tanteksnarfed, as an example of why I've switched my photo posting practice, that photo you liked on IG, here is the version on my site: http://tantek.com/2017/087/t2/orange-curls-flower (click the image for a laptop background resolution)
tanteksnarfed - one "workaround" for that is to just checkin to whatever city you're in in the morning, and then use that checkin as the post to add photos to all day
tantekI can understand that. In my case I'm building on existing patterns of behavior. I already checkin a lot. I already use a silo native app on my iPod to upload photos.
tantekchrisaldrich - also, because I *link* to the high-res versions, that means my posting UI is automatically also pinging Internet Archive to backup my jpgs
tantek!tell adactio,ben_thatmustbeme,Jeena,petermolnar,Salt,sebsel,sknebel,tommorris,voxpelli,Zegnat hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
tantek!tell acegiak,bear,bnvk,bret,dgold,KartikPrabhu,KevinMarks,martymcguire,rhiaro,ShaneHudson can you make it to any of the dates here? add your prefs! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
mblaney!tell cleverdevil I would be interested in your DreamHost challenge for dobrado. It might be helpful to have more information from you about how high the bar is for that to happen, or maybe a sandbox to try it out? That way a developer can decide how much work their project needs to meet requirements.
Loqi[cleverdevil]: mblaney left you a message 1 hour, 34 minutes ago: I would be interested in your DreamHost challenge for dobrado. It might be helpful to have more information from you about how high the bar is for that to happen, or maybe a sandbox to try it out? That way a developer can decide how much work their project needs to meet requirements.
GWG[cleverdevil]: I was tempted to start the email... "I'm not a developer by trade, but I play the WordPress Ping and Trackback Component Maintainer."
LoqiZegnat: tantek left you a message 5 hours, 14 minutes ago: hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
jeremycherfasGetting an error from indieauth on indieweb.org. “Mechanize::ResponseCodeError at /auth/start 502 => Net::HTTPBadGateway for https://github.com/jeremycherfas -- unhandled response” Means nothing to me. Github is up. Any ideas?
jeremycherfas!tell chrisaldrich I can’t get in to a talk page on https://indieweb.org/academic_samizdat but wanted to know how you would feel about including Sci-Hub as an example of the response to academic publisher lock-in.
petermolnarvicsy; again, hi. the instructions to "sign up" to indieweb.org are clearly indicated on http://indieweb.org/getting_started : get a domain, place a url with rel="me" to a silo - eg. twitter -, add your url to your twitter profile, and you're done. However, may I ask why do you want to "sign up" to indieweb.org?
Loqipetermolnar: tantek left you a message 12 hours, 3 minutes ago: hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
snarfedbtw dgold wordpress-micropub doesn't have a media endpoint, but it does support uploading photos as multipart/form-data directly, or by URL reference. curious what made you think otherwise.
Loqisknebel: tantek left you a message 14 hours, 29 minutes ago: hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
sknebeldgold: For links like the one to the first post created by micropub, do you have a copy of the html as it is now around, so if you improve display later you can show off the difference?
sknebel(and as someone who hasn't tried WP I'd love some screenshots of confusing configuration screens, but I totally get that I'm not the primary audience)
sknebeldgold: e.g. if someone reads the first article later and reads "posted a Hello World – It looked rough on the site, however the principle of the thing was established - ", then it would be helpful if it stil looked rough, that's what I mean
[eddie]I wanted to be able to get webmention notifications without having to do anything intense. I found out node.js has a module to create a local macOS notification. So I was able to re-use a bunch of code that I’m using for my site and created a local node.js app that runs in the background on my computer and pings me when there is a new webmention! Pretty excited. This is the lazy version, but it’s a nice start.
LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 15 hours, 24 minutes ago: can you make it to any of the dates here? add your prefs! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
snarfedbtw dgold re wordpress micropub, when your mp client auths, if the authed URL matches a wordpress user's profile URL, it will make them the post's author
dgoldsnarfed: I auth'd using my dev twitter a/c - that a/c is paired (obviously) with my user account on the WP instance -- but all my posts show as 'by '
[cleverdevil]Maybe having a more general "webmention" and "micropub" actions on the IFTTT side, and then wiring up things like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc.
sknebeldepends on what the "central dashboard" is for I guess. For the results of the "automation", kind of, for in-process parts less so? (e.g. if something goes missing you have to hunt on external dashboards instead of having something local that shows everything)
Loqitantek: Zegnat left you a message 12 hours, 28 minutes ago: thanks for the shout-out for Summit 2017, but now that I have quit my job U.S. travel is definitively off the table.
tantek!tell bnvk,zegnat,petermolnar,sknebel would you be able to help make a simultaneous IWC Berlin (or other European city) happen the same weekend at IndieWebSummit in Portland? We did it a few years ago with bnvk organizing and it was great!
Loqisknebel: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: would you be able to help make a simultaneous IWC Berlin (or other European city) happen the same weekend at IndieWebSummit in Portland? We did it a few years ago with bnvk organizing and it was great!
[eddie]Thanks guys ? the big thing for me wth Jekyll is that it's super easy to add stuff to and to edit the template. Helps me to iterate quickly while I'm figuring things out. Then once I've built stuff out pretty well then I can take that structure and move it into a more long-term sustainable environment
snarfed, snarfed1, cjk101010 and Jeena joined the channel
LoqiSalt: tantek left you a message 21 hours, 32 minutes ago: hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
[acegiak_net]so I thought mastodon supported webmentions but I was wrong so now I've created an account and I'mma look into updating whisperfollow so that I can use it to follow my twitter feed and my mastodon feed along with rss feeds
[acegiak_net]the reason I'm creating an account and gonna try using the api to read posts is specifically because a lot of people in my communities are likely going to make more liberal use of mastodon's privacy settings etc which I can't get through h-feed scraping etc
tantekdgold++ for https://ascraeus.org/doing-it-the-hard-way/ - Great write-up and yes this is exactly that kind of thing that is VERY valuable for the awesome folks here maintaining / improving the WordPress indieweb setup with plugins and such like GWG, snarfed, miklb etc.