2017-06-15 UTC
ricmac joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
pl joined the channel
benwerd and gRegorLove joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, tantek, KevinMarks and eli_oat joined the channel
mdik joined the channel
[gregorlove] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
benwerd, mdik and fzylogic_ joined the channel
dougbeal|mb1 and gucci_meow joined the channel
[sdepolo] joined the channel
# 01:42 [sdepolo] Hey kevinmarks been a while. You going to indieweb summit?
benwerd, j12t_ and fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 02:09 tantek biggest thing is that IndieWebSummit is coming up
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:11 tantek less that 10 tickets left for IWS per the website!
# 02:13 aaronpk i reconciled the indie RSVPs with tito registrations and added anyone to tito who hadn't registered themselves!
# 02:15 tantek I mean, de-duping RSVPs is an interesting use-case
# 02:15 aaronpk but we're gonna have to define the security requirements of this kind of stuff asap
# 02:15 tantek if I post two like posts of the same thing, does it get counted as two likes?
# 02:15 aaronpk i'd say it depends on whether the timestamp of the likes are displayed
# 02:16 aaronpk it's potentially interesting if someone liked a post a year later
# 02:16 gRegorLove Hey, I've seen people comment that they love something so much they wish they could like it again.
# 02:16 aaronpk on the indieweb, you can like posts as much as you want
# 02:21 tantek "out of the box" experience vs. privacy, liberty, etc.
pl joined the channel
# 02:31 tantek talking about cloud models being fundamentally flawed (not in the user's interest) due to their bias towards centralization, e.g. company consolidation
# 02:33 tantek j12t is floating interesting open source licensing variants like "GPL for individuals"
j12t joined the channel
# 03:04 aaronpk whoa, why haven't i ever thought about adding text to my food/drink posts before
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 03:04 aaronpk i didn't even have to write any code for this to work
j12t joined the channel
# 03:09 aaronpk still can't believe i'm going to amsterdam and back before IWS
snarfed, ricmac, begriffs and rrix joined the channel
wolftune, ricmac, marjolein and mblaney joined the channel
# 04:52 mblaney once I've liked something in my reader, it gets highlighted and also changed from a web action to a link to the permalink.... so I can't like things twice ;-)
# 04:52 mblaney (technically I could, but made it harder for myself!)
j12t, j12t_, loicm, tantek, snarfed, ricmac, rrix, benwerd, KartikPrabhu, fzylogic_, jihaisse and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
barpthewire, j12t, ricmac, sivoais and friedcell joined the channel
# 08:06 Loqi ok, I added "https://thenextweb.com/facebook/2017/06/14/london-blaze-shows-facebooks-safety-check-deeply-flawed/" to the "See Also" section of /safety_check
friedcell, j12t, ricmac and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 09:09 [kevinmarks] Safety check automates the process where geographically confused relatives ask if you're OK when something bad happens within 200 miles.
j12t, j12t_, [sebsel], ricmac and nitot_ joined the channel
j12t, loicm, jihaisse, ricmac and [markmhendrickso joined the channel
# 11:08 [markmhendrickso gregorlove let me know if i can help ? funny coincidence
# 11:09 [markmhendrickso re: plancast, events etc
mlncn, Garbee and ricmac joined the channel
# 11:17 [markmhendrickso hiya!
# 11:19 Zegnat Thanks again for making some time to hop on the call yesterday :)
# 11:31 [markmhendrickso thanks for having me! i'll try to make the full one next time
# 11:34 Zegnat Nice! If you have ideas for a different platform than talky.io let us know. Apparently Talky burns my limited bandwidth when the call gets bigger.
friedcell and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 11:43 [markmhendrickso i usually use google hangouts or skype for group video calls but i don't imagine they're open to anonymous callers, assuming that's important here?
friedcell joined the channel
# 11:53 Zegnat [markmhendrickso I would like to keep it as open as possible. Skype would require people to exchange contact info prior to HWC, right?
# 11:53 Zegnat On the other hand, we discussed Mumble, and I don’t know how easy that would be.
# 11:54 Zegnat burned through 5-ish GB of internet during yesterday’s call.
# 11:56 Jeena I don't recommend hangouts nor skype for meetings like this because they're propriatary and people need an account which not everybody wants to have.
# 11:56 Zegnat I am on 75 GB/month, approx, Jeena ;) So 5 GB for a single call is a little, uuhm.
# 11:57 Jeena sure but all video calls will be like that, mumble as audio only would help there a lot
friedcell joined the channel
# 11:59 Zegnat Anything not P2P would probably be better for me, I was probably streaming video to everyone one-by-one.
# 11:59 Zegnat I think mumble will have the audio go through the server? That would make me use way less bandwidth
# 12:01 sknebel yes, it does. an option for video might be nice, but efficient voice only is important as well
# 12:04 [markmhendrickso @zegnat it seems that with skype these days you can pass out a link to anyone who wants to join and contact exchange isn't needed (anymore?), but per @jeena's point, it's def proprietary and accounts are needed for everyone (i assume)
# 12:15 Zegnat Skype might also be a problem for Linux users, judging by petermolnar’s recent mumblings
# 12:15 sknebel does their web version (which rpesumably works with the link?) work on linux?
ricmac joined the channel
# 12:17 [markmhendrickso i haven't tried their web version for calls unfortunately, just messages
# 12:17 [markmhendrickso but it appears capable
# 12:24 sknebel discord also is quite popular recently. but also closed
singpolyma, loicm and DanC joined the channel
# 13:16 Zegnat Kongaloosh, you do HWC Edmonton right? Still on for the 20th? I would love to get that event page online :)
# 13:16 Zegnat !tell kongaloosh you do HWC Edmonton right? Still on for the 20th? I would love to get that event page online :)
# 13:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ricmac, Kopfstein, sebsel, friedcell, j12t, snarfed, eli_oat, tantek, wolftune, benwerd, KevinMarks and barpthewire joined the channel
benwerd, j12t and thebaer joined the channel
[markmhendrickso joined the channel
# 16:05 [markmhendrickso IndieWeb: Because Silos Round then Unround User Profile Pics Every 3 Years
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, benwerd and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove, ricmac and KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, ricmac, KevinMarks and mlncn joined the channel
ricmac, snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:33 schmarty i am guessing that everything after the "thanks" is aimed at everyone else.
benwerd, ricmac, KevinMarks, mlncn, KevinMarks_, thebaer, snarfed, friedcell, eli_oat, nitot, AngeloGladding and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:13 Zegnat Are the AltPlatform guys on IRC? They might need some help with IndieWebifying their WordPress
benwerd joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:25 [kevinmarks] they're small, they're grey, they're all fading away, twitter glyphs, twitter glyphs
sebsel, jmelesky, snarfed, ricmac, mlncn and wolftune joined the channel
wolftune, ricmac and benwerd joined the channel
benwerd, snarfed, wolftune, fzylogic_, tantek, gucci_meow, ricmac, j12t, j12t_, pl, gmack, friedcell and mlncn joined the channel
marjolein, kerozene, mlncn, wolftune, benwerd, snarfed, ricmac and tantek joined the channel