#takyoji[m]Out of curiosity, how much has it been looked into for having the IndieWeb concept federate with GNU Social-based networks?
#aaronpkwell, we already have pubsubhubbub in common
#aaronpkand most of the gnu social projects have microformats markup now, so their permalinks are machine readable now, like how when you drop a link to a gnusocial post in here Loqi expands it
#takyoji[m]and admittingly I'm only just starting to read into IndieWeb a little more. I'm assuming the concept to IndieWeb is by presenting the data through Microformats, which is then to be parsed, rather than solely providing a more machine-friendly format (not saying that Microformats are bad or anything)?
#KartikPrabhutakyoji[m]: Indieweb bascially means that you post your stuff on your own site and use your own domain name as your identity
#takyoji[m]Perhaps I may be misusing the term, but my meaning behind the usage is of "to interoperate with"
#KartikPrabhuyou can use microformts if you want or use something else to represent that data
#takyoji[m]So IndieWeb is primarily the name of the concept, not necessarily an explicit set of standards/protocols (whereas you're able to use any standard/protocol that makes sense with it)?
#aaronpkyes, and there is also a concerted effort around a few specs that we use to be able to talk to each other using our websites
#GWGRight now, I was looking at colinwalker's like of chrisaldrich's post using the debugging output I set up. It is showing the like-of property, but declaring it a mention.
#tantek2. If I missed a day (or days), I would have to make up that day by posting something positive I did that specific day that I missed
#tantekI was able to do that because I keep a decent personal log and going back to it I was able to look back and pick either the most positive thing from a past day, or something simple & positive
#tantekkeep the rules simple so you can adjust as needed
#GWGMy mind is still wrapped in trying to completely change Semantic Linkbacks to store mf2 properties, support slightly more complexity, and figure out why it is declaring likes as mentions.
#[colinwalker]I did a write365 project in 2014 - a post a day for a year aiming for at least 300 words. It wasn't a positive posting thing, just doing 'something' every day. I missed 5 days due to illness so added them at the end. It was hard.
#GWGI have ideas I may not get to for ages or ever. I try to achieve something though
#miklbsame. I just get stuck in 2nd gear between dream and do. But I'm slowly shifting.
#GWGmiklb, just like your theme, I hope to release something people like
#miklbthis might be the 1st time I have worked on something that wasn't just for me that I shared (as the only person working on it that is.) Different approach necessary to say the least.
#[eddie]That's funny, I asked the 100 days question in the other channel because I saw the wiki update from aaronpk, and I had no idea of the conversation going on in this channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Lot of discussion about #100days in #indieweb. I should probably do a 100 days of yard work ?" by Michael Bishop on 2017-04-30 https://miklb.com/1600-2/
#GWGI am looking for the algorithm to determine the representative item from parsed Microformats 2 if there are multiple items. Is there a discussion of that in the wiki?
#GWGComments says to only use the first entry. But I have seen some strange markup
#GWGEspecially with WordPress themes, including mine
tantek joined the channel
#sknebelGWG: I think you could check if u-url == current url (and/or possibly u-uid? tantek, is that what u-uid is for?)
#Loqisknebel: skippy left you a message 2 days, 17 hours ago: thanks for pointing me to bestmotherfucking.website. I just submitted a PR. That'll be a fun one to tweet about. ;)
gRegorLove joined the channel
#GWGI have been looking at that, but wondering if anyone laid it out
#tanteksknebel: yes that's an aspect of the representative h-card algorithm that could be re-used for other objects
#GWGI have changed the coding to no longer limit itself to h-entry, and instead embrace all objects
#GWGExcuse me, except h-as-*, still not sure what to do with those
j12t joined the channel
#tantekwell hopefully they shouldn't exist outside of an h-entry, so you should be able to ignore any h-as-*
#j12tPlanning trip to IndieWeb Summit in Portland. Any word on the venue yet? Trying to pick the right neighborhood for a hotel ...
#miklbGWG what do you think about me just building the h-card widget into my theme with the plan to eventually offer it up to the IW plugin? Just so I don't lose focus on the theme. But I think it is a necessary element where ever it lives.
#GWGmiklb, you should. Build it as an inclided file so you can fork as needed.
#Loqireactions refer to the subset of responses/interactions with a post that are quicker, more impulsive, but still a conscious act, typically a simple UI gesture without writing any content, such as likes, reposts, bookmarks, or perhaps multiple simple UI gestures, such as selection a text range and posting a quotation of part of a post, or picking a person from a list to post an invitation as a response to seeing an event https://indieweb.org/reactions
#snarfedsure but that's a different point from the bug in the plugin that sometimes ignores the mf2 altogether and defaults to bare mention
#GWGWhich makes me assume the conditions are to blame.
#tanteksnarfed, what's odd is that it's not *completely* ignoring the h-entry
#snarfedGWG: is there a canonical issue for this bug? i know there have been a few in various stages at different times, across both semantic-linkbacks repos :(:(:(
#snarfedpls ask for permission then, you definitely deserve it!
#GWGI may, after I have my PR ready. The original assumptions the plugin made are 4 years old. Things have gotten more complex since then, so I'm trying to account for that.
#GWGBasically, everything is run through a class mapping and a rel mapping function to determine type. And I think that is where the problem is.
#miklbdefinitely sounds like need a better mouse trap
#GWGAn attempt to make a PHP notice go away created an error in the function.
[kevinmarks] and mlncn joined the channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "@ChrisAldrich Thank you! It was harder than I expected, and a good personal development challenge. Now considering renewing for another 100 days, or perhaps just continuing to do it by default (not part of a project) and picking a different #100dayproject.
100 Days of IndieWeb still seems intimidating (despite my contributing almost daily to IndieWeb), so I may pick one of these:
https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb#More_100_days_projects" on 2017-04-30 http://tantek.com/2017/120/t1/
mlncn, R2ZER0, [eddie], kerozene, KevinMarks and Pierre-O joined the channel