2017-05-31 UTC
begriffs, gRegorLove and eli_oat joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
AngeloGladding, begriffs, mmmdik, dougbeal|mb1, asteres, snarfed, wolftune, strugee and nitot joined the channel
# 03:52 jjuran ben_thatmustbeme: I'm still crushed that Ward's Wiki went JS;DR.
# 03:53 bignose aw crap. “This site requires JavaScript and Cookies to be enabled. Please change your browser settings or upgrade your browser.” <URL: http://wiki.c2.org/>
# 03:54 bignose say it ain't true
# 03:55 jjuran schmarty: I'm not going to make it to HWC this week. :-/ I need to get my OSB talk finished.
# 03:55 bignose my fault, ‘c2.org’ is not the right domain.
# 03:56 bignose jjuran: when I visit <URL: http://wiki.c2.com/> with JavaScript disabled, it displays fine. Links work as expected. What's “DR” about it?
# 03:56 bignose “adding JavaScript to a site does not make it “JS;DR” unless the site *doesn't work* without that.)
# 03:57 bignose jjuran: you're right, I must have added an exception for ‘c2.com’. :-(
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:19 tantek hope archive.org got all of c2 before he js;dr'd it
# 04:47 Loqi [WardCunningham] remodeling: The original wiki rewritten as a single page application
# 04:51 GWG I'm disappointed. I'm abandoning my original Semantic Linkbacks approach and backtracking due issues.
loicm joined the channel
asteres, wolftune, nitot and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 06:43 Loqi In dougbeal's timezone, US/Pacific, it is currently 11:43pm on May 30
# 06:45 Zegnat That’s going to be an early HWC, dougbeal|imac :)
[kevinmarks], friedcell and [colinwalker] joined the channel
nitot_ joined the channel
strugee, j4y_funabashi, calumryan, gRegorLove, botka1, voxpelli_, brucewang, sknebel__, hs0ucy_, rhythmthing, initrd_, lordabdul_, exodist_ and loicm joined the channel
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
dgold, strugee, Pierre-O, adactio and Calli joined the channel
# 10:04 calumryan covfefe was a mistype by POTUS45 posted on the popular content hosting silo [[twitter ]]. It's one example of the platform's constraints: being that it doesn't allow users to [[edit ]] a post once published.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
# 10:37 cweiske schmarty, I saw you did not get the tt-rss-micropub plugin to work?
# 11:02 cweiske schmarty, it currently does not work in combined feed display mode - only if you have a separate pane for article content
nitot, sknebel, AngeloGladding, mlncn and eli_oat joined the channel
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
# 12:12 schmarty jjuran: we'll miss you at HWC Baltimore! Want to remote in for part of it?
friedcell joined the channel
Garbee joined the channel
# 12:51 skippy is anyone successfully using PlanetPlanet or similar as a feed reader?
squeakytoy2 and dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
# 12:56 sknebel totally wouldn't work for me, at least not for a lot of my feedreader usage. I guess it could work as a "twitter replacement" subscribing to microblogs, where I care less about missing stuff
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 13:03 jjuran schmarty: Yeah, I might do that. Please send me details.
# 13:12 sknebel yes. even with 3d parallax effect on the header image ...
khatru, friedcell, jeremycherfas_ and calumryan joined the channel
# 13:35 skippy sknebel: i find i dont much care about "liking" or saving items from my feed. I just want a river of news.
# 13:36 sknebel skippy: for me it's mostly that a lot of feeds I read have one high-quality article every few weeks. I want to read that some time, when I have time and mental space for it. so that stuff has to wait around for me to get to it
# 13:37 sknebel if that's not your use case, a planet-like thing might be an option
friedcell, singpolyma, EHLOVader and eightfold joined the channel
# 13:51 eightfold aaronpk: hi there! i have a couple of years of gpx logs i want to create a heatmap of. i found https://www.flickr.com/photos/aaronpk/6958109913/ and there you mention “a custom script that projects the GPS logs onto a 2D image plane”. does this script happen to be available? i’m looking for a solution that doesn’t involve me uploading my every move the last few years to an unknown entity.
# 13:53 Loqi In aaronpk's timezone, US/Pacific, it is currently 6:53am on May 31
# 13:54 eightfold Zegnat: ah, of course. sweden here :) i can wait/idle.
# 13:55 schmarty jjuran: ok! i'll make an appear.in or similar and drop a link here.
# 13:57 eightfold Zegnat: sounds awesome! would have loved participating, but i’ll most likely be AFK until 19:30 today. :(
# 13:58 Zegnat Ah, that’s too bad. You can always check if people are still there when you get back but usual wrapup would be around 19:30
eli_oat joined the channel
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# 14:24 dgold skippy: have you looked at Dave Winer's River5?
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 14:38 skippy interesting. i'm not super keen on a node app to fetch feeds, but i'll give this a deeper look. thanks!
# 15:09 Zegnat In 20 minutes, actually, which is something I totally forgot…
# 15:10 Zegnat Should be. I just need to grab a browser that support WebRTC
# 15:11 Jeena I will need to join from the train then until I get home
# 15:13 petermolnar also doesn't make sense at all: converting atom/rss to json is not that hard.
# 15:15 Zegnat Indeed, petermolnar. IBM even has a standard for it already
# 15:16 petermolnar IBM, the company that used to make good hardware but now selling "AI" solution for huge companies with a lot of money
# 15:16 Loqi [superfeedr] "Looking foward to the day the #indieweb community doesn’t rehash the argument of JSON feed vs mf2. To each their own for an independent web." by Michael Bishop on 2017-05-31 https://miklb.com/1867-2/
asteres and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 15:27 dgold interestingly enough (or not, depending on your PoV) Dave Winer wrote the other day about a json-ified RSS
# 15:30 Zegnat And Jeena and I are starting our Virtual HWC. If anyone wants to join, you are welcome!
# 15:30 aaronpk last time this happened it basically derailed all progress on an independent web and that allowed facebook and twitter to happen
# 15:30 Jeena Ok, me and Zegnat are in the video chat already
# 15:32 [cleverdevil] Frankly, its getting publicity and is being implemented by readers and websites.
# 15:33 dgold i found it incredibly simple to implement.
# 15:33 dgold really, I'm not exactly a programmer, and making it work in golang was simples
# 15:35 Zegnat dgold: that is a big part of the point they are making, let people just use default JSON serialisation tools of their preferred language and gone are the mistakes
lukasros and eightfold joined the channel
# 15:37 aaronpk there are mistakes you can still make even if the JSON is correct though, which is also what happened with Atom/RSS
# 15:39 schmarty oh boy. sorry to kick this discussion off again, haha.
# 15:39 schmarty we like to try out new things at Adafruit and, if they don't work out, no big deal.
friedcell joined the channel
# 15:40 schmarty turning on JSON Feed for our blog was next to zero effort, seeing where it goes will be interesting.
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 15:40 schmarty i am planning on getting mf2 support in there soon, which i am more excited about. :}
# 15:40 aaronpk i will also point out that JSONFeed is still written with primarily blog posts in mind, which is a much easier problem than what h-entry is doing with all our various post types
# 15:41 [cleverdevil] I've got an open discussion on their Github re: this point, and ben_thatmustbeme has been providing good input there.
# 15:44 schmarty ben_thatmustbeme: sort of! i am on the web team but i am remote. i maintain the forums and blog and help w/ dev infrastructure stuff.
# 15:44 Loqi schmarty has 10 karma in this channel (14 overall)
# 15:44 sknebel And not everybody has complex post types on a way that looks nice in dumb converters (e.g. I have a feed in my feed reader through one of the converter services where each post body just says "Portland, Oregon" :P (but titles survive at least)
tantek joined the channel
# 15:44 schmarty haha, i feel very lucky and privileged to work with such awesome people.
# 15:46 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, another reason to keep jf2 super close to json feed, deployments will need to make very few changes
# 15:48 [cleverdevil] So that JSON Feed consumers will be able to read jf2 feeds and just ignore bits that they don't understand?
friedcell and jonnybarnes joined the channel
# 15:53 Loqi [cleverdevil] #51 Representing alternate post types
# 15:55 aaronpk i strongly suspect jsonfeed works fine for blog posts and just won't end up evolving to other post types
# 15:57 [cleverdevil] Sort of feels like JSON Feed has the right... people? publicity? marketing? push?... behind it to gain traction.
# 15:57 [cleverdevil] So, I'd like to try *now* to see if alternate post type representation can make it in with an extension.
# 15:58 aaronpk [cleverdevil]: that's true, it's certainly worth a shot
# 15:58 aaronpk jeremycherfas: sorry, that part is kind of under documented right now
# 15:58 [cleverdevil] Pragmatically speaking, the indieweb benefits from the proliferation of a feed format that enables representing a variety of post types.
# 15:59 dgold those people do lots of podcasts that other devs listen to <shrug>
# 15:59 Zegnat aaronpk, turns out I was a bit overly positive when I said you could run the test suite yourself if you wanted to test stuff that are still only local on your computer ;)
# 15:59 aaronpk there's a few moving parts tho, so it's unfortunately not trivial
aquarius_ and sebsel joined the channel
# 16:06 sknebel Offer a vagrant box? I'm generally not a fan, but this is what they are made for
# 16:07 sknebel jeremycherfas: you tried ngrok already, but had issues with it, right?
# 16:08 jeremycherfas I did. Mostly because I was not sure how to make the rel=“ links show the ngrok URL instead of the Localhost
eightfold joined the channel
# 16:11 Jeena I think I will rejoin when I'm at home, will be in about 10-15 minutes
# 16:13 sknebel Just curious why localhost would be different than that
# 16:15 sknebel Sorry, bad wording. Why the same way to set it on the live site wouldn't work locally
# 16:23 jeremycherfas sknebel: the honest truth is that I cannot find how Known gets a base url. Locally the string ‘localhost’ appears in about 40 files. Some I know are not relevant, but some of the others may be.
# 16:32 Zegnat petermolnar, were you going to join the call?
# 16:32 ben_thatmustbeme [cleverdevil]: just thinking back about that question, i think getting it close enough will cover most instances where consuming code can say, oh, its jsonfeed, all i have to do is move these fields around and then its good
amz3 joined the channel
# 16:34 [cleverdevil] Honestly, I think that latching onto the early popularity and steering it in a compatible, but improved direction is the best path, but I certainly don't want to tell you what to do with JF2 ?
# 16:35 ben_thatmustbeme considered that as part of the spec, but i really don't want to have to do that for all the json formats people have come up with
# 16:35 [cleverdevil] The thing is, if JSON Feed really, really catches on strong, then I think its worth bundling in the spec.
# 16:36 ben_thatmustbeme other side is I also need to write up sample of how to convert mf2 to jf2 feed, which is pretty simple as well
# 16:36 [cleverdevil] I started working on moving the Known implementation to match my latest updates in the github ticket last night.
# 16:37 ben_thatmustbeme then it can be a hosted service and anyone who had mf2 can just include a <link> tag to give them a valid jf2feed
# 16:37 Loqi [tantek] #13 consider adopting XRay format for HTML valued properties like 'content'
# 16:38 ben_thatmustbeme it would match jsonfeed better, and i don't see much reason for the full content-type really
snarfed joined the channel
wolftune, snarfed, asteres, adactio, jmelesky and calumryan joined the channel
# 17:10 dougbeal|iOS Talky iOS crashed
kants joined the channel
# 17:15 Zegnat dougbeal|iOS, you must have been the anonymous I saw joining for a split second.
snarfed and [barryf] joined the channel
# 17:18 [barryf] HWC London has begun. Here with calumryan and Justin (who's just setting up his rel=me).
# 17:18 dougbeal|iOS Demands a real browser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[javery] joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:44 [kevinmarks] I have most of a mf2 to jf2 converter, I just need to make it parse html directly
[eddie] joined the channel
# 17:48 Zegnat Just ended Virtual HWC EU time, I might post some notes on the wiki soon. Have some screenshots, nothing posed, will see if they are post-worthy.
# 17:49 Jeena wow, this went really good, especially because people kind of were at the same level and had some background.
# 17:49 sebsel yeah, it's hard to split a virtual HWC in groups, but it worked without splitting :)
# 17:50 Zegnat It was a little sad that there were some technical difficulties between Lukas and me especially
# 17:50 Zegnat Now to see where I will waste the rest of my IndieWeb evening on: Grav, Known, or maybe my own webmention endpoint
# 17:50 Loqi Grav is a flat-file CMS built on PHP, with Twig templating, and YAML + Markdown for storing articles (YAML for metadata, Markdown for the content) https://indieweb.org/Grav
# 17:51 Jeena I never got the databaseless website thingy but for each their own!
# 17:53 Zegnat I also find it limiting. I have a SQLite db I use for indexing my flatfile storage.
# 17:53 Zegnat I think Grav builds an object of *every* page on every load, and then just uses heavy caching to get around performance issues
# 17:55 Zegnat I’ll go have dinner first, so don’t worry about me working for you only, jeremycherfas ;)
EHLOVader joined the channel
wolftune, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 18:54 sebsel ohh, I got an IndieWeb like from Jeena :D always magic when it's not a bridgy one.
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 19:07 Zegnat So, on one end I really want to put our picture on the wiki. On the other hand, look at my face in Jeena’s screenshot ?
# 19:18 ben_thatmustbeme [kevinmarks] adding rels back in wouldn't do any good as its not xml. you need to use http headers for it
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 19:23 Jeena haha Zegnat, it's not easy to time it so everybody is in their spot, it's impossible to get everyone to look good at the same time ^^
# 19:24 Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] Yes: All being well, I will connect.
# 19:26 Loqi jeena has 38 karma in this channel (47 overall)
snarfed, cweiske and Garbee joined the channel
# 19:36 ben_thatmustbeme thinks people will be quite happy when they update to the new ruby parser, comes with a command line script too
calumryan joined the channel
[barryf] joined the channel
# 19:42 [barryf] Hey ben_thatmustbeme I've just updated this week and it helped fix a long term issue with nested values. Thanks!
AngeloGladding and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme and snarfed joined the channel
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# 20:43 gRegorLove [kevinmarks]: May not be much to discuss yet, but ben_thatmustbeme's working on jf2 profile and jsonfeed interop
# 20:43 gRegorLove Several readers and a podcast aggregator consuming jsonfeed now, could discuss pros/cons
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# 21:00 [kevinmarks] i think jsonfeed is too inside baseball, and I agree with aaron that we don't want to start a splitters row
# 21:05 tantek still ruminating on a productive way to add to issue 49 (re: jsonfeed)
# 21:07 tantek I think it will be along the lines of encouraging all experiments with attempting simpler solutions, formats or otherwise
snarfed joined the channel
todrobbins, snarfed, AngeloGladding and tantek joined the channel
# 22:28 schmarty !tell jjuran: HWC Baltimore remote link: appear.in/hwc-baltimore
# 22:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:29 schmarty HWC Baltimore is getting started with our quiet writing hour.
todrobbins, begriffs and sivoais joined the channel
wolftune and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 23:05 Loqi [chrisaldrich]: jeremycherfas left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: Do you post from Quill to Known? And does Quill recognise your Known syndication targets?
# 23:12 [chrisaldrich] !tell jeremycherfas I haven't used Quill in a while for that, but I could give it a try to see what I get. I believe it's worked it in the past.
# 23:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek joined the channel
# 23:29 Loqi jjuran: schmarty left you a message 1 hour ago: HWC Baltimore remote link: appear.in/hwc-baltimore
wolftune joined the channel
snarfed, eli_oat and begriffs joined the channel