sknebelquiet today here. everybody else also having great weather and enjoying that instead of being stuck to a computer? (we had what feels like one of the first nice days this year)
GWGaaronpk: I looked at the prices. If I take an extra day, I could tour Portland if there isn't a heat wave. It is $100 less in airfare and I didn't see much of town last time.
Loqitantek: gRegorLove left you a message 21 hours, 32 minutes ago: I kept missing you when you were in chat, but to answer you, IWCBham went pretty well!
GWGThe code I'm working on currently recognizes webmentions to a post as replies, reposts, likes, favorites(debatable, I know), rsvps, or plain mentions. What is missing?
Loqiresponses, or interactions, in the context of the indieweb, refer to all the different ways and things people explicitly do to and with others’s posts, from written replies to quick likes, in other words responses = replies + reactions,
GWGtantek: I saw that...I sort of like the idea of converting like to an emoji for display purposes. I just can't figure out how to make it work within the current design.
[eddie]amz3: I am currently working on an isomorphic rebuild of my website. The reason I'm doing it is 2 reasons, I want a basic website that is enjoyable for everyone.
[eddie]and for those that have JavaScript enabled, I want to progressively enhance the experience to be more fluid and to communicate my design taste. By building an isomorphic application I can both support standard curl, indieweb philosophies but also progressively enhance my site how I see fit.
LoqiGoogle is primarily used for searching the open web (where indieweb sites typically rank highly), but also hosts a number of content silos and other services
LoqiInstant Articles is Facebook's odd combination of RSS and certain restricted kinds of HTML that they will show with their custom browser