martymcguire[m]aaronpk: I haven't sent those mentions-with-fragments yet, just regular mentions. I could figure out a workflow for doing that with telegraph I think.
martymcguire[m]Basically: go to time offset, pause to let the JS update the URL, load the URL in telegraph, send just for the audio post in question, repeat for all fragments
[keithjgrant]Does anybody use any interesting strategies for displaying reposts? 9 times out of 10, it’s usually a twitter retweet (via or someone sharing it with a comment that is simply the title of the post -- so in these cases it makes sense to just show the author name & the url. But that 1/10 times they add a comment which I'd like to display
sknebel[keithjgrant]: I'd suggest collecting examples, and then trying to come up with a comparison algorithm... something like "if it contains words that are not the original title and are not "repost", then display" or something like that
sknebelalso, I'm not sure if the repost-with-comment is considered purely a repost or not, e.g. the twitter example on /repost and /reposts all show the "plain" form
GWGMy likely solution is to delve into that a bit. Also, I do have redesign on that area I want to do, to allow an autofill when triggered by Micropub and such
tantekif a user clicks on one of those mentions links to go to the original, if it's a small note it works fine (the mention in context is likely obvious), but if the original response is long text, perhaps an article with sections and subheadings, and LOTS of mentions, then the context of the mention is lost / difficult to find
tantekif the "mentions" section of that post were to only link to the whole article, or to just one of the specific fragments, then the fact that the article mentioned a post multiple times would be lost
tantekone thought: if an article linked to one of my posts in multiple contexts, it would be nice to be able to indicate that on *my* post, e.g. in such a Mentions section:
tantekwhere Article Name would link to the whole article, and the ^n links would link to fragments of the paragraph or section of the specific mentions of my post
tantekand I think such a design could also address aaronpk's concern of "would look like duplicates" - as I too would only want "Article Name" to be listed *once* in my mentions
tantekthe Index is both saying "Some Topic" is mentioned in the book, and the specific page numbers where it was mentioned (so you can go look at just those specific pages instead of having to search the whole book for the mention)
[dgold]If posting a reply-to to a website via webmention, and additionally POSSEing that response to silos, how should one contextualise the POSSEd elements?
[dgold]Thanks tantek, I was thinking also about a reply to (from personal experience today) a persons Known instance. I POSSEd that response to silos (twitter and pnut)
Loqi[Daniel Goldsmith] Best of luck with that Bjorn; if you get some headway with the reactions plugin, I can think of a number of people who'd be interested
Loqipnut is a short-messaging social network silo in which messages have a limited length, and you can follow folks, and be followed by folks
aaronpkthat's actually not that far fetched. there are external GPS devices you can buy that connect via bluetooth to iOS and then all the iOS location services use that data instead
aaronpk"The majority of iPad devices sold by Apple are the Wi-Fi only models, which do not have an internal GPS receiver. Our products provide rock-solid GPS to these iPads and allow you to see your own-ship position in any EFB app."
tantekalso I think my watch turns off bluetooth and GPS automatically to save battery, so I have to figure out how to put it in a "report location continuously" mode