GWGdoubleloop: Please do. Micropub is maintained by Ryan Barrett. He prefers manual to automatic markup, so he doesn't use Post Kinds, which is fine. The two work together, but the Post Kinds work is done on the Post Kinds side.
wagletaking another poke (seriouser this time) at getting a real wp server going... used a migrator to move to a new machine, but, while I can edit non-root pages, I can't view them. any ideas?
miklb"Hit cap of 10 permalinks" so probably not going to be able to go back far enough to get some backfeed from my missing u-urls when I switched themes. oh well
benwerd, wolftune, KartikPrabhu, tantek, gRegorLove, begriffs, davidmead, loicm_ and mlncn joined the channel
ZegnatYou might want to run that through an mf2 parser, doubleloop. It could be the bookmark-of has become a property of h-cite instead of a property of h-entry.
sknebelI don't use it much either, and I know at least some WP users use other syndication plugins to post to twitter (where they can decide formatting etc, without putting an extra version for bridgy in the html), and then use bridgy for backfeed only
sknebelregarding markup, when I swap the p-bookmark-of to a u-bookmark-of an mf2 parser shows a "bookmark-of" with a "value" of the url, I think that's what you'd want? (not sure myself, anyone else?)
doubleloopI'll ping ChrisAldrich, as he seems to be able to share bookmarks nicely to twitter and his markup looks the same as mine (both coming from the same Wordpress plugin)
ZegnatYes, sknebel, I ran into that a while ago with sebsel, and I don’t remember if I could find out where it was documented. It seemed like if the u-* is attached on a h-* it will use the h-*’s u-url value as the value for the u-*.
ZegnatIt makes some sense, e.g. have a container element .h-card.u-author inside your .h-entry and if the h-card has a child element .u-url that one will be taken for the h-entry’s author property.
[jeremycherfas]Zegnat: No apology needed. This is just the sort of thing that makes actually putting the indiewebn to use for ordinary mortals so difficult and so confusing.
ZegnatOh, definitely. I have read the parsing spec several times and the small things like this still trip me up. It is often better to just experiment against a parser, like sknebel was doing :)
doubleloop, wilfredh and loicm_ joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]!tell doubleloop I use /SNAP for POSSE from WP to Twitter in addition to something like All in One SEO, Yoast, or Twitter plugin to set the metadata correctly for Twitter Cards
[chrisaldrich]!tell doubleloop Your Bridgy twitter page also has UI for inputting a URL and previewing how your post will look while using microformats markup if you go that route instead.
wagledoes anyone use one wordpress server for multiple sites? what did you use? i'm trying to use the builtin "multisite" stuff, but am not succeeding yet in setting a theme for the non-main site
Loqidoubleloop: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 1 hour, 11 minutes ago: I use /SNAP for POSSE from WP to Twitter in addition to something like All in One SEO, Yoast, or Twitter plugin to set the metadata correctly for Twitter Cards
Loqidoubleloop: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 1 hour, 6 minutes ago: Your Bridgy twitter page also has UI for inputting a URL and previewing how your post will look while using microformats markup if you go that route instead.
gRegorLoveHaha. I had to do a password reset with YNAB. The placeholder text on the reset field was "correct horse battery staple" with a recommendation to use a passphrase, referencing
wagledamn kids! (halfway through the numerous docs) WordPress must run from the root of your webfolder (i.e. public_html) for subdomains to work correctly. They will not work from within a subdirectory.