tantek_funwhilelost, keithjgrant, martymcguire, miklb - yeah I think in context, it is easy to read ChrisAldrich's post as (admittedly unintentional) mansplaining
miklbmaybe I'm thinking of something for webmenton comments. Scenario - you write a in-reply-to to a post I've written. I "like" your comment on my site, and it sends back a like of that in-reply-to. If a native comment, someone could "like" that comment natively as well.
Loqisebsel: tantek left you a message 2 weeks, 6 days ago: hey because you're recognized in IRC (probably due to being signed in and /irc-people) can you make it to any of the dates here? add yourself! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
Loqicommunication in the context of the indieweb refers to using your personal website as a starting point and potentially way for people to contact you https://indieweb.org/contact
LoqiWebFinger is a discovery protocol for the web that uses email address-like identifiers to get info about users; it has been largely superseded on the indieweb by the use of personal web sites and representative h-card https://indieweb.org/WebFinger
Loqi[chrisaldrich]: [jeremycherfas] left you a message 10 minutes ago: I tool a look at the G&T issue and found what I think is a solution, posted as an issue
funwhilelostThen if someone did "My <b>Post</b> & Yours" it would result in "My Post & Yours" - which is valid. But I don't see how/why HTML tags would end up in a post title...
[jeremycherfas]Trying to add webmention support to my WP site at eatthispodcast.com. I have the indieauth plugin activated, and have signed in at indieauth using Twitter to validate. But webmention rocks says it cannot find an authorization endpoint. What now?
[jeremycherfas]@funwhilelost this was something of an odd case in that the title in my Known stream was actually brought in there by ownyourgram as the caption of an image.
[jeremycherfas]I thought I would test before trying anything else, because a test from Twitter this morning failed, and I had webmention plugin enabled.
[jeremycherfas]Yeah. The linkback hasn’t actually arrived at my /mentions page, as far as I can tell. But that’s another issue for another day. Baby steps.
[chrisaldrich]for comments, likes, etc. to come back from twitter via bridgy you'll also want to have u-syndication labeled links on your posts and this is most easily done with the syndication links plugin.
[chrisaldrich]jeremycherfas Keep in mind that native webmentions can get caught up in your spam filter, though I don't know that I've ever seen a case of Akismet marking anything from brid.gy as spam.
[jeremycherfas]That’s really interesting gregorlove. That error has been there a long time, and I never noticed. I need to try and remember how I put the link in there.
[chrisaldrich]jeremycherfas Based on it's location, it's probably something set by your theme. Check eatthispodcast.com/wp-admin/customize.php?return=%2Fwp-admin%2F
martymcguire[m]aaronpk: I am! i have been hesitant to use the existing micropub syndication "stack" because I don't actually trust myself to construct posts that work on FB and Twitter the first time.
aaronpkThe mini built-in Micropub client in p3k has a field to add syndication urls, which is what I do after I manually post one on Twitter for whatever reason
snarfedalso martymcguire[m], you probably already know, but just in case, re "Brid.gy has no mechanism for informing my site that the new syndicated post is available," if you bridgy publish via webmention, it includes the syndicated post url in the response. https://brid.gy/about#response
[chrisaldrich]GWG: does one need to accept pingbacks/trackbacks to receive webmentions in general. jeremycherfas was having issues this morning, and I wasn't sure if that may have been a problem for him.
singpolymaGWG: I mean, they're all considered the same thing. The average Wordpress user doesn't know the names of the tech, they just want to be notified when someone links to them
GWGI think being able to selectively disable Trackbacks would make people more willing to consider the benefits of Webmentions... some of which apply to Pingbacks
singpolymaYou know that all the benefits of Webmentions can be applied to any of the other protocols, right? The main-cited "benefit" being checking if they link to you to prevent spam... which you can do no matter what protocol submitted the information to your system. At the bottom they're all just super-light protocols that send a source,dest URL pair to you in some format
GWGsingpolyma, I tried to suggest Trackbacks be source verified. It just seems like even if the old protocols could be adapted, it is just too hard to overcome perception of them.
Loqimicropub chaining is when you have one micropub endpoint itself use micropub to post to another micropub endpoint, like to POSSE a post to silos, or to a community site or other commons https://indieweb.org/micropub_chaining
sknebelmartymcguire[m]: from a UI perspective, closest to what you describe I've seen is posting UI that has extra fields for each syndication post content, but I have only seen that on WP sites that used neither bridgy publish nor Micropub
snarfedyup, e.g. jetpack and SNAP. also *lots* more UI examples of this outside indieweb, notably in bigger (often commercial) CMSes used by online publishers.
aaronpkIn any case, it's usually good/fine to publish the post on your site first and *then* syndicate it, updating your post with the syndication links later