[shaners]<!everyone> Any objection to me deleting the Circle CI hook on the mf2 ruby gem? It doesn’t seem to be doing anything. Each push, I get an email saying “no tests”.
gRegorLoveAnyone here have a connection with Lindsay Goldner in Portland? I was going to invite her to IWS on Twitter, but figured I'd ask if someone actually already knew her so ti wasn't from a relative stranger.
gRegorLoveI've thought about adding one to document the ProcessWire Webmention plugin with screenshots 'n such, but have not gotten beyond that phase :)
[eddie]!tell michellejl are you the JavaScript developer thinking through what to do with your site from aaronpk's notes? I'm a JavaScript Dev as well.
[eddie]!tell michellejl My setup is primarily node.js with flat file storage, right now I have a Jekyll front-end but I'm transitioning to an Angular Universal front end off of my node.js backend. This puts a lot of the code into node.js and allows me to change front end when and if needed
[michellejl]eddie I am the JavaScript developer trying to figure out what to do with my site. It is angular 2 front end (messy! my first angular project while learning) with firebase for the database side. I am thinking node.js for the backend and maybe a mysql type database. I am not very familiar with saving data so I don’t really know what I am doing with that.
Loqi[michellejl]: [eddie] left you a message 41 minutes ago: are you the JavaScript developer thinking through what to do with your site from aaronpk's notes? I'm a JavaScript Dev as well.
Loqi[michellejl]: [eddie] left you a message 41 minutes ago: My setup is primarily node.js with flat file storage, right now I have a Jekyll front-end but I'm transitioning to an Angular Universal front end off of my node.js backend. This puts a lot of the code into node.js and allows me to change front end when and if needed
[michellejl]I am thinking I want a super simple front end and a more or less stable backend that lets me focus on the content of the site instead of always worrying about the shinny newness of what framework I have for the front.
KartikPrabhuChirsAldrich's post show up as "by Audrey Watters" even though Audrey Watters did not write them, they seems to be "annotations" by Chris Aldrich
miklbnot so much as live, as just really rough code, but yeah, now I need to at least get what's there in some semblance of respectability. Caught with my knickers down so to speak.
miklbbut I did learn that you can have a .github/config.yml file to set labels (including colors) in your repos, complete with ability for people to do pull requests to add new labels :-)
Loqi[superfeedr] "Drutopia’s mission sounds a little to me like Drupal with Indieweb philosophy baked in from the start. It’s also not too different from Backdrop CMS’s mission as a Drupal fork." by Chris Aldrich on 2017-05-11 http://boffosocko.com/2017/05/11/drutopiadrupalindieweb/
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Today: account @t unlocked after asking Twitter friend 24hr after support request. He escalated, vouched. Support follow-up email:
We have restored your account, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Twitter takes ...
schmartypretty chilling that they did not respond until you had someone internal kick it up the chain. double chilling that their response amounts to nothing more than "oops".
Loqipin or pinning is a feature that allows the author to choose a post to put at the top of their profile (or homepage) which is then called a pinned or sticky post https://indieweb.org/pinned
Loqipromoted is a label indicating that some content, an account, or a hashtag has been artificially raised in prominence (typically by payment), usually in a silo https://indieweb.org/promoted
dougbeal|imac, nitot_, amz3`, mlncn, nitot, wolftune and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[eddie]I “kind” of had pinned posts? But maybe it’s just considered a secondary feed? Until yesterday I was displaying the last 3 images tagged with “project365" at the top of my homepage. So it was all automated. However I haven’t been keeping up with my project365, so I removed it
snarfed, webhat, snarfed1, KevinMarks, wolftune, mlncn and [shaners] joined the channel