Zegnat!tell calumryan HWC London is on the event page for the 28th, as I believe you have a fixed location and are sticking to the schedule? If not, please let me know so London will not be a default include.
calumryanZegnat: June 28th location to be confirmed as we are probably moving to a different place that barryf will be able to confirm an address soon. RSVP-only due to security requirements at new venue.
Loqicalumryan: Zegnat left you a message 1 hour, 24 minutes ago: HWC London is on the event page for the 28th, as I believe you have a fixed location and are sticking to the schedule? If not, please let me know so London will not be a default include.
sknebelif I remember right what tantek wrote in the past, people just say where they want to go at the front desk and they'll send them there or call tantek to collect them if early
ZegnatIt is very much in the front of my mind because Maciej had to move a TechSolidarity meeting, as they didn't want to leave a record of who was showing up.
calumryanIt’s a slight drawback of the new venue but should hopefully be better for linking up with virtual HWC. Also using Eventbrite as an option for RSVPs for first-time people who may need assistance to use the wiki.
ZegnatOh, yes, please add more RSVP options when they come available. The wiki "problem" will probably get more discussion during the Leaders summit :)
ricmac, nitot, calumryan, eli_oat, snarfed, singpolyma, j12t and thebaer joined the channel
ben_thatmustbememy other thought was taking that and doing a similar one on top of another, rotate the other around , so W points up-right, M points down-left
gRegorLoveOne of the big reasons I like that method is it gets you to make *some* progress on a task without a lot of mental effort in organizing tasks, breaking them down into smaller tasks, etc.
tantekmy problem is that every day my list(s) like that grow MUCH faster than I can do things on them, and sometimes even faster than I can manage to iterate through to the end
tanteke.g. "There are no tasks you want to do before tidying your desk" <-- you have to have evaluated the rest of the items in the list to come to that conclusion
gRegorLoveI find that i skim the list. You get familiar with what's on it and after a few "What do I want to do more than X?" questions I know pretty well I've selected the thing I want to do next
tantekFVP has same problem: "The only task you want to do more than ..." <-- to conlude "only task ... more than", you are required to evaluate the remainder of the list.
tantekTwo more general flaws. 1. nearly any "productivity" system can be shown to seem to be working with a small (<100) list of items. 2. nearly any "system" you can make up and stick to consistently daily for 2+ weeks will work better than no / a haphazard / a reactive system, so that's not a good enough metric either.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-06-16.html
LoqiKongaloosh: tantek left you a message 6 days, 21 hours ago: could you create a wiki page for the next Edmonton HWC so we can include it in various listings (homepage, events, weekly newsletter etc.) https://indieweb.org/events/2017-06-20-homebrew-website-club
LoqiKongaloosh: Zegnat left you a message 1 day, 7 hours ago: you do HWC Edmonton right? Still on for the 20th? I would love to get that event page online :)
ZegnatJust noticed the newsletter doesn’t list the Virtual HWC for the 28th. I apparently keep forgetting to put events on the page that the newsletter reads. I think it missed Ft Collins last time too. gRegorLove, great wiki editor, what page do I keep missing?
gRegorLoveIf you use Gandi as registrar for .io domains, check the whois privacy. There was a technical migration at the nic.io registry and rules there chagned which deactivated protected whois. Gandi still offers their own protected whois, though. https://twitter.com/FiloSottile/status/875817797745553408
ZegnatSo do I just add | event_location4 = Baltimore and | event_location5 = Virtual (CEST) ? Or must it match headers on the day page, so Baltimore MD and nothing usefull for virtual?
Zegnatsknebel; Basically: I have no idea how to get any event to show up in the newsletter. Apparently I need to update the {{one-day-event}} template on /events but I am not sure how
ZegnatMostly, I would like to have Virtual show up on the newsletter. As well as London, as calumryan has confirmed London is happening, barryf just needs to confirm the address.