martymcguire[m]I can't imagine the actual process for noting to-the-second media fragments for mentions of uses of mentioned media posts, but I do like the idea very much!
martymcguire[m]Err, I guess I can imagine it, actually, but I think it's an example of something where "manual until it hurts" becomes "ow ow ow not even once" :}
Pierre-O, ChatSharp, Garbee and catsup joined the channel
miklbMy current approach is that I'm building this for me first, the way I want it. Then I can take what I learn from that and see where I can help broaden it.
miklbI'm still a prolific Twitter user, and I want to break that habit. So having a site that looks and acts as an extension of me is a big part of breaking the habit.
GWGFor myself, I see a convergence of what I'm doing where I am getting better at building these tools and connecting them together to the point where it does click.
miklbah. Well, I use notes most, and like having quotes now, but want to utilize Bookmarks more as I get rolling. But truthfully, I haven't scratched the surface of post-kinds. One reason I want to modify my design, so I can present more post kinds.
GWGmiklb: Kind templates, as you saw, can be set in the theme. The ones built in are fairly simple right now, but if any you write better present a specific kind, tell me, I'd like to look and learn.
miklbsure. Like I said, adding the quote kind allowed me to see how it is constructed, so now I see how to use them in the theme. I will probably put this theme on GitHub for reference when I'm done. Won't really be something anyone can just use. But some of the code could be useful.
GWGI like microformats, they are much more consistent. Although I think I need to reconsider my decision to place my h-card on my h-feed, as no one seems to recognize that.
tantekGWG re: "27% of the known web would be Indieweb capable by now", that would make it a bit harder to evolve the indieweb. It's good that we're moving/evolving/iterating quickly with a smaller community, has made bugfixing etc. more possible.
tantekwhereas you know more than anyone how "stuck" things get when "27% of the known web" depends on something (or even a fraction of that might break because of a change)
tantekthat is, say we got Vouch to work in a specific way in WP and it was deployed in core, then we would be stuck with *only* that way of making it work, since everyone would have to interop with it
tantekI still maintain that we need solid multiple implementations of Vouch, tested with some sort of test suite, before Webmention+Vouch are ready for "27% of the known web" - then it can hopefully be committed with tests so that random changes to WordPress don't break Webmention+Vouch spec compliance
tantekGWG, I still think the key there is to start moving implementation of Webmention presentation of replies etc. into the main Webmention plugin, and decommission anything with "Semantic" or "Linkback" in the name
GWGtantek: I agree, but I can't disagree with pfefferle's point that the current implementation is, to quote him, 'a bit hacky'. So, we'd need a better implementation of that portion.