#indieweb 2017-04-15

2017-04-15 UTC
wolftune joined the channel
Great list of websites that have died. All that content & social connections, all down the drain, for nothing. https://indieweb.org/site-deaths
nitot, tantek, wolftune and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I've decided what I'm going to do next.
do tell
Minor updates to the Indieweb Plugin
wolftune, strugee, tantek, tolerablyjake, barpthewire and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
What are static sites
A static site is a website that is served by a web server directly from the file system https://indieweb.org/static_sites
ok, I added "http://www.oreilly.com/web-platform/free/static-site-generators.csp" to the "See Also" section of /static-site
Pierre-O joined the channel
ok, I added "https://www.raymondcamden.com/2017/03/07/working-with-static-sites-final-release" to the "See Also" section of /static-site
nitot, miklb, miklb_, [jeremycherfas], botka and SilverBack joined the channel
Any recommendations for which particular WordPress plugin is best to POSSE articles to Twitter?
Jetpack seems too formulaic and inflexible.
nitot, Kopfstein, KevinMarks, barpthewire, doubleloop, davidmead, tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
jeremycherfas Bridgy Publish is a bit better, though requires proper mf2 for better controlled outputs. See here for more detail: https://brid.gy/about#publishing
jeremycherfas I personally use /SNAP which takes some set up (though it's well documented), but allows for a lot of flexibility as well; see: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins#POSSE_Plugins
nitot and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Thanks chrisaldrich In the end I gave up for now because it isn't the central site of my identity and so things were overly complex. I don't actually want yet another twitter account just for the bread site, so I need to think harder.
What is listen?
petermolnar, you are credited with a audioscrobbler WP extension there. Do you know a page that gives a good overview of the scrobble “spec”? Or do I have to just read Last.fm’s documentation?
jeremycherfas you could have a personal Twitter feed that is supplied with content from all your other sites. Then you can POSSE from bread, eatthis, .net, and even known to your personal twitter feed. (Backfeed may be a problem for more than two though.) It needn't be a one-to-one mapping in all cases.
I thought so too but it is the auth that currently seems to be the bottleneck. That's why I said it class for deeper thought.
[jeremycherfas]: "but it is the auth that currently seems to be the bottleneck" <- curious what you mean by that?
davidmead joined the channel
I have at least three websites, and many places, like Twitter, allow only one in the bio. So I can link one two Twitter but not the others.
bridgy's way around that is that it also looks in the twitter bio for URLs
jeremycherfas This ultimately means you can get backfeed from two sites instead of just one for Twitter and Instagram: https://brid.gy/about#profile-links.
chrisaldrich aaronpk I think I need to make a diagram rather like the one Chris made a few days ag and then ask for expert advice.
jeremycherfas how many twitter accounts do you have? I think it's just the eatthis acct right?
no, I have another that has been dormant and that I have considered pivoting to be a more personal identity than etp. That one is nivavilov
If it helps, you can change the @handle of Twitter accounts if you want to keep those followers, but have a more personal account name like "jeremycherfas"
you should be able to put multiple links in the account description, and get all of them to register in bridgy
The primary question may be, which sites are "personal" versus which ones are "corporate" or "brand" sites?
Then there's no reason you couldn't/shouldn't use one to help promote the other if necessary.
I think most of those followers would be happy to abandon me. Unless and until I redirect the original vaviblog, which will be yet another side identity.
sknebel, have you tried it for more than two?
are you keeping vaviblog? I thought your intention was to port it into one of the others ultimately?
One in website, one in bio. That seems to be a hard limit. And bio is space limited anyway.
davidmead joined the channel
It's complicated. The original vaviblog was an online travelog for nivavilov. Then it got screwed in a server mishap and I couldn't find time to restore. I still have it all. It was on WP.
Some of these questions have actually helped me to pare down my online identity. Though it doesn't always make things "easy", it has been an interesting, worthwhile, and useful pressure on how I think about it all.
Then, when I discovered Known, that was a domain that I had that I could use to experiment.
wolftune joined the channel
So, ideally I would take the current content if vaviblog and import it into my current Known. Then restore the original vaviblog, possibly as WP, which seems a lot better now than it was when I abandoned it.
I agree it is definitely worthwhile. The real drag is all the legacy material. I have no desire to migrate and still have masses of catching on the main site.
[chrisaldrich]: no, I haven't, and when I looked at the source a while back I was apprently not reading the part for twitter, but some other silo. could probably be changed, unless twitter limits urls in bios?
sknebel, the real limit with twitter is the 140 characters in one's bio, so if it supports more than one url there, you need short domain names. ?
jeremycherfas I'd had issues with providing people with too much on one site before, but think I solved it by providing different subscription options: http://boffosocko.com/2016/12/18/rss-feeds-a-follow-up-on-my-indieweb-commitment-2017/
I own all the content already. That's not the problem. The problem is to create a coherent conglomerate. ?
I always did like your concept of a mothership...
And that's the concept I want to solidify.
jeremycherfas some of it also comes down to identity and how you want to control it as well.
I like the ability to have one site that's all the versions of me and then syndicating work things to linkedin, family/friends stuff to facebook, and others to Twitter, et al. to fit those "audiences"
The way I am bringing in my Known stream via rss offers the potential for a single page there for each of the satellite sites.
Now, if only I could get my mom from being the first person to like EVERYTHING I post to facebook or their algorithm would play nicer so others would see the content I post there, life would be easier ?
I avoid that by very seldom posting to FB
I do have menu links to a few other work-related sites as the easy solution to that.
Yes, but that asks people to make the effort to go there, even if there's nothing new to see. Unless your menu items have badges. Now that would be cool.
They're there more for completeness and convenience. I do like how you've ported updates from known to your .net.
It's somewhat reminiscent of the Twitter widgets people use.
Though in the Twitter case, I always thought it diluted one's identity.
miklb joined the channel
It kind of says, don't follow my site directly, which has richer content, but follow me at this more ephemeral place.
davidmead joined the channel
At the moment I’m conscious that I don’t really want to dilute my ETP Twitter with too much indieweb, because those followers really aren’t interested. That’s why I think bringing NIVavilov back to life as me would work. That could then also retweet from ETP when necessary, and from Fornacalia,
davidmead and barpthewire joined the channel
jeremycherfas you can certainly use the benefits of indiewebifying ETP, but never mention that you're doing so to the audience.
Most won't notice, but you may reach a broader audience and help it to be more engaged.
just consider your own identity separately from ETP, though they can obviously interact.
tolerablyjake joined the channel
chrisaldrich Yes, that’s my thinking too. I’m almost done thinking about how I want to make my content available elsewhere, which you have helped me think through. But that doesn’t begin to address the question of backlinks, which would be important for engagement.
tolerablyjake and nitot joined the channel
Blast. I seem to be coming up with **another** twitter account as the most efficient solution. Neded to think more.
chrisaldrich Out of interest, how are you presenting the information that Loqi (I presume) picked up in that post above about your RSS feeds. Is it oEmbed? Or a Twitter Card? Or what?
chrisaldrich out of interest
Loqi is always doing something mischievous
That’s his job description.
I think what you're talking about Jeremy is actually a function of slack, which parses the site and gives an oembed version of the page.
Or perhaps the metadata from OGP that's on my page.
Ah. So you have OGP and oEmbed provider set up on your site?
The OGP stuff stems from All In One SEO Pack plugin (Yoast will do roughly the same I think)
my OEmbed, where it's used is whatever default WordPress provides in core. I've yet to do any tweaking/customization of it that I can recall.
OK. I’ve never bothered with SEO or Yoast as it all seems like snake oil to me.
I mean, all SEO optimisation seems like a scam
jeremycherfas I consider them a bit of snake oil as well. Primarily I'm using them to provide better looking metadata so that I can use Twitter cards when POSSEing to twitter (and similarly for facebook)
And that would be miy use case too.
It essentially gives me more direct control of what twitter cards look like. If I get any SEO bump from it, I don't really care or pay attention.
Well, I have to go cook now. But this has been very useful. I think I’ll maybe write it up tomorrow and seek further feedback.
Your < 10min update on the #IndieWeb community! This Week in the IndieWeb audio edition for Apr 8th - 14th, 2017. https://martymcgui.re/2017/04/15/134948/
This Week in the IndieWeb Audio Edition • April 8th - 14th, 2017 https://huffduffer.com/schmarty/402409
miklb and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I made a mastodon to h-feed translator to preview the local/federated feeds of an instance
nitot joined the channel
[superfeedr] "@Mentions from Twitter to My Website" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-04-15 http://boffosocko.com/2017/04/15/mentions-from-twitter-to-my-website/
tantek joined the channel
Outline of how I used #Indieweb technology to let Twitter users send @mentions to me on my own website. #WordPress http://boffosocko.com/2017/04/15/mentions-from-twitter-to-my-website/
KevinMarks, tolerablyjake, KevinMarks_ and doubleloop joined the channel
[superfeedr] "@Mentions from Twitter to My Website" by ChrisAldrich on 2017-04-15 https://medium.com/boffo-socko/mentions-from-twitter-to-my-website-2d60b9c37ee6?source=rss----12b80d28f892---4
Nice post [chrisaldrich]
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
kevinmarks++ that's actually very pleasing/beautiful; would it work in real time as an alternate interface?
kevinmarks has 209 karma in this channel (272 overall)
doubleloop: You and a few others who've recently joined WordPress inspired it; particularly the last section which isn't as obvious to set up, but which can be fairly useful.
Yes, thanks for that in particular - I'm going to set a /mentions page up on my site now.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Agreed. Super useful chrisaldrich Thanks.
documentation has 7 karma in this channel (8 overall)
Oh do you know whereabouts in WP I need to set up my profile image so it appears on other sites?
e.g. I favourited your post from my site, but my profile image doesn't appear.
doubleloop: gravatar.com (a sister site for wp and an automattic sub-property)
it matches email addresses across wordpress properties (and others which support gravatar) and pulls the associated avatar
the indieweb way is to have an h-card with a u-photo, and I think the webmention plugin should respect that too.
I do have the h-card/u-photo combo on my homepage
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I could make it paginate, I suppose. Not sure I can get live updates without auth
kevinmarks, did you have a particular use case in mind for building it?
What is a mentions page?
It looks like we don't have a page for "mentions page" yet. Would you like to create it?
mentions page is [[mentions feed]]
aaronpk: does that imply all mentions? mine is a subset at the moment...
i think some people show all theirs and some show just home page mentions
KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: thanks, it's picked it up from gravatar now
Coincidence? It was exactly a year ago today when I received my first homepage webmention...
The use case was my son looking at all the mastodon instances and having no idea which one to pick
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
chrisaldrich++ congrats on your webmentionversary!
chrisaldrich has 22 karma in this channel (29 overall)
I think there are so many mastodon instances, each with their own flavor...
I'm surprised no one's created a list which includes specifics of leanings or a function for advertising general topics (other than "I'm escaping twitter.")
I think most are just hoping that everything federates everywhere...
chrisaldrich - was that a typo on /mentions or a coincidence? (that your mentions page has been up since 2016 vs 2017 today)
chrisaldrich - there are multiple mastodon instance directories, and some of them *do* indicate focus / reasons why / leanings
see the /Mastodon page for details
directories / lists
It's the right date, and completely a coincidence...
thanks for the Mastodon stuff, I hadn't seen the updates; woefully behind on reading the daily logs....
I know what I was apparently doing last year instead of working on taxes....
and the webmentionversary was just for the exotic homepage ones; I'm pretty sure I had them generally well before that.
chrisaldrich - can you confirm that you can make it to https://2017.indieweb.org/ ? let's see that indie RSVP post!
IndieWeb Summit
chrisaldrich, also, if you're able to make it on the 23rd morning as well for the Leaders Summit, please add a comment here: https://indieweb.org/2017/Schedule#Comments
nitot joined the channel
tantek: roger wilco!
[superfeedr] "Yes: Can't wait for IndieWeb Summit 2017!" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-04-15 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/yes-cant-wait-for-indieweb-summit-2017
webmention.rocks rocks
yes it does
Could someone send me an @-mention on Twitter please? I'm @loopdouble there. Testing my mentions page.
@loopdouble have a mention! congrats on setting up your /mentions page! #indieweb
Thanks! It works!
doubleloop has 2 karma
Congrats doubleloop
KevinMarks joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme: thanks
Addictive stuff this indieweb. Now I want to get something else working...
I know right!? What are your itches?
My replies don't seem to work so well at the moment - had a quick test of one by replying to my own post, and the formatting was a little funky
So I want to fix that so I can reply to other people's posts
Cool, that's definitely a good next step
And then I'd like to improve my workflow for quotations... I copy snippets from articles a lot but it's a bit clunky at the moment. Lots of copy and pasting between tabs
I've been super busy lately, but still working through a full rewrite on my site
doubleloop: I think miklb just added quotes to the Post Kind plugins.
You can also highlight portions of pages and use the Indieweb Press This bookmarklet to do a quick cut and paste from a page directly into a post: https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-indieweb-press-this
wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Oh neat
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks_ joined the channel