miklbGWG I'm just jumping into the kind templates, and I created a kind-quote.php in my theme and it's not picking it up. anything I should be aware of?
miklboh, sorry, thinking out load. There is. WP filter for single_template so could potentially hook into that to use custom templates for kind-tax. But doesn't help with the the_content filtering
techlifewebGWG: Nope. Tried Twenty-Fifteen (included with WP) and it still didn't wok. To be clear, I can set post formats, I just can't set them via ?post_format=aside url syntax
GWGmiklb: I know. I'm just saying that is the scenario that makes it harder for people. I'd like more themes directly adding the info. But there are a bunch of problems.
strugee2. I see you've listed me as a coorganizer for a Seattle IWC - I'm certainly interested but it's unclear whether I'll even be in town for SeaGL (much less an IWC) because of college
jeremycherfasAaronpk: Quill is not pushing the content of a bookmark to my Known site. I get the Title with link, but not the content. Anything I can do?
Loqijihaisse: snarfed left you a message 9 hours, 25 minutes ago: petermolnar re bridgy backfeeding private posts, feel free to file an issue with details on how you'd like it to work!
petermolnarstalkscan.com is https://stalkscan.com/ a Facebook searching service which let's you find all 'public' - both by default and by all means - data for any user with much deeper granularity than Facebook itself, even reveling data your Facebook export excludes, such as your comments on others data.
jeremycherfas!Tell chrisaldrich In view of the recent discussions here about reposting entire content, as opposed to snippets for a quote, do you think the same considerations should apply to audio content? As it happens, I have no sponsors, but if I did, and if a lot of people started listening to my podcasts from your site, I wouldn’t register those listeners as psrt of my audience, and my sponsors might not like that. Jst as an example
aaronpkjeremycherfas: podcast listener stats are kind of a best guess anyway, and anyone claiming they can count the exact number of listeners a podcast has is blowing smoke
sknebelZegnat: lol at the examples "No, wait — your favorite cooking streamer finished a marathon baking session and finally sat down for a taste test, only to realize that he accidentally used salt instead of sugar… in every recipe"
snarfed, nitot_, nitot, mlncn and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Saltstrugee, thought I responded to this last night, re:1 yay, re:2 totally get it, still hoping that you'll LD organize if things align, if not we'll just have to see how IWC:Belingham goes
snarfedindieweb hasn't been a priority for him recently if anyone wants to offer ops help, or help take over maintennance of silo.pub and woodwind, he might take you up on it!
jeremycherfasAaronpk: can you help me debug bookmarking with Quill? Whether I use the bookmarklet or the main Quill page, anything I put in the Content field does not make it back to my instance of Known. I’m not sure where to begin tracking things down.
Loqi[indieweb] "Retweeted this tweet: Kevin Marks on Twitter: “If social media is displacing memory, all the more reason to #ownyourdata and not rely on silos https://t.co/3EECa9wnae #indieweb”" by Scott Kingery on 2017-02-21 http://techlifeweb.com/15511-2/
Loqi[indieweb] "Retweeted this tweet: Kevin Marks on Twitter: “If social media is displacing memory, all the more reason to #ownyourdata and not rely on silos https://t.co/3EECa9wnae #indieweb”" by Scott Kingery on 2017-02-21 http://techlifeweb.com/15513-2/
aaronpkIf you're unclear on what classes to use or what the result will be, try typing examples into http://pin13.net/mf2/ to make sure the parsed version looks like you are expecting
strugeeI'm doing some polishing work on my static site generator project (currently in beta) which generates IndieWeb markup out-of-the-box, but I don't know the domain name so couldn't do an <a>
Loqi[chrisaldrich]: jeremycherfas left you a message 7 hours, 59 minutes ago: In view of the recent discussions here about reposting entire content, as opposed to snippets for a quote, do you think the same considerations should apply to audio content? As it happens, I have no sponsors, but if I did, and if a lot of people started listening to my podcasts from your site, I wouldn’t register those listeners as psrt of my audience, and my sponsors might not like that. Jst as an example
[chrisaldrich]I've been trying to come up with potential "meaty" additions for you. Particularly one's which I think could help motivate uptake by making things that are sometimes more difficult or time consuming without some automation. ?