gRegorLoveNoticed [eddie] has a "Follow on Apple News" button in his footer. Wonder how difficult it is to publish for Apple News, what the pros of it are.
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[eddie]gRegorLove: Currently I’ve been manually POSSE-ing Long-Form Articles to Apple News using their Apple New Publisher iCloud App. Primarily because it will recommend similar articles at the end of an article, so discovery is really why I post there. Plus, I love Apple products ?
[eddie]Also, my wife (I have not IndieWeb-ified her blog yet lol) uses WordPress and we installed a WordPress plugin that auto POSSEs her Articles (aka Blog Posts) to Apple News.
[eddie]So I actually haven’t delved into the actual Apple Format yet, having been shielded by the Web App and the WordPress plugin. Eventually when I begin looking at automating POSSE down the line, I’ll likely begin playing with some custom Apple News POSSE from my site
[chrisaldrich]eddie Let us know if you need any help/pointers for indiewebifying her WordPress site, we're all still iterating on the process... curious to hear your thoughts on how easy/hard it is.
LoqiApple News Format is an Apple-proprietary format based onJavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document format for publishing news in the iOS app Apple News
[eddie]chrisaldrich: great! I’ll definitely try to take some notes about the thoughts when I get around to it and provide feedback. That probably won’t be for a month or two. Haha
gRegorLove[eddie] Saw you refer to my /read posts with p-page, etc. Don't give much weight to those. :) Just an experiment, and probably a bit of putting the horse before the cart. No known consumers of that for read posts, so not necessarily useful.
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LoqiGNU social is a free software project that "will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server"
[eddie]gRegorLove: yeah, but that's kind of the path of indieweb, isn't it? dogfood something and if it works and takes off, awesome. If it doesn't we all learned something. That's what I see as valueable in that. So I've thought of similar potential in /watch posts. Thinking through potential attributes, etc. if others use them awesome. If not, we all learned it's not important or doesn't work well in that form.
martymcguire[m], M-mxuribe, TheGillies, garlox[m], pniedzielski[m], [dgold], mindB, crasch[m], SpEcHiDe, plindner, JulianFoad[m], jcgregorio[m], M-hotzeplotz, dgold[m], Guest86807[m], jaduncan[m], afrogeek[m], fzylogic_, davidmead, Pierre-O and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
sknebelas in, can't you just create a post to represent a venue for now, and link to that? Gets at least the mention-logic going already, and you can pile nicer display, easier creation, ... on later
tantekright, backcompat with pingback would only be interesting if there were anyone who actually cared about it. otherwise it's unnecessary design/coding/maintenance work
aaronpkand in order to make this project vastly easier for myself, I am including all the h-card information in the post itself, and I don't have my own venue permalinks yet
tantekor rather, including the h-card information seems reasonable (from a cache, UI display perspective), however, omitting venue permalinks seems potentially problematic or perhaps a shortcut to ship
tantekFWIW venue changes are one of the more awkward aspects of Foursquare / Swarm and they've put considerable effort into trying to make venue changes work
tantekBTW if you have Swarm auto-crosspost to another silo, then Swarm will generate permalinks to your checkins so you can add u-syndication links to them - just FYI :)
LoqiOwnYourCheckin is a service which streams your Foursquare (technically Swarm) checkins to your own site in real-time
snarfedon the one hand, i obviously want to encourage you to add it to bridgy...but on the other hand, i've badly wanted to see another backfeed service for a while now.