tanlaanliterally just set up Jekyll and stopped a few weeks back. but I'd like to start using it as a portfolio website for the start of my web design efforts
tanlaanmiklb and GWG would you mind sharing your personal sites? I'm going. through some of the website and find it cool to see what sort of things other people are doing
dougbeal|mb1WP question, is the micropub plugin responsible for the formatting of OwnYourGram posts? I tried out DsgnWrks Instagram Importer but it doesn't have any comment/likes.
GWGdougbeal|mb1: OwnYourGram sends the data, the micropub plugin attempts to convert it to WordPress data, and Post Kinds(if you use it), attempts to alternatively display that data.
LoqiPost or posts may refer to individual pieces of content published on an indieweb site such as notes, articles, & responses, or the act of creating the aforementioned content (present tense), or Posts about the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/post_kinds
dougbeal|mb1miklb: it comes in as a note, it has a syndication link back to the instagram post. the photo uploads, but there doesn't seem to be any reference to it in the note
dougbeal|mb1miklb: mostly speculation, in OwnYourGram there are two code paths (upload vs json) for the image, and Post Kinds sets photo based on properties photo existing
miklbI hadn't tested ownyourgram yet w/ my WP site, so I have a post pending. I'll better be able to look at it then (It's been on my todo list for a while). Was just trying to get a feel for what you are experiencing so I could compare/contrast
dougbeal|mb1snarfed: I don't think my auth headers are being stripped, since the posts are created ok. They are just created as notes, and the uploaded image doesn't get displayed.
miklbhere's what's going on dougbeal|mb1 the image isn't inserted into the post, it is stored in the postmeta table as mf2_photo. Your kind template then can output the image how/where you want to.
miklbIf you use the instagram URLs it stores the full path to the image in the IG cdn. If you use multipart Upload, it stores the uploaded file path on your WP site
snarfeddougbeal|mb1: if you disable post kinds, the micropub plugin will automatically render the photo from ownyourgram, as well as location if present, etc itself. it only skips that when post kinds is installed.
miklband if you want to use post-kinds, you'd need to create kind_views/kind-photo.php (can copy from the plugin as a example) and get the postmeta mf2_photo to render the image(s). I will work on a template also.
miklbno, the file would need to be marked up with the proper mf2 and then pull in the image via the postmeta value. I'm falling out, but want this myself so will whip up a template. I'll also open a pull request on the post-kinds plugin to add photos to the plugin kind template as well.
LoqiA photo is a post whose primary content is a photograph or other image, with an optional caption. With multiple photographs it becomes a multi-photo post https://indieweb.org/photo
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] @sil pinged ~22h after support request, before @t unlocked. By the time he checked, support had unlocked it.
Finding it unlocked the next morning my time, I presumed it was due to that and only saw the message this morning that he had not had to esc...
aaronpkthe mediawiki plugin is now called "MediaWiki-WebSignIn" and it doesn't mention indieauth.com anywhere, since really it's a web sign-in plugin not an indieauth plugin
LoqiA multi-photo is like a photo post, except just with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout https://indieweb.org/multiphoto
j4y_funabashitantek: hehe thanks, Jeena's site threw in a nice edge case for my author detection - he has 2 types on his h-entries and I was only checking the 1st one
calumryantantek: combining them does work better, would possibly go further in making the RSVP text linked to correseponding Wiki so it’s slightly clearer how this is done for new people
[colinwalker]tantek Listened to the once and future indieweb and the one point you made that really hit me was the difference between networks and blogging where the networks have an integrated reading and posting interface. That was like a sledgehammer to the head!
[cleverdevil]That's the beauty of the Indieweb approach – the suite of protocols/formats are tight and focused on providing very specific funtionality.
myfreewebi've added micropublish like/repost/reply/etc. to firefox's share menu https://myfreeweb.github.io/foxshare/ feels better than bookmarklets or extensions
[cleverdevil]For now, my approach is mainly a combination of Nextcloud News for reading, my Nextcloud News plugin that provides Indieweb interactions using Quill, and Known for my site.
myfreewebspeaking of integrated experiences, i realized that it'll be pretty easy to add a reader to sweetroll. (and indieweb CMSes in general i guess)… like, fetching mf2 pages is already there, displaying entries is already there! just need to add feed polling + websub
myfreewebalso looks like no one implemented a twitter/tumblr style "following" experience in indieweb, only separate "reader" and "blogroll" things. the benefit of "followers" is that you know who your mutuals are
[chrisaldrich]I didn't read Ben's story as they're killing the reader in Known, but that they're taking it out of core (since it's non-functional) until/when it's fully built out.
myfreewebyeah that's what i'm talking about, there's no specified way to mark up a list of people you follow, or follow-unfollow events like in activitystreams
aaronpki suspect i have some sort of mental barrier i need to overcome around the idea of building a reader, similar to how i wanted checkins on my site for about 4 years and then finally sat down and did it
myfreewebbut if micropublish had action switch buttons that would be okay too i guess. like buttons that preserve the url between in-reply-to, like-of, repost-of and note content
myfreewebone annoying thing about share — as well as extensions that use the same kind of popup sheet — is that if you accidentally click outside, the page in there gets killed and you can e.g. lose your reply's content :( should be mitigated by e.g. micropublish constantly putting the content into localstorage and restoring it back on open
tantekI think if we can breakdown the /reader feature set into building blocks that you build along the way while implementing IndieMark aggregation levels, we should be able to figure out what's left to build a fully integrated /reader
dougbeal|imacsnarfed: updating wordpress-micropub to HEAD didn't seem to change anything. Unless another plugin is causing old render behavior? list-custom-taxonomy-widget?
snarfeddougbeal|imac: nah, like i mentioned afterward yesterday, i misread your initial q. the new changes are for ownyour*swarm*, not ownyourgram. sorry for the confusion!
Loqimicro.blog is an indie microblogging platform started by Manton Reece, which supports microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub https://indieweb.org/micro.blog
cweiskeif you're using a dedicated e-mail address for each service you register at, how do you cope with gravatar/libravatar and that mass of email addresses?
[cleverdevil]"Our hope is that, because of the lightness of JSON and simplicity of the JSON Feed format, developers will be more attracted to developing for the open web."
[cleverdevil]After all, if you're using a CMS like WordPress, that doesn't yet support mf2, and trying to get that upstream into themes, core, etc., sometimes you just need to be pragmatic and do something like this.
ZegnatUnless RSS readers and Podcast clients (the latter probably being the most mainstream RSS consumer) actually implement JSON feed, I do not see it going anywhere either
cweiskebut I wonder if I should pipe my mail server's log into a libravatar script that automatically generates the icons for each mail address used by me
aaronpkyep, that's frankly another hesitation around building a reader, which is that microformats JSON is relatively difficult to consume. I don't want every client app to have to deal with that logic, I want client apps to build against a consistent format
aaronpkthis is in the design of Microsub. it's up to your "feed collector" service thingy to do the microformats parsing and consuming, delivering that data in a simpler API for reader clients to use
ZegnatI would like to see RSS/Atom replaced with JSONFeed for podcasts though, as I definitely see a reason for those to be spread in a non-HTML format. And the current podcast RSS/Atom is a mess, IMHO
aaronpkfrom brent: "I also believe that developers (particularly Mac and iOS developers, the group I know best) are so loath to work with XML that they won’t even consider building software that needs an XML parser"
ZegnatNothing is different. But not all podcasts need a website either. Just an easy to parse feed file (any strict format) for podcast readers. An index of files, moreso then a web resource.
ZegnatIf you want to go h-feed for podcasts, that’s fine. But I feel like rather than excluding overhead by dumping the side-file, you are adding overhead by having a website in the first place.
ZegnatThere are also private sound feeds hosted at capability URLs. Easy to add to clients, secure enough for general use, and no public website only the feed.
gRegorLoveOn a refresh of Twitter, just got a notice of updated privacy policy and summary about them using your data from other sites with Twitter content on them. Review settings: https://twitter.com/settings/personalization