aaronpkand most of the gnu social projects have microformats markup now, so their permalinks are machine readable now, like how when you drop a link to a gnusocial post in here Loqi expands it
takyoji[m]and admittingly I'm only just starting to read into IndieWeb a little more. I'm assuming the concept to IndieWeb is by presenting the data through Microformats, which is then to be parsed, rather than solely providing a more machine-friendly format (not saying that Microformats are bad or anything)?
takyoji[m]So IndieWeb is primarily the name of the concept, not necessarily an explicit set of standards/protocols (whereas you're able to use any standard/protocol that makes sense with it)?
GWGRight now, I was looking at colinwalker's like of chrisaldrich's post using the debugging output I set up. It is showing the like-of property, but declaring it a mention.
tantekI was able to do that because I keep a decent personal log and going back to it I was able to look back and pick either the most positive thing from a past day, or something simple & positive
GWGMy mind is still wrapped in trying to completely change Semantic Linkbacks to store mf2 properties, support slightly more complexity, and figure out why it is declaring likes as mentions.
[colinwalker]I did a write365 project in 2014 - a post a day for a year aiming for at least 300 words. It wasn't a positive posting thing, just doing 'something' every day. I missed 5 days due to illness so added them at the end. It was hard.
miklbthis might be the 1st time I have worked on something that wasn't just for me that I shared (as the only person working on it that is.) Different approach necessary to say the least.
[eddie]That's funny, I asked the 100 days question in the other channel because I saw the wiki update from aaronpk, and I had no idea of the conversation going on in this channel
Loqi[superfeedr] "Lot of discussion about #100days in #indieweb. I should probably do a 100 days of yard work ?" by Michael Bishop on 2017-04-30 https://miklb.com/1600-2/
GWGI am looking for the algorithm to determine the representative item from parsed Microformats 2 if there are multiple items. Is there a discussion of that in the wiki?
Loqisknebel: skippy left you a message 2 days, 17 hours ago: thanks for pointing me to bestmotherfucking.website. I just submitted a PR. That'll be a fun one to tweet about. ;)
miklbGWG what do you think about me just building the h-card widget into my theme with the plan to eventually offer it up to the IW plugin? Just so I don't lose focus on the theme. But I think it is a necessary element where ever it lives.
Loqireactions refer to the subset of responses/interactions with a post that are quicker, more impulsive, but still a conscious act, typically a simple UI gesture without writing any content, such as likes, reposts, bookmarks, or perhaps multiple simple UI gestures, such as selection a text range and posting a quotation of part of a post, or picking a person from a list to post an invitation as a response to seeing an event https://indieweb.org/reactions
snarfedGWG: is there a canonical issue for this bug? i know there have been a few in various stages at different times, across both semantic-linkbacks repos :(:(:(
GWGI may, after I have my PR ready. The original assumptions the plugin made are 4 years old. Things have gotten more complex since then, so I'm trying to account for that.
Loqi[superfeedr] "@ChrisAldrich Thank you! It was harder than I expected, and a good personal development challenge. Now considering renewing for another 100 days, or perhaps just continuing to do it by default (not part of a project) and picking a different #100dayproject.
100 Days of IndieWeb still seems intimidating (despite my contributing almost daily to IndieWeb), so I may pick one of these:
https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb#More_100_days_projects" on 2017-04-30 http://tantek.com/2017/120/t1/
mlncn, R2ZER0, [eddie], kerozene, KevinMarks and Pierre-O joined the channel