[raamdev]Hey All, I've got a quick question that I'm hoping someone here can answer. I'm using WordPress with Brid.gy + Semantic Linkbacks plugin + Webmentions plugin and I see that 'webmention' comments are being created with content that does not display nicely at all unless the Semantic Linkbacks plugin is installed. I'm wondering where the comment format I'm seeing is coming from ("tag:twitter.com,2013:81591..."):
[raamdev]@GWG: Ah, that's what I suspected. Ugh. I was hoping it was one of the plugins formatting that, since I really wish it was stored in a more friendly way, something that could still be easily parsed without the plugin active (should I ever decide to stop using the plugin, or just so that the WP database data is more portable in the future and not so dependent on a plugin).
GWG[raamdev]: The author of the plugin and I were discussing it yesterday. Long term plans. The problem is WordPress and its lack of good custom comment type support.
[raamdev]Hmm, it seems the only other option would be a Custom Post Type, but that seems like it might be a bit excessive. Is this stuff being discussed anywhere else where I can follow along? I'm a longtime WP developer and I'd love to help out.
GWG[raamdev]: It isn't a post type. It is a response...for which the best equivalent is a comment. But, there is no support in Core to allow you to register a comment type and tell the system how it is to behave.
[raamdev]@GWG: Right, but the common misconception about Custom Post Types is that they were never designed to be Custom "Post" Types, but rather "Custom Content Types", so you could definitely use them for this scenario.
gRegorLovetantek: Yeah, I didn't mean the pages in their entirely, just the table on /CMS. I updated it with a list based on the [[Category:CMS]] since the information in the table is on all of the separate CMS pages
mpfefferle!tell GWG what do you think if we split the SL code into several classes for specific problems, so that we can keep the methods smaller and simpler? for example an author-handler, and entry-handler, ...
ben_thatmustbemedougbeal|mb1: i don't autoapprove, but i whitelisted things like bridgy, allow vouching to get around the approval process and then just whitelist the entire domain when approving
gRegorLovedougbeal|mb1: I don't believe there's been any native webmention spam yet. Perhaps if you forward pingback to webmention there would be spam though.
tantekjust searched my past 7 years of posts and *every time* I started a note with "hosting ..." was basically an RSVP for an event, announcement of an event, or implicit invitation
sl007gRegorLove Yes, trying to make some style decisions for appearance as e.g. "hovercard" or "full representance" etc. Would like to know what are the most common / used / desired properties …
LoqiA hovercard is a brief overview, usually including thumbnail, name, and description, that is shown in a rectangle overlapping in-context when you hover over something like a link, typically richer than a plain text tooltip https://indieweb.org/hovercard
sl007gRegorLove - wow, yes that's more what I am looking for. The parser part is already fine (node.js here -> using Glenn Jones' parser / but jkphl 's is wonderful too)
myfreewebso i've added a service worker to https://unrelenting.technology , should work offline now (auto caches pages, shows cached list when visiting an uncached page offline, also on slow connections returns from cache after a timeout and keeps fetching the new version)
myfreewebalso it now sends web push notifications to me for incoming webmentions… though that doesn't work in chromium for android :D (but works in desktop firefox and opera)