aaronpkthat would mean if it reposted one of my posts, it would show up on my post in the repost list, which is kind of neat, but might get annoying if it reposted *all* of my posts
LoqiA planet, in the context of the indieweb, and blogs/feeds for even longer, is a site that aggregates feeds/updates from a variety of sources, typically focused on a particular topic or community https://indieweb.org/planet
[eddie]Would you be posting to a planet via syndication link? Because if so, it doesn't seem like sending a repost back to the original post quite seems right..
[eddie]Ohhh. Interesting. How does it know to copy your posts? I guess I got confused in an earlier conversation about indienews, indiestream, etc conversation
aaronpkYeah I can't decide whether I want "reposted this" or some other indication. Like maybe i show it as a syndication but I don't have to syndicate each post manually
Loqipetermolnar: tantek left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: would you be able to help make a simultaneous IWC Berlin (or other European city) happen the same weekend at IndieWebSummit in Portland? We did it a few years ago with bnvk organizing and it was great!
hs0ucy, friedcell, singpolyma, snarfed, [eddie], mlncn, benwerd and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
aaronpkthat might be enough. imagine you receive a webmention from a post on somegazette.example.com and you notice the u-url property is one of your own permalinks. that's pretty sufficient indication that this is a syndication of your own post.
aaronpki was imagining it happening automatically/unintentionally, such as if you used wordpress to host the syndicated blog and it just sent the webmention because you have webmentions turned on
sknebel(webmentions for syndicated copies would basically be what bridgy backfeed does, just without an extra service. Could maybe be something the planet does: if it receives a webmention for a post, send a copy of it to the original? (the sender could also do it, but that would mean more parsing work for it, just for this special case)
Loqi[Jeremy Cherfas] Thanks for the notice. Just checked, and there doesn't seem to be a problem. Maybe it was temporarily unavailable? I've kind of abandoned it, for now, to concentrate on the version I am hosting myself. But I don't want to shut it down until #WithKnow...
[jeremycherfas]Sorry. I started off trying to check webmention receives. Checkmention wasn’t helping. You suggested Telegraph, and so I tried that. But clearly I misunderstood the function of Telegraph.
[jeremycherfas]I now think I understand. It checks the URL you give it for **outgoing** links and tries to send each of them a webmention when you click the button?
sknebel[cleverdevil]: haven't seen anything like that yet. (working against random endpoints there is the issue of cross-origin requests, but for your own site you can of course fix that)
[jeremycherfas]Aaronpk: The webmention endpoint at jeremycherfas.net works, but it fails to return a status URL. I’ve asked the Grav plugin author whether there’s anything he can do about that.
[jeremycherfas]So if the enpoint doesn’t return a status URL, there’s no easy way to know whether it is working? I discovered mine was by looking at the data received file, and there it was.
[jeremycherfas]Then I am completely mystified, because there is new stuff in the file that I don’t think was there before. Let me try again with a fresh attempt to send a webmention.
[cleverdevil]So, aaronpk, I am thinking of just making my Nextcloud News plugin talk to Quill, rather than talk to Known's "share" functionality, which would make it useful to anyone with an IndieWeb site.
[cleverdevil]I think I'll just have four actions, instead of my current five: Reply (`/note?reply=`), Bookmark (`/bookmark?url=`), Like (`/favorite?url=`), and Repost (`/repost?url=`).
sknebel[cleverdevil]: you should document what you'd want from an embeddable client, maybe on your user page? sounds like a generally useful thing (e.g. to drop in your own site as well), but I wouldn't be sure right now what it should do
[chrisaldrich]I had heard of indieweb brewing prior to that, but I think for me, that was what brought the pot to a boil, and given that audience, I'll bet it did for others.
[chrisaldrich]I suppose the other question is can we intuit the possible event drivers for weeks where the numbers were over 40 as the baseline looks to average around 15.
[chrisaldrich]cleverdevil When your NC experiment is working can you be sure to write it up so we can point some of the corporate feed readers (like Feedly, et al) to both it and woodwind as valuable functionality that they should be supporting? Perhaps it will spur some competition among them?
sknebelI had a few times the impression (and have gotten it as feedback from people I've tried to coax to IWCs) that it sometimes comes to early, especially if it is presented as a soft requirement for participating
[chrisaldrich]Does Upcoming have a checklist feature for indicating people who actually attended? We may want that for events if separate from the wiki.
[chrisaldrich]I suppose in one's checkin or follow up blog post with photos or other, they could add webmentions so that the event site could pick up that content...
Loqi[indienews] New post: "Jonathan LaCour
April 10, 2017
Adding Indieweb interactions to Nextcloud News
I spent some time this past weekend writing up a little plugin for Nextcloud News that enables Indieweb interactions using the excellent Quill. Take a look! #indienews
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Also on:
@cleverdevil" https://cleverdevil.io/2017/adding-indieweb-interactions-to-nextcloud-news