#indieweb 2017-04-08
2017-04-08 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegorLove aaronpk: Sure, np. Is it on github?

benwerd joined the channel
gRegorLove Heh, meant that generically, not like "is it up is it up is it up?" :)

aaronpk well it will be here shortly https://github.com/indieweb/2017.indieweb.org

benwerd joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
gRegorLove miklb: you're welcome. Is it working now?

KartikPrabhu miklb: what's your bridgy user page

wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove Seeing my note embedded on snarfed.org prompted me to finally make the <meta description> more customizable on my site. It's actually removed on note permalinks and the plaintext is in the <title>

KartikPrabhu miklb: I am asumming you want bridgy to find the syndication in your homepage notes tes?

KartikPrabhu s/tes/yes

gRegorLove And on the /firehose page specifically

KartikPrabhu ok looking

KartikPrabhu the notes on the homepage should be picked up nonetheless

gRegorLove "skipping refetch h-feed" in https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1491612844&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lyEgsSB1R3aXR0ZXIiBW1pa2xiDA

gRegorLove Not entirely sure why

KartikPrabhu yeah

gRegorLove Heh, nah

gRegorLove Is the homepage HTML validated? :)

KartikPrabhu that is not a problem as the mf2 is parsed correctly

gRegorLove KartikPrabhu: It caused issues earlier when a div.e-content wasn't closed. But I wouldn't expect it to matter as much on homepage for finding rel=feed

KartikPrabhu or for finding the u-syndication on the notes on the homepage. this is weird

gRegorLove turns on the Batsnarfed signal

martymcguire[m] is there likely to be a social meetup the day before IWS? i'm looking at flights from the east coast
gRegorLove Quite likely

gRegorLove I'll probably be there the day before.

martymcguire[m] i'll aim to come in thursday night, then.
gRegorLove Yep, pre-summit meetup is even on https://2017.indieweb.org/ for Friday

martymcguire[m] hah, i even had that page open
gRegorLove Cool! Look forward to meeting you

nitot joined the channel
martymcguire[m] likewise!
benwerd_ and benwerd joined the channel
martymcguire[m] flights booked! RSVP posted! ti.to registration completed!
martymcguire[m] i'll wait to get a hotel until the venue is posted. :}
nitot, wolftune and mlncn joined the channel
Loqi GWG: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 8 hours, 36 minutes ago: We should engineer a WordPress for Indieweb appearance on WPWatercooler https://www.wpwatercooler.com

nitot joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
tantek, jgee and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG, miklb: I don't think we would need payola for WPWatercooler. I've run into the host in the LA area a few times and think we could twist his arm just a tad. I just wanted to make sure you were amenable if it comes through.

tantek, jgee, wolftune and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] What is tito?

Loqi ti.to is an event management site that was used for IndieWebCamp 2015 https://indieweb.org/tito

nitot, DanC and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Hm, where did the mf2 go?

Pierre-O and [doubleloop] joined the channel
[doubleloop] Hi IndieWeb .o/

[kevinmarks] Hi doubleloop

[doubleloop] Hey [kevinmarks]

[doubleloop] I'm just getting up and running with indiewebifying myself

[doubleloop] Using Wordpress

raucao and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Hey @doubleloop. Be interesting to see how your experiences compare with dgold’s https://ascraeus.org/doing-it-the-hard-way/

[jeremycherfas] Morning

[doubleloop] Good morning Zegnat .o/

[doubleloop] [jeremycherfas]: cool, I'll do the same and make a post documenting my progress

Zegnat Does anyone know the current recommended way to show a datetime in the visitor’s local timezone? I feel like I need that on my safety page, to make the information easier to grasp. Small sampling amongst family seems to tell me not everyone instinctively knows how to get from UTC to their own time. Especially with DST.

[jeremycherfas] doubleloop++ for documenting onboarding

miklb joined the channel
@loopdouble It works! Like @_dgoldsmith here (https://ascraeus.org/doing-it-the-hard-way/), I’m wondering why Bridgy Publish isn’t included in the indieweb plugin bundle. (twitter.com/_/status/850650277497757696)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] wait, so https://mastodon.social/@yoz/1952073 is the real permalink and https://mastodon.social/web/statuses/1952073 is as js;dr version that redirects to the homepage?

Loqi [Yoz] So yeah, finishing the topic of What To Call It: https://darksocial.party/users/rustyk5/updates/391 @rustyk5 's suggestion of The Social Web is a million times better than Fediverse, OStatus network etc, and a billion times better than anything with ...

Kopfstein joined the channel
Loqi [superfeedr] "@loopdouble Well done on getting it all working. I did the #indieweb setup, but am sadly behind on _using_ it." by Daniel Goldsmith on 2017-04-08 https://hylozoist.ascraeus.org/2017/loopdouble-well-done-on-getting-it-all-working-i-did

@_dgoldsmith @loopdouble Well done on getting it all working. I did the #indieweb setup, but am sadly behind on _using_ it. (https://hylozoist.ascraeus.org/s/4V5QE) (twitter.com/_/status/850677197258072064)
@ROUZealot @loopdouble Well done on getting it all working. I did the #indieweb setup, but am sadly behind on _using_ it. (https://hylozoist.ascraeus.org/s/4V5QE) (twitter.com/_/status/850677198768017409)
@loopdouble Many OOTB benefits, but WordPress for indieweb does bring with it the (contested) database antipattern. I do miss… https://doubleloop.net/t/27 (twitter.com/_/status/850677922335686656)
mlncn and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] dgold: If it isn’t one thing it’s another.

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Looks like mastodon.social took Ben's mf2 pr

benwerd, mlncn and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Thinking about post types — are they exclusive? That is, can a post be both a Reply-to and a Like-of or must it be one or the other?

[jeremycherfas] OK. Thanks. I think that will make my life easier.

[jeremycherfas] I’m trying to think about a plugin for Grav to add mf2 for Reply-to and Like.

davidmead and tantek joined the channel
Loqi Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery

[eddie] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Thanks sknebel. At the moment I’m focused on post creation, but this is interesting.

@rjpb25 Learn about the #IndieWeb project. https://indieweb.org/principles (twitter.com/_/status/850740508972507136)
Loqi [superfeedr] "Comment on Introduction to Complex Analysis | UCLA Extension by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson" by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson on 2017-04-08 http://boffosocko.com/2016/07/25/introduction-to-complex-analysis-ucla-extension/#comment-34335

Loqi [superfeedr] "Comment on ? Secret Life of Pets (Universal, 2016) by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson" by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson on 2017-04-08 http://boffosocko.com/2017/03/05/watched-secret-life-of-pets-universal-2016/#comment-34336

Loqi [superfeedr] "Comment on ? Creed (Warner Bros., 2015) by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson" by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson on 2017-04-08 http://boffosocko.com/2017/03/10/creed/#comment-34337

Loqi [superfeedr] "Comment on ? The Holcroft Covenant (Universal Pictures, 1985) by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson" by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson on 2017-04-08 http://boffosocko.com/2017/03/12/the-holcroft-covenant/#comment-34338

Loqi [superfeedr] "Comment on About Chris Aldrich by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson" by Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson on 2017-04-08 http://boffosocko.com/about/#comment-34339

arush, arush2, snarfed, leg, wolftune, DanC, loicm_, rootforce and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] How in goodness name did I do that?! Especially since most have nothing to do with IndieWeb? Hrrm....

mlncn and davidmead joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] snebel: I don't think it's that, though I've got some suspicions...

[chrisaldrich] sorry, fat finger s/snebel/sknebel

[chrisaldrich] it looks like a microformats experiment I did a month ago that resurfaced when I went back and added h-entry algorithmicly to some posts.

doubleloop joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] There was a page with references to those posts that also had a direct reference to Indieweb in the body of the page as well. For some reason I had some mf2 mark up on something within that page that indicated authorship, so the page sent webmentions to the posts which then ended up in superfeedr. I think I've got most of it sorted and can then look at it all again.

wolftune and benwerd joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] the watch icon has always had that indieweb-post-kinds reference in it (as does every site using Post Kinds) and it's never been a problem

Pierre-O joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] It wasn't you GWG... I'm pretty sure.

[chrisaldrich] I do find it interesting that the uf2 plugin (https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-uf2) adds h-entry and hentry to the WP <body> tag that covers pretty much all of the page, yet it doesn't ping superfeedr with a post like this: http://boffosocko.com/2017/04/08/test-to-see-if-superfeedr-picks-this-up/, perhaps because of e-content or something else?

[chrisaldrich] thinks of how nice it would be if WordPress could just support mf2 in core...

[chrisaldrich] LOL!

[chrisaldrich] I've been working on an mf2 update of the 2012 theme and was comparing/contrasting uf2 plugin alongside some of the same type of code in the sempress and independent publisher theme code to determine how to best do it all.

[chrisaldrich] needs to figure out where the two u-photos on my gravatar are coming from so I can use Brid.gy publish. I think one is coming from the uf2 plugin.

[chrisaldrich] GWG: is the other coming from the Indieweb Plugin itself?

wolftune and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
doubleloop Hi all

doubleloop I'm trying to set up backfeed via brid.gy to my Wordpress site

doubleloop A little stuck

doubleloop My posts have a syndication attribute

doubleloop I think my feed is the issue

doubleloop Trying to set one up as per this link... https://brid.gy/about#link

doubleloop But the built-in Wordpress feed I don't think will work, because it doesn't include h-entry and it's not text/html

doubleloop I tried https://doubleloop.net/2017, which I think should work, but it's paged so old posts won't get picked up

doubleloop Do any of the indieweb plugins have a handy endpoint for the feed that bridgy needs? Or maybe I'm just missing something simple

doubleloop sknebel: ah ok - how recent?

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: miklb was having this same type of issue over the last few days too.

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: do you have a traditional /blog page with all your posts or are they on your homepage?

doubleloop [chrisaldrich]: they're not on either as far as I can see.. my homepage is a static page, and /blog doesn't exist

doubleloop I could try and bump up the number of posts shown on the 2017 archive page

doubleloop sknebel: my X on the feed page I'm linking to is currently 10... I'll try and bump it up

davidmead joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: I'd recommend creating a page (named blog or something of your choosing) and then in the WP customizer (Appearance >> Customize >> Static Front Page) set the "Posts page" to whatever you named the page.

gRegorLove joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Then you can add a link to your header pointing at that page: <link rel="feed" type="text/html" title="Blog feed" href="http://example.com/blog/" /> which brid.gy can see and know where your feed is

[chrisaldrich] if you're using one of the sempress or related children, this should cover you

doubleloop sknebel: ah cool, yes I can see it was sent, thanks. although it hasn't appeared on the post on my site though

doubleloop [chrisaldrich]: great, thanks, that makes sense. i'm using a tweaked sempress-lite so it should be good

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: WordPress often marks native webmentions as spam

doubleloop [chrisaldrich]: i checked, it's not in spam

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: if you want to mark webmentions as not spam you can use this: https://indieweb.org/Wordpress_Webmention_Plugin#Automatically_approving

doubleloop I have this webmention endpoint in my links, does it seem correct?: <link rel="webmention" href="https://doubleloop.net/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint" />

doubleloop [chrisaldrich]: thanks

gRegorLove doubleloop: Looks like there was a fatal error: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1491680397&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lyTQsSCFJlc3BvbnNlIj90YWc6dHdpdHRlci5jb20sMjAxMzo4NTA3ODEzMzk2NjIxMzEyMDFfZmF2b3JpdGVkX2J5XzM0MDMzNDQ4MDIM

gRegorLove In indieweb post kinds plugin

gRegorLove pings GWG

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: that <link> looks right and was automatically added by the Webmention plugin.

gRegorLove When bridgy shows "sent webmention" it means it found your webmention endpoint successfully. It's that fatal error in one of the plugins that caused it to not be received / processed correctly.

doubleloop gRegorLove: ah brilliant, very cool to be able to see brid.gy logs

gRegorLove doubleloop: Yeah, the "x minutes ago" link on your bridgy page are to logs.

doubleloop My server didn't have php-mbstring installed. I've installed and will try again...

gRegorLove Does one of the WP plugins add "h-as-note"? I've seen it on a couple WP sites now.

gRegorLove What is h-as-note?

gRegorLove What is h-as?

Loqi h-as was an attempt to match ActivityStream vocabulary to microformats https://indieweb.org/h-as

doubleloop Awesome! It worked!

doubleloop Thanks everyone for your help :)

gRegorLove Hm, I got another 500 trying to send wm to a WP site.

doubleloop GWG: Great, I'll let you know what I find as I use them. I put a github issue in earlier actually, for the Post Kinds plugin.

doubleloop GWG: they've been brilliantly helpful so far.

doubleloop GWG: yep, that's me

doubleloop GWG: only other feedback so far is should the Bridgy Publish plugin be included in the Indieweb bundle plugin? - I only learned about it from dgold's blog post

gRegorLove GWG: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention/issues/138 there's some PHP notices for semantic linkbacks in there as well.

gRegorLove np. just a heads up.

@loopdouble Backfeed up and running! Big thanks to the helpful peoples on the #indieweb IRC. (twitter.com/_/status/850804966969225217)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
doubleloop Is there a concept of @-ing someone in indieweb?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "home page webmention" yet. Would you like to create it?

doubleloop GWG: So I want to tell @barryfrost and @calumryan that I've got these bits working on my site. Can I put that in a note and it pings them?

doubleloop aaronpk: excellent, thanks

aaronpk home page webmention is [[homepage#Webmention_to_homepage]]

Loqi person mention is a homepage webmention sent to a person's homepage https://indieweb.org/person-mention

doubleloop GWG: as in, Wordpress doesn't receive homepage mentions by default?

@schmarty Your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community! This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for Apr 1st - 7th, 2017. https://martymcgui.re/2017/04/08/165106/ (twitter.com/_/status/850814201769623554)
doubleloop GWG: What's a feature in Wordpress?

doubleloop GWG: ah ok :)

@huffduffer This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • April 1st - 7th, 2017 https://huffduffer.com/schmarty/401282 (twitter.com/_/status/850815372697763841)
wolftune joined the channel
doubleloop GWG: often the case isn't it

doubleloop GWG: once I get a bit more familiar with the ecosystem (pretty new to both indieweb and wordpress), I'd be happy to chip in where I can. I'm a software developer.

doubleloop GWG: what's the function you mentioned that I can reroute the mentions to another page?

doubleloop GWG: Great, thanks.

gRegorLove Does the huffduffer Twitter post everything that gets added?

gRegorLove doubleloop: have you logged in to the wiki yet? You can add yourself to the /irc-people page and then have an avatar show up on chat.indieweb.org

[eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove: I think Huffduffer does, though I've never really tested to make sure...

doubleloop gRegorLove: Hmm I'm on irc-people already, but my pic has gone.

doubleloop I switched my site to https recently, could be that...?

doubleloop Ah no, I'd moved the image.

doubleloop What software is chat.indieweb.org running on?

Pierre-O and [dgold] joined the channel
gRegorLove I forget, what time on day 2 of IWC is the photo usually taken?

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: You might find this more instructive for home page webmentions: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-webmention#how-can-i-handle-webmentions-to-my-homepage-or-archive-pages

doubleloop [chrisaldrich]: cool, thanks

mlncn joined the channel
doubleloop [dgold]: Very interesting, the mesh network approach seems novel?

[chrisaldrich] doubleloop: If it helps as an idea, I created a "mentions" page to collect stray webmentions: http://boffosocko.com/mentions/ - I didn't want to have hundreds/thousands. For comparison: http://www.kevinmarks.com/

gRegorLove wut ^

[chrisaldrich] Really Loqi, again? I'm pretty sure a bug I fixed this morning caused that gRegorLove.

gRegorLove Oh, I see it's an author in your sidebar. Odd.

gRegorLove [chrisaldrich]: Hmm, that page has h-as-* but no h-* on some things.

[chrisaldrich] Though I though I fixed it...

[chrisaldrich] may have to flush the cache...

gRegorLove Maybe cached. I just checked on pin13

[chrisaldrich] I was running some tests last night with the uf2 plugin for WordPress, which puts h-entry on <body> which is a bit too aggressive.

[chrisaldrich] aaronpk must have filtered out some of the superfeedr cruft...

gRegorLove That was just Loqi expanding your link I think

gRegorLove u-comment h-cite would be good on your comments instead of/in addition to h-as-reply

[chrisaldrich] oh, that's possible too... I had run a quick test just after that post to see if the spurious stuff I saw this morning had flushed out, so I thought it may have come from that.

[chrisaldrich] gRegorLove, I'm trying to overhaul a handful of WordPress themes right now to give people some additional options. That's on my roadmap... ?

gRegorLove chrisaldrich++ cool!

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What is pin13?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "pin13" yet. Would you like to create it?

[chrisaldrich] pin13 is a tool that does [[microformats]] parsing, characaracter counting, JSON prettifying, and number converting.

KartikPrabhu [chrisaldrich]: you misspelled character

[mko] joined the channel
leg joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] GWG: thanks, but I opted to change it since I had to go in to add the URL... but it's always there in the page history for the poets.

[chrisaldrich] GWG: sure

@kevinmarks Federation is hard. Let's go indieweb. https://macgirvin.com/channel/mike/?f=&mid=1b375d3c1144d54f312e7c02d804d5dc27c8e64218a813e19486f5639726a060%40macgirvin.com (twitter.com/_/status/850854958643634176)
Loqi [superfeedr] "Federation is hard. Let's go indieweb. https://macgirvin.com/channel/mike/?f=&mid=1b375d3c1144d54f312e7c02d804d5dc27c8e64218a813e19486f5639726a060@macgirvin.com" by Kevin Marks on 2017-04-08 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/federation-is-hard-lets-go-indieweb-channelmikefampmid1b375d3c1144d54f312e7c02d804d5dc27c8e64218a813e19486f5639726a060macgirvincom

gRegorLove And the majority of them aren't questions that require answers before getting basic webmentions working. Hmm.

gRegorLove Wonder what software that is running his site

Loqi [superfeedr] "Repost of Kevin Marks's tweet" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-04-08 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/repost-of-kevin-markss-tweet-18288125b5

gRegorLove Redmatrix/Hubzilla, I guess

gRegorLove What is Hubzilla?

Loqi Hubzilla (formerly RedMatrix) is an open source, federated, community web server that started as a fork of Friendica https://indieweb.org/HubZilla

mlncn joined the channel
doubleloop If I post to my site via micropub (e.g. with Quill), the post gets the right post kind, but it doesn't get assigned the correct corresponding Wordpress post type (e.g. Aside vs Standard)

doubleloop I guess that would be an issue with the Wordpress Micropub plugin?

[chrisaldrich] GWG: I noticed in the recent update to Post Kinds, you're autosetting the post format based on kind, but don't give the user the chance to modify it after the fact. (or doing so doesn't seem to do anything as it gets set back to the original).

[chrisaldrich] This may be quirky for some themes which don't include author details for asides when posting a note, while it may be more germane to use something like status.