miklbafter all of that, I messed up bridgy-publish and didn't include the link in the tweet, so had to manually POSSE. Not sure if I'm backfeeding correctly. :-(
nitot, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich] and mlncn__ joined the channel
miklbwell darn. Thought I had figured out my comment filtering, but a "native" webmentions reply doesn't get the webmention comment_type stripped, so back to the drawing board
[chrisaldrich]miklb: that may be a generic bug with webmention receipt on WordPress. I've seen it a few times before. Typically I just tweak it in the database by hand when it happens... can't remember if I've filed it as a but before.
[chrisaldrich]miklb: you can go into individual pages that the newsletter is drawn from to fix any errors. Sometimes HWC locations/times/places are off due to microformats, people want to add photos, or fix grammatical errors.
[chrisaldrich]I like that it's pulling podcasts from huffduffer tagged indieweb. I went in and manually modified the metadata in those to make them a bit friendlier.
miklbI removed the webmention comment_type so it appears in my custom query, just curious your approach. Need to figure out why webmention/semantic_linkbacks didn't parse your reply as a reply.
miklbwell, the way I've written my comment query, if it stays a webmention, it wouldn't show up in the replies. I've imported my comments and comments_meta into my local dev to test.
[chrisaldrich]I would have replied anyway, but it also sounded like you needed something to test against, so I double targeted and sent both a standard webmention and POSSEd it to reply to your twitter copy too.
[chrisaldrich]I'm not sure if it may help any as an alternate example, but I think the /Independent_Publisher theme does something like what I'm guessing you're doing.
[chrisaldrich]I remember having a quirky brid.gy issue a while back where it wasn't finding my feed for some reason (I don't keep it on my homepage for one).
[chrisaldrich]Adding Adding <link rel="feed" type="text/html" title="BoffoSocko Blog feed" href="http://boffosocko.com/blog/" /> to the headers remedied the issue.
[chrisaldrich]It looks to me like you have 3 h-entries on your home page. You'll also want them wrapping your individual notes which already have the u-syndication tags.
[chrisaldrich]unless you have some other type of "blog" feed with all of your post kinds (articles, notes, photos, etc.) somewhere else, and then you can add a "feed" link which points to that.
[chrisaldrich]do you have a "master" feed of everything somewhere else? (otherwise, you'll have to remember to add future post types in later too for this same issue.)
[chrisaldrich]if you want to go overboard, you can model the markup you see for them at https://miklb.com/kind/note/ which seems to have everything and the kitchen sink courtesy of GWG.
[chrisaldrich]you may find it easier to set up a traditional /blog feed page within wordpress that includes all of your feed and then doing the <link> in the header pointing to that feed. Post kinds on that feed should take care of everything automatically.
[chrisaldrich]I suspect if you go to Appearance >> Customize >> Static Front Page and set the "Posts page" to an empty page of your choosing that the Post Kinds set up will sort it all out for you.
[chrisaldrich]miklb: then adding <link rel="feed" type="text/html" title="Miklb feed" href="http://miklb.com/blog/" /> to your header will do the trick (potentially replacing the /blog/ with the name of your feed page set above.
[chrisaldrich]I half expect Loqi's brother Bridgy pop up with a cute icon and say something snide, but apparently Loqi hasn't gotten around to setting that up yet.
[chrisaldrich]Is there a clearinghouse page on the wiki that has lists of validators, parsers, and tools of the type that include some of the commonly mentioned like pin13 (which doesn't have it's own page even), unmung, etc.? Perhaps a category tag?
[chrisaldrich]GWG: Post Kinds has archive pages for each of the kinds, but does it have a full feed output page (eg. /kind) that will put out a site's full feed so that others don't have the same issue that miklb is facing tonight?
[chrisaldrich]Often someone in the chat will mention something like unmung, Pin13, or indiewebify.me, but it would be nice to have a master page of these types of resources for the more occasional visitor or newcomer who might otherwise spend weeks watching chat or heaving digging to come across them all.
[jeremycherfas]I know I would appreciate a central tools page with the tools grouped under their type of function. It would replace my scribbled notes.
ZegnatI really hoped I wouldn't have needed to update my safety page before I really made it public. But apparently I had no other choice :( https://licit.li/58e7963293e26
LoqiJeena: tantek left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
Loqimarked safe is a notification feature that tells you when those you follow have marked themselves as safe in an area affected by a disaster or other physical emergency within a geographical area https://indieweb.org/marked_as_safe
ZegnatClosing IRC again, going to safe on battery. Probably going to do more work on the safety feature of my site this weekend, and possibly merge those wiki pages.
[eddie]rel=payment is interesting. Microformats.org even talked about doing that with amazon affiliate links, so I added rel=payment to my amazon affiliate links on my book review posts. ? Pretty simple and easy.
Loqisafety status is a particular type of post (with a permalink) that indicates a person's safety during a disaster event and can be posted by a person or by one of their friends https://indieweb.org/safety
LoqiNextcloud is an open source software project for self-hosted personal web services including a file manager (an indie version of Dropbox), music, calendar (CalDAV), contacts (CardDAV), and more https://indieweb.org/Nextcloud
Loqion this day is a feature of several silos where they show you posts you made on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years https://indieweb.org/this_day
Loqion this day is a feature of several silos where they show you posts you made on the current (typically Gregorian) day of the year in previous years https://indieweb.org/on_this_day
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-04-07.html
[mko]The "colored background note posts" are "Text Status" posts with an optional "Background Color" that only shows up in areas where the backgrounds are supported ( the same way the "Big Text" typography feature is enabled ).
[mko]One of my friends on the Facebook News Feed team described the feature. Most notably, these are basically "decorator" attributes on the existing "Note" feature, but are not required for all Facebook (or able to be used) post displayers.
[mko]I've been looking at implementing a similar set of "decorator" metadata onto my h-entry posts in my redesign. Basically, a set of recommended display attributes, if the application displaying the post can display them (i.e. typeface, text size, background color, etc). Describing them specifically as CSS properties currently that are stored alongside the entry's data in my local database. Thought it might be cool to simply parse the inline `styles` val
miklbI hadn't, but it shows author's rel-feed fetched successfully https://miklb.com/firehose/ but still not showing any new syndication links for last 2 weeks. So I'm still doing something wrong
sknebelmiklb: when I look at mine, it has a bunch of lines like "fetching post permalink..." "no syndication links from ... to current source". do you see that as well?
miklbthis first paragraph in this post is adding an extra </p> and I can't figure out why. Maybe the markdown plugin is inserting it, but I tried removing the markdown and it was still there https://miklb.com/learning-wordpress-comments-deeply-why/
[cleverdevil]I am thinking that a combination one-click install of Nextcloud + Nextcloud News + Nextcloud News Indieweb Plugin + WordPress + WordPress Indieweb plugins would be a winner.
[cleverdevil]So, DreamHost customers could have a really nice Indieweb setup right out of the gate, with content consumption (NC News), content creation (WordPress), and interactions (NC News IW plugin).
[cleverdevil]If you're going to ship a trimmed down version, I'd suggest focusing on the reader with interactions that integrates nicely with WordPress, and letting WordPress be the CMS.
LoqiNextcloud is an open source software project for self-hosted personal web services including a file manager (an indie version of Dropbox), music, calendar (CalDAV), contacts (CardDAV), and more https://indieweb.org/Nextcloud
aaronpki haven't figured out what to call this piece yet, other than a "reader", but I feel like "reader" has too much legacy meaning. especially because even the name does not imply you can interact with the content.
[cleverdevil]tantek that's a good point... still, I'd like the server-side to be APIs, and the client side to be the browser for consuming content streams and interacting via micropub with my site.
aaronpkin that example, Microsub would be the API that the browser uses to communicate to the server-side thing that's responsible for managing all the subscriptions