#aaronpk"we will now charge a one-time payment of $75, which includes your domain setup, an SSL certificate, and ongoing support for your domain on Medium"
wolftune, nitot and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
#[acegiak_net]So I just added a post to my site with a syndication link to a tweet with the same content that I posted BEFORE the post. Will Bridget pick that up and bring me back replies to that original tweet?
#GWGtechlifeweb opened a ticket on the Webmentions plugin, which had me doing a deep dive into the fact that custom post types require you to declare trackback support in order to get pingback and webmention support...
#GWGSo I want to fix the issue in Core that equates them.
#[acegiak_net]I don't see the advantage of requiring it then
#GWGIt can be safely assumed that if you installed the Webmention plugin, you want to enable Webmentions on posts, but not on pages or custom post types
#GWGSo as it stands now, Webmention will not be supported for anything but posts. No custom post types, no pages.
#snarfedinteresting, each photo/video in an instagram multi-photo has its own shortcode hidden in the embedded JSON. using them gets you individual permalinks for them, where you can comment and like separate from the multi-photo.
#snarfedoh wow, those last two individual photo URLs also work in the android app, and i bet also ios, and work the same way they do on web. including that afaik there's no way to get to them through the normal UI.
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: the standalone permalinks for individual photo pages inside multi-photos, yes. e.g. those last two example permalinks i mentioned - https://www.instagram.com/p/BQ0lyx9APPC/ andhttps://www.instagram.com/p/BQ0ly-bgMry/ - seem to be inaccessible via the UI. you have to look at the JSON embedded in the multi-photo page, extract the shortcodes, and construct the URLs from them
#snarfed(API probably works too but it's now locked dow)
wagle, friedcell, marcthiele, hs0ucy and rrix joined the channel
#aaronpkj4y_funabashi: as is quickly being demonstrated in that thread, generic advice without context is not going to be super useful. Whatever you do, you should start by explaining threat models and make sure every recommendation is tied to a specific threat, so people have context of why they're doing something and what it protects against. That will also help avoid a lot of philosophical arguments around some
#Zegnataaronpk, I wanted to open a centralised issue/discussion about licensing projects that are published under the GitHub org. Instead of the several relicensing issues that are opened in different repos. Wiki didn’t sound like the right place
#aaronpkah yeah. i can't think of a better place tho
#ZegnatI’ll put it in wiki and then link it to as many of the other issues as possible. Just to see if we can get the ball rolling on that :)
nitot, friedcell, Pierre-O, marcthiele and leg joined the channel
#jeremycherfasStill need to do a bit of styling; where there is a note attached to a highlight, it would be good to be able to have them side by side, as it were.
#jeremycherfasTrouble is, the styling that Kindle delivers out of the box does not make that easy.
friedcell joined the channel
#Loqi[indieweb] "Retweeted this tweet: Offray Vladimir Luna on Twitter: “Gogs: A painless self-hosted Git service. Can be installed in 5 minutes! https://t.co/OqhKIsN6sX #IndieWeb.”" by Scott Kingery on 2017-02-24 http://techlifeweb.com/15582-2/
#dgoldjeremycherfas: are you syndicating those back _in_ to goodreads?
benwerd joined the channel
#jeremycherfasDgold: not so far. Goodreads has the notes and highlights from Amazon anyway, but I may yet consider that. Or maybe linking back to the original.
#miklbhmm. anyone know if responding to a webmention comment in WP sends reply mention?
#sgregeri haven't tried it myself, yet (just crawled through all the wp-related wiki pages today to get myself up-to-date)
#miklbI wonder what "still in development" means lol
dgold[m] joined the channel
#dgold[m]hadn't realised there was a matrix bridge to the chat
#aaronpkyeah it's an IRC bridge run by matrix for the whole freenode network. nothing special to us :)
#dgoldi like the _idea_ of matrix, but it is desperately memory hungry in use
#aaronpkthat seems to be a common theme in chat clients other than really simple IRC clients
#dgoldoh, you can preach that. slack is ridiculously bad
#dgoldmind you, I think all these chromium-based things are as bad as each other
#sknebelwell, there are quite a few Matrix clients
#sknebelquestion is how long the alternatives are going to survive/how good they are vs the webtech based ones
#dgoldsknebel: I was thinking more of the server-side - a decentralized chat system is dependent on multiple redundant servers
#sknebelhadn't tried the server-side yet, so don't know about that
#dgoldbut matrix seems[-ed?] to demand particularly high memory levels
#miklbTextual on macOS is surprisingly lightweight in memory usage, though I get CPU spikes occasionally
#sknebelI looked around for XMPP clients for desktop again today, seems like the old trusty gajim is the only serious contender. everything newer has been abandoned already or is lacking modern features
#@m_ottAlso bei mir ist es zur #btconf und dem #IndieWebCamp nun das Motel One geworden. Viele positive Stimmen – und einige bekannte Gesichter. ? (twitter.com/_/status/835235139567431681)
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-02-24.html