of the notes, you also had to have a plugin that could execute php in a post, which is always a bad idea, but still worth updating
# 02:53 snarfed gRegorLove: i suspect you actually want fully automated. i've been doing this for >15y, i've easily used >1k *@ryanb.org addresses, one per site/service. no way in hell i would have made each of those manually.
# 02:53 snarfed (and spam filters are very good. let them do their job. :P)
# 02:55 snarfed GWG: yes, bridgy-[silo]-content still adds permalink
# 02:56 GWG Eventually I will figure out why davidmead keeps having problems
KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 03:22 gRegorLove snarfed: Good point. As long as I'm using gmail, spam filters should be good.
wolftune and techlifeweb joined the channel
# 04:46 techlifeweb You said the bridgy publish "This is now supported by filter in the new version." for custom post types. I'm not sure what you mean by "filter" were do I set this?
# 04:47 GWG techlifeweb: You'd have to set it in code. There is no user interface for it. I could give you a line.
# 04:48 GWG Add your post type to the filter 'bridgy_publish_post_types' and it will show the metabox.
# 04:49 GWG What is the name of your post type?
# 04:51 GWG techlifeweb: Check direct message. I wrote it out.
# 04:57 miklb that was a lot easier than I thought it would be
# 04:58 miklb adding the quote post kind. Just tested and it worked. Sending a pull request now
tantek joined the channel
# 05:25 techlifeweb Been going back and forth between Known and Wordpress lately. Mostly just for testing and seeing what works.
# 05:29 GWG techlifeweb: WordPress is going along slowly.
# 05:31 techlifeweb I've been using WP for my Indieweb stuff for quite awhile. It works well.
# 05:32 techlifeweb I was checking Known because it is a nice UI and seemed quicker for twitter favorites and reposts
# 05:32 techlifeweb that is until I looked at how they look on my site, which is not good
# 05:35 techlifeweb seems silly but I can't figure out how to do a simple u-like-of in Known. I mean, with out the Reactions plugin.
# 05:38 tantek techlifeweb, pretty sure Known has Micropub support by default, so you can use Quill to post likes to Known
# 05:39 techlifeweb tantek: ah...it does have micropub. Hadnt thought of that approach. Thanks
# 05:46 techlifeweb That didn't work. Well, it did but you need the reactions plugin or so it seems (Quill gave me an error when I turned it off) and the Reactions plugin is broken at the moment. At least it is on new installs of Known.
# 06:01 tantek that's odd. I thought likes were native to Known
# 06:05 miklb GWG++ for inlining the bridgy-publish error
# 06:05 Loqi gwg has 188 karma in this channel (205 overall)
# 06:06 GWG miklb: I wanted to make sure people knew if there was a problem.
# 06:06 miklb yes, just now working on something locally
FiveBroDeepBook joined the channel
# 06:07 miklb unrelated to bridgy, but it was from a post I imported from live site, so it had the bridgy option checked
# 06:09 techlifeweb tantek: it might be. It's possible other plugins are causing the issue.
Lana, snarfed and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 06:24 miklb GWG I use debug.log but I can see for a lot of users, having that message on the post screen will save a lot of headache
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 07:33 GWG Playing with parsing makes me think I need to rethink the order of my homepage.
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 07:50 KevinMarks1 it's tricky
danohu, begriffs, nitot, jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu, Pierre-O and catsup joined the channel
Kopfstein joined the channel
mlncn, DanC, KevinMarks, jeremycherfas, davidmead, danohu, jeremycherfas_, miklb and tantek joined the channel
# 16:02 GWG So, my code now returns in jf2 format among other improvements. And I can parse a lot more h-cards. Oddly enough, not my own, but I think that's my fault.
wolftune, jeremycherfas, Pierre-O and begriffs joined the channel
# 16:38 GWG I keep changing my storage format.
sl007 joined the channel
# 16:38 GWG When snarfed changed the inputs on micropub, I had to do some quick patch work so it could be read by Post Kinds. So, this is the second part where I actually start parsing and storing things in a better fashion.
# 16:39 GWG tantek: When I'm finished I will do that.
# 16:39 tantek GWG, you could add it now as "in progress" with whatever caveats you wish to provide
# 16:40 sl007 aaronpk … Now working on indieauth-node gpg - would you call it an extension? Working fine, could be mentioned in main docs.
# 16:41 aaronpk sl007: neat. i don't know if "extension" is the right word, it's just one more authentication provider
# 16:44 sl007 Yes, think so too. What would be the best plugin to recommend for Windows ? Just btw : https://keybase.io/kbpgp let's u sign without plugins - but not sure if fine …
# 16:44 aaronpk no idea what's a good windows tool. keybase is a fine solution tho
jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
# 16:45 aaronpk oh yeah i saw that, and then downloaded the new keybase, and then forgot to actually try it :P
loicm and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:07 miklb GWG glad that was of use in the core plugin
# 17:07 GWG But likely I'll make a few more fixes and release a version before going more aggressively.
sl007 and sl0071 joined the channel
# 17:23 miklb sweet. I hadn't tested micropub->blog->bridgy in a while, didn't work last time I attempted, passed with flying colors just now
# 17:24 GWG miklb: We all continue to iterate
# 17:26 miklb part of my fails in past was that WP was using post Ids twice, so bridgy was kicking back posts due to same slug. I advanced the post id table to a point where conflicts wouldn't happen. Cruft from importing/migrating I assumed
# 17:26 GWG I didn't know it could reuse them.
# 17:27 miklb well, I lost a bunch of posts due to not having backups and a bad import on my part. Was totally on me
# 17:33 miklb sloppy, rookie mistake. I should know better
wolftune, danohu, techlifeweb, [dgold], Kopfstein, Pierre-O, martymcguire[m], mlncn, davidmead, Gold, plindner, SpEcHiDe, prtksxna, jcgregorio[m], JulianFoad[m], TheGillies, Guest112299[m], jaduncan[m], M-hotzeplotz, Guest86807[m], M-mxuribe, mindB and crasch[m] joined the channel
jeremycherfas, [dgold], tantek, snarfed, EHLOVader, gRegorLove, DanC, dgold, begriffs, friedcell, [jeremycherfas] and wolftune joined the channel
EHLOVader, snarfed, dgold, KartikPrabhu, danohu, [dgold] and wolftune joined the channel