2017-06-04 UTC
jgee joined the channel
# 00:24 GWG miklb: You want to do 'local' likes on your site?
# 00:45 miklb GWG well, I want to do a webmention like of a reply to my post
eli_oat joined the channel
# 00:45 miklb so instead of replying to a reply, a like of a reply. If that makes sense
eli_oat joined the channel
eli_oat, mlncn, mdik, gRegorLove, wolftune, snarfed1, sl007, strugee, sknebel, KartikPrabhu, tantek, sebsel, Kopfstein, catsup and glennjones joined the channel
squeakytoy, [kevinmarks] and davidmead joined the channel
# 12:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[eddie] and sandroh joined the channel
# 14:03 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek joined the channel
# 14:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 14:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[eddie] joined the channel
# 14:26 tantek [eddie]: #indieweb-chat is unlogged for IRC folks :)
# 14:26 tantek HWC discussion is ok to have here on the main #indieweb channel
# 14:27 [eddie] Ohhh haha. They were chatting about living locations and then HWC Baltimore was just mentioned casually
mlncn and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 14:53 aaronpk Zegnat: shouldn't be, but you have to be logged in to see those pages
# 14:53 Zegnat Shouldn’t those always return the status? In case the WM sender wants to check?
sknebel_2 joined the channel
sknebel joined the channel
# 15:08 Zegnat aaronpk, that one gives an error not found though, where it previously returned a correct status. So I was wondering if you drop them from the database at some point, or what is going on.
tantek joined the channel
# 15:42 Zegnat aaronpk, hmm, I wonder if there is some way you could return Gone instead of Not Found then. But that would require keeping a list of all IDs ever used
# 15:43 aaronpk if i encoded the timestamp it was created into the random string then i could
# 15:44 Zegnat "Gone" would better inform someone that a status page used to exist but that it was dropped (for whatever reason).
# 15:54 Zegnat asks in case he should download the session from his current location
# 15:59 aaronpk it means you might see an ad when you play the video
# 15:59 aaronpk thankfully they don't just take down videos with copyright infringements anymore, they put ads on them and give the ad revenue to the copyright holder
strugee joined the channel
# 16:11 Zegnat aaronpk, aah, I didn’t notice an ad but that could be my blocker set-up
# 16:12 Zegnat If they would have done as Twitch does and mute the infringing part of the VOD, that would have even helped us out with the eardrum killing volume change.
# 16:13 aaronpk haha yeah that sound was way louder than i expected
wolftune joined the channel
# 16:14 Zegnat I think adactio owes me a drink next time we meet, to make up for that blast :p
mlncn and leg joined the channel
# 16:52 GWG I am going to try to add some more display text to my media type posts today. I paused that last week
# 16:59 tantek GWG, good text design is very hard in general. You are not alone. microcopy design is related
# 17:00 GWG I am trying to map out formatting for a jam, scrobbling, and the video equivalent.
# 17:02 tantek GWG, one way to figure out good text design is to collect examples of silo text design, e.g. what silos do when they cross-post to Twitter (and thus have to turn their posts into short bits of text)
# 17:02 tantek this is how I figured out the text design for a /jam btw, by documenting what ThisIsMyJam did when cross-posting to Twitter
# 17:03 GWG I have been looking, but I also don't participate in those sorts of sites.
# 17:04 GWG For me, one of those types if I talk about it is more in Review territory
# 17:05 tantek GWG, others participate in those sorts of sites, you can ask for specific help with screenshots and such
# 17:07 GWG But I may start researching reviews, which I don't do, as part of this.
# 17:09 GWG The review page could use some love
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:36 GWG I want to add through the lens of self dogfooding
eli_oat joined the channel
squeakytoy2, keroberos, wolftune, AngeloGladding, begriffs, Pierre-O, lordabdul, initrd, plindner, rdesfo[m], dch, jcgregorio[m], bergie, Salt[m], finchd, kants, KartikPrabhu, M-hotzeplotz, M-mxuribe, JulianFoad[m], M-podviaznikov, takyoji[m], pniedzielski[m], mindB, myfreeweb, SpEcHiDe, M-tom, garlox[m], schmarty, afrogeek[m], j-hernandez[m], Guest86807[m], dgold[m], jaduncan[m], crasch[m], EHLOVader and davidmead joined the channel
# 21:36 schmarty tantek: eddie is correct, no HWC Baltimore this week. Next one is June 28. I'll update the wiki soon
ejd, EHLOVader, [kevinmarks] and mlncn joined the channel
# 23:00 GWG Dropbox just hit its last straw, so I installed owncloud locally.
# 23:02 miklb I recently discovered syncthing, need to put it into action. I rely on Dropbox still for some iOS app integrations, but not a lot. Could probably find an alternative.
# 23:02 miklb heh, good question. I **assume** I still rely on it :-)
# 23:03 miklb text editors, but they might support iCloud by now
# 23:06 miklb I realized last night the GitHub mirror of WP was broken, so switched to official git mirror so I can test against 4.8 better
# 23:08 miklb I have a pretty great git client on my phone, I could probably switch all of my txt/md files to a git repo and sync that way…
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 23:11 miklb GWG what was last straw for you with Dropbox?
EHLOVader and eli_oat joined the channel
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 23:44 miklb skippy no luck with any of the planet things?
# 23:45 skippy no. all would require me to dig into CSS to style the output. And that way lies madness, for me.
# 23:45 skippy i may cave and use a hosted reader, as much as it pains me.
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 23:57 miklb I have no qualms paying FeedWrangler for syncing my feeds, just never liked the web interface. There a few apps that support it.