[cleverdevil]OK, figured it out, and I've got a plugin to my reStructuredText workflow that automatically translates any Twitter permalinks into oembeds.
aaronpkIt's okay, the tests are testing the spec more than the implementation . I need to figure out a way to indicate better when a client is considered "complete"
mblaneythough more feedback for aaronpk: the client implementation report looks like it compiles automatically, whereas the server tests ask you to click publish. is that right?
jihaisse, cweiske, squeakytoy2 and jeremycherfas joined the channel
jeremycherfasAaronpk: Me too. Any chance you could schedule a time to talk with me and chrisaldrich about podcasting? I’m in Rome, so 8 or 9 hours ahead of you. Or we could take this to email.
jeremycherfasIdeally we would each record locally, and I’m then happy to do the edit. I reckon we need about an hour to give about 45 minutes final podcast
tantek!tell mblaney yes I believe the client implementation report compiles automatically, but you still have to submit it in a pull request to get it into the summary - hoping you can take care of that soon!
Loqigroup in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.) https://indieweb.org/group
Loqimessaging refers to one user sending another user a message (memo, letter, txt, photo …) that they read sometime later; on the IndieWeb, either directly via a personal site, or from one site to another https://indieweb.org/message
LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
aaronpkit should be pretty explicit about that. you should be getting " in the note interface, and " in the HTML interface. this is differentiated in the micropub request by the content being a string (text) or an object with an HTML property (HTML)
Loqisafety check is an aggregation feature that shows a list of the people you follow in a disaster affected geographical area that have marked themselves as safe https://indieweb.org/safety_check
tantekAsk If Safe is a button next to a person listed in a [[safety check]] that may have been in the area of a disaster, but has not yet marked themselves as safe.
LoqiTimehop is a mobile app that connects to your Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Instagram, and/or Flickr account(s) and displays a unified on this day, photos & posts you made on the current day in previous years https://indieweb.org/Timehop
Loqion this day is a feature of several silos where they show you posts you made on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years https://indieweb.org/on_this_day
Loqion this day is a feature of several silos where they show you posts you made on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years https://indieweb.org/this_day
[eddie]lol the phrasing is a bit off, but I felt like “This Day” was missing clarification. I’d like to beef it up to say “This Day X Years Ago” in the future. But math in Jekyll is tricky
gRegorLoveHaha, just checked Timehop. After going through several tweets from previous years, the final slide is an animation. It says "Sliders" and a vortex opens. "22 years ago: in 1995 four "Sliders" traveled through parallel universes in search of home."
tantekall you should have to do is tag the location of your post, and then an intelligent reader should prioritize it to people who are at / near that location :P
aaronpkif i say the audience of this post is some geographic area, then I don't need to also specify a list of people, everyone's readers can figure it out themselves
tantekthat being said, I'd like an event creation UI where you can add a dynamic invitation query (or at least filter by) "friends that will be at/near location/city X in date range Y"
aaronpkdoes anyone post stats about their email or IM conversations on their website? I thought it'd be fun to publicly post the number of emails I received or sent every day, without including any information about the emails.
tantekin general I wouldn't report on a metric unless causing myself (and maybe others) to gamify it would have positive consequences for myself and others
snarfed, chimo, ben_thatmustbeme, davidmead and Lana joined the channel
Loqiok, I added "https://medium.com/@ramshackleglam/hackers-stole-my-website-and-i-pulled-off-a-30-000-sting-operation-to-get-it-back-143d43ee3742" to the "See Also" section of /domain_name_registrar
aaronpkwas thinking about making a page called "nearby", where it would find the viewer's location using the browser API, then show a list of posts i've made closest to that location