bignosejeremycherfas: thanks. 'twas a bit of both (I'm very jaded on sites that promise an article but hide it behind a bunch of programs I don't accept).
cweiskeClients and servers must support creating posts using the x-www-form-urlencoded syntax, and may also support creating posts using the JSON syntax.
[cleverdevil]I still believe that real traction is going to require a native mobile app for iOS and Android, along with a *really* nice and easy to use web app for desktop, or native apps there.
LoqiProgressive Web App (PWA) is a web site that a client can progressively enhance into a standalone app that's comparable with a native app
[cleverdevil]That's true, and actually, with some of the toolkits that are available today, its pretty easy to build out "native" apps that are really just web apps under the hood.
jaduncan[m]Yes. I want something I can hand to my nontechnical friends, and some of them find the FB UI the limits of their abilities. I don't want a site as user-hostile as FB to be their only choice.
tantekKevinmarks I think that pain "annoying" is correct. Having just setup a minimal iPod touch for intl travel, I like being very aware of every account I'm giving the iPod in case of it being compromised.
[cleverdevil]I think having a good responsive web app that supports things like push notifications (a PWA, as tantek calls it) is an awesome first step.
[cleverdevil]!tell Zegnat the reason for the links is that I used Twitter's "embed Tweet" system to generate the markup to put in my post and I believe that they transform everything to links.
ZegnatWell, yes, but Twitter’s JS is blocked on my end. So I see your blockquotes. And I was wondering if there was a reason for the URLs in those not being expended.
ZegnatI mean, I understand why Twitter would put those there. But I assume the blockquotes are part of your own markdown. It was just a thought that struck me, doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense to have minimised links in one’s own markup
LoqiXRay is an open source API that returns structured data for a URL by parsing microformats and following other indieweb algorithms, and is part of the p3k suite of applications
[cleverdevil]I guess I'd start with a simple CLI tool that I can feed a permalink to a tweet, and then just generate some basic HTML markup that I can paste into my Known site when I want to embed a tweet.
[cleverdevil]The way it worked for me when I embedded these tweets in my post was that I clicked on "Embed Tweet" on the Twitter site, which gave me a <blockquote> containing the full tweet, and a little bit of JavaScript to transform it on the site for people who have JS enabled.
snarfedif you also want the tweet text, you can fetch a granary URL and extract it from the returned JSON. , click on twitter, log in, enter the tweet id in the activity id box, choose format json-mf2, and you'll get a sample granary URL (with API token) that you can change the tweet id in
benwerdI didn't document, but the conversation was around misinformation (perhaps because we were in a media environment). Talking about how the bigger problem is clickbait, lack of context, and single points of failure for content distribution.