#tantekand wow /note is both missing a "How to markup" section as well as "How to" at all!
#tantekmiklb++ for uncovering a pretty big hole in /note documentation
#Loqimiklb has 21 karma in this channel (23 overall)
#KartikPrabhumiklb: you don't need to put a p-name on the note content since mf2 parsing auto-generates a p-name, but you might want an explicit p-name to exclude random things in the note showing up in the autogenerated name
#miklbI've actually been looking at my reply markup, and I'm getting extra there, without a title, but used note as an example.
#tantekmiklb, short answer, yes, on /note posts, you should put "p-name" explicitly on the same element as your "e-content" or "p-content"
#miklbwithout explicit p-name on the content when no title
#tantekwhich is an especially good reason why we need to document this explicitly
#tantekmiklb, yes for typical /reply markup the same is true: you should put "p-name" explicitly on the same element as your "e-content" or "p-content"
#LoqiSemantic navigation with the nav element
Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 by Tom Leadbetter.
#tantekI think it's just that /note and /reply were both written before we started doing that consistently, and their markup was more "obvious" at the time (to folks who discussed it clearly, not to new folks), so such examples were unintentionally neglected
#tantekbut your general point is correct, each post type (or any format) should have simple markup examples
#GWG[mko]: I have to explore how people will parse it. But as an in-reply-to entry may be a parsing issue due the fact it is someone else's in reply on my site.
#[mko]I'm using a variety of handlebars helpers in there, but if you strip out that stuff, it's pretty straightforward and parsed properly when displaying them on my site previously.
#[mko]It shouldn't be a problem, since you're setting that user as the author `h-card` in the entry markup.
#[mko]Now, if you're not allowing true "comments" but are actually only allowing comments by way of `webmention`, then it's a different story. Then you wouldn't want the permalink of the comment to be on your site but rather on their site where they *should* have the `u-in-reply-to` implemented referencing your site.
#GWG[mko]: I can't really do that, except by markup on the page.
#GWGThe issue comes that I need permalinks so someone can webmention a webmention, basically.
#[mko]Right. I guess I'm not seeing the issue here.
#GWG[mko]: Trying to implement a flexible solution for WordPress. I try to be as general as possible.
#[mko]1. You have a standard entry called "Entry 1". This is Permalink 1 and on your site.
#[mko]3. You reply to that webmention with your own webmention called "Comment 2". This is Permalink 3 and on your site.
#[mko]2. Someone comments with a webmention called "Comment 1". This is Permalink 2 and on some other site.
#[mko]At this point, you have a standard entry with a set of comments below it. If a user clicks on "Comment 1", it takes the user away from your site to the one referenced by Permalink 2. On their site, assuming they have proper webmention comment displays, the user can then click on their representation of "Comment 2" to visit Permalink 3 and return to your site.
#[mko]And on the permanent post page for "Comment 2" you could either only show the immediate previous `u-in-reply-to` context or you could walk the chain of `u-in-reply-to` contexts by parsing each subsequent `u-in-reply-to` until you've reached the furthest parent. Not really a computationally efficient way to do it, but it's always an option.
#[mko]The "show only the immediately previous `u-in-reply-to` context" is effectively how Medium has it implemented.
#petermolnarre Zegnat: I gather the old audioscrobbler stuff from docs I've found around, but there is nothing on the current version; I also couldn't name it anything-audioscrobbler because it's a trademark
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Liked this tweet: ChrisAldrich on Twitter: “Outline of how I used #Indieweb technology to let Twitter users send @mentions to me on my own website. #WordPress https://t.co/IVY7GEVnkJ“" by Scott Kingery on 2017-04-16 http://techlifeweb.com/15852-2/
davidmead, wolftune and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
#aaronpkwhoa, there's a new "Verified" tab on twitter
#aaronpki think it's showing me replies and likes from only verified accounts
#miklbIndieWeb doesn't advocate a particular platform, but there are users here from all types, so feel free to ask away.
awolf joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuWayny: do you already have a domain name?
tantek and wolftune joined the channel
#WaynyHi miklb & KartikPrabhu. Yes I have but at the mo. I'm looking from the very beginning & yes I do have a domain name. Never ever done anything like this b4!
#KartikPrabhuWayny: any particular thing you want to do with your website?
#KartikPrabhuWayny: you might want to take a look at WithKnown to start of https://indieweb.org/known It can be installed on your own server if that is what you'd like to do
#WaynyLike I said I am new to this. This is one of few things I don't know to do. I have no knowledge apart from I would like to get this up & running as soon as I can.
#WaynyTo say I'm green on this or wet between the ears is an understatement!
#WaynyI would also like it very secured because of some of the issues that would be covered!
#WaynyWhen you say server. Would that be my internet server?
#KartikPrabhuWayny: or some place to "host" your website
#KartikPrabhuI would still recommend trying out WithKnown to start with. THey seem to have guides on how to install it on various hosting services https://withknown.com/guides/
#WaynyExample of some other place to host my website?
#LoqiWeb hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/hosting
#WaynyP.S. I.e. www.domain.com that give me total control without it being taken down for some reason!
KevinMarks joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuWayny: you can use any domain name provider and hosting service that you'd like
#KartikPrabhuexcept then you might need to do some technical stuff to install things that they might not support out-of-the-box
KevinMarks and wolftune joined the channel
#miklbis there a mf2 class for a wrapper of the content you are replying to? I know u-in-reply-to on the actual link, curious if something like "p-in-reply" exists.